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Everything posted by Thor

  1. thanks for the idea, I will look into doing this
  2. Re: Updated Dig Spots! *Informations, treasures and more" <r><QUOTE author="straatlamp"><s> </e></QUOTE> seems im updating stuff now :P<br/> <br/> will get to the errors shortly</r>
  3. you will see a few updates from me in the coming days and weeks :) dig spots were also updated in water path also.
  4. venepede already is, in viridian forest i believe (headbutt)
  5. I believe this topic suggestion has been mentioned before. From what i have read, it has been answered multiple times by Arnie. It simply isnt possible to grab the cooldown timer from each and every individual NPC and have them accessible from 1 NPC, data that isnt a stored variable cannot be accessed except from when directly interacting with one. Wait time is stored differently.
  6. i believe electrode used to be clefable
  7. Thor

    about HM02

    fly has already been discussed repeatedly and already added to the 'things that will never be added to PRO' topic.
  8. i remember back on pokemon gold (i think) there was a fisher who wanted to see the biggest magikarps. I guess we could create a way to calculate average height and weight due to their overall stats or a stat in a particular set.
  9. Since Goodras evolution was just added, i am sure we will add its evolution in shortly. Bear in mind this game is still under heavy development, and things are missing.
  10. Thor

    speed up

    no, wont happen. Players who go faster would gain an advantage, and therefore it isnt fair on others. denied.
  11. Thor

    iOS PRO

    not possible, maybe apple should open up their OS to 3rd party applications :)
  12. there is currently 22 bosses ingame, and will be at least 5 more when hoenn opens, and more when i get around to adding them. also, bosses give money so we wont be having double the influx of money just because people want to battle them sooner.
  13. Its an interesting concept, but for a game, it doesnt work. Also, FYI we dont want to make the game easy, nintendo has tailored the recent games towards young children to pick up and play, but not good for hardcore pokemon enthusiasts, as it is literally so simple to beat.
  14. Here"s the issue with this: The way the wait time function is checked, it is dependant on a set value to check. If we put multiple wait times (as is currently on Naero's boss, we cannot show cooldown times. Also, due to the addition of more bosses in the future, and the monetary gains from some, this will most likely increase money output by up to 50% through bosses. So, unfortunately although you put forward a valid case, this will unlikely happen.
  15. or, simply delete the items? There is a trash option in the item bag :)
  16. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS JESSIE AND JAMES !!] <t>I will be taking over Arnies duties with Bosses and stuff.<br/> <br/> More will be coming in the future, watch this space</t>
  17. I resent Red an older version of that map (with new spots in), but when i get some time to properly assess what needs to be fixed immedialtely i will get on to it.
  18. Btw. any updates for digspots soon? :) yes, within the next day or so, i should have fixed/updated all sevii sites. and then i will get to work on johto.
  19. when i finish updating the maps, dig spots will require 3 badges from the region you are in. They currently require 2, and you dont have enough.
  20. it isnt a bug. it is like that because of android users, and people who may have overscaled it.
  21. This is something we might consider exploring in the future.
  22. I think we have plans to upgrade to 6 hotkeys (i guess that is why we have 6 action keys in the controller setup). but 9 might be a little too many for smaller screens
  23. Thor

    Dig Spots

    I will be taking over Arnie's good work and fixing/updating all dig spots. Hopefully I can do just as good a job.
  24. i thought this was Pokemon, not harry potter :p Its not as easy as just adding an item to bypass NPCs, since each and every NPC would have to be rescripted, any decent NPC bypass would cost pokemoney to use anyway.
  25. it will try to evolve every level, depending on what time of day, it will either be espeon or umbroen
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