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Everything posted by Thor

  1. Fletchinder was removed on purpose. A top tier battler was never supposed to be so easily spawnable. They're in unknown place in place of sylveon spawns now.
  2. probably because youre on windows 8. My PC (uses old standard core2quad) running windows 7 and PRO records max 7% CPU usage
  3. i also would like to see something like this.
  4. Client side modding will never be a thing, we have a gifted spriting and graphics team who are working hard behind the scenes to create more content. Adding things require client updates, everything that gets worked on gets added in those intervals. Drawing animations take a while, the reason the more popular moves hwve been done first is because, well theyre more popular :p Currently we're focused on both creating content, and fixing and adding features. We only have 1 client/server developer, whereas we have a good 15 people on the content side of things. Music therefore takes a back seat.
  5. the blue ball of doom known as voltorb.
  6. yes...yes im playing it too.
  7. this will most likely happen in the future.
  8. Blue is still running on older server hardware, we will be buying an upgraded unit (comparable to what Red is running on) in the near future, possibly within a month. Shane has done a lot of work on the back end code, which is why the servers have crashed a lot less than before, but blue is still on the older hardware, so it cant take the influx of users we are getting. Please be patient while we wait for the new hardware.
  9. Game crashes because you have windows 10, following the guide posted by other users should help.
  10. My 15 year old low end benchmark PC (intel pentium 4 2.8ghz single core CPU, Nvidia FX5200 GFX) can run PRO fine at 30fps, my current PC runs 2 PRO clients at a stable 550 FPS (using an 8 year old intel core2quad CPU, and a 2 year old GFX card (geforce GT730 gen 2)), so unless you're running stone age hardware the fog shouldnt be a problem.
  11. basically listing everything that i had done in the last 2 days. I prefer to change stuff and let players find out for themselves, little thing called suprise :) Plus I don't look for praise on my changes, so theres that also.
  12. That is what happens in absolutely every game ever made, better items/monsters will flood the game over time. your suggestion is therefore rejected on the basis that this happens in every online game ever made.
  13. I dont really get how this would ruin the game more than the pop ups send by the staff regarding rules or "all-chat-jokes". At the beginning of the beta (and propably even before that) staff randomly sent rage faces to the screens of the community. THAT was annoying. This anti bot suggestion is actually the first suggestion regarding this topic I've read so far which has potential. this was why they were removed and we have policies in place about usage of the system messages. I (along with more than 2/3 of the internet) hate the capcha system. most of the time it doesnt work. and what if legit people dont fill it out in time? what then?. This is why we have our GM team constantly hunting for individuals. if you saw our reports center you would see just how many are being banned on a daily basis.
  14. um, no. That is a classic example of ruining the game for everyone else.
  15. thats kind of the whole point, this was also why fletchinder was recently removed.
  16. Who's Thorn? Anyway, these are actually fair suggestions, especially the ranked ladder display. I will pass this on to shane.
  17. I love recognizing a dialogue written by Naero :Heart: The dialogues in PRO are actually worth reading unlike the original games :p We love the Naeroisms (yes, they have a name even lol)
  18. ^ We have bikes, we have mounts (for donating and unlocking). we don't need this. also FYI in the near future we will also have different coloured bikes (so you don't have to stick with the default red one)
  19. !. Certain HMs are hard coded into the client, which is why they act the way they do. Dig and headbutt however, are not (they aren't even HMs for that matter). they are NPC coded, which require levels of interaction, and before you say 'well why dont you do the same with dig etc' that is because only the client developer would have access to them then, not scripters like we have now (which believe me is much easier to zero in on any potential errors and fix) 2. What you're suggesting here, is a visual function which serves no real purpose other than to look nice, and while you have a point, it isn't that important compared to other things that need to be done first. 3. Certain characters and dialogues are INTENTIONALLY done like that to (exactly what you pointed out) to portray a snobbish attitude. This will not be changed.
  20. Idea rejected. Nobody and i mean NOBODY should ever be guaranteed the best item from from a boss. Clearly people have never played MMOs before, and the grind to get something decent from battles and other things., This was what Arnie wanted to create, and me to continue with that concept.
  21. Anyone playing Pokemon Go will instantly recognise where these are from. I designed these with a similar concept in mind, i.e they give a couple of random items. They reappear after a few days and you can reclaim another couple of random items. More will be added over the coming days.
  22. i believe this was discussed months ago, and something like this will be done in the future. It's not high on the priority list however
  23. Thor

    My little project

    1. You are allowed to record game videos and post it on youtube. 2. No, private servers arent possible and will never be.
  24. i actually added it as a testbed feature not literally half an hour ago. People playing Pokemon Go will instantly see what i was going for here :) It will give you a little bit of information about the location, and then give you 2 free items for stopping by.
  25. Re: Updated Dig Spots! *Informations, treasures and more" <t>haha, arnie V2, i like it :p I hope to do well.<br/> <br/> Anyway route 15 was indeed rolled back, so i fixed that.<br/> <br/> tanoby key and then johto will be done in the coming days.<br/> icefall cave and ice path will depend on whether the correct assets are in the current client build.<br/> <br/> hoenn will only have dig spots in granite cave, and maybe cave of origin. That is it, as digging is a predominantly kanto/johto thing.<br/> <br/> Headbutt trees will also be added, although less so than in previous regions.</t>
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