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Everything posted by Thor

  1. no, those legendaries are never catchable. There will ever only be 1 ingame. Those players who do have them, were given them due to the sizeable contributions made to this game, either content wise, or through diligent moderation.
  2. Thor


    most likely not. It would destablize any budding economy on blue if mega rich players from red came over.
  3. not possible. NPCs are within maps, not the client. they are 2 seperate layers.
  4. they are already. but since it took me over a year to draw the original tileset. its going to take a while
  5. 1. Right now, Kanto, Johto and Sevii are accessible (Sevii islands is for membership players). Hoenn is close to being released, also. 2. Again, right now only Mew is catchable. However we have a system in place where eventually most <= 600 base stat legendaries will be catchable. Any legendary that has 601 base or more, will not be catchable. Only 1 species of that pokemon type will be in PRO. For example, there is a player with a Mewtwo, a player with a Lugia and a player with a Giratina ingame. Those will be the only species of those pokemon to ever be ingame. - More legendary based quests will be added in the near future, you can already start quests for Celebi and the legendary dogs. - With the legend trios (dogs, birds, regi etc), you will only get to capture one of them. So, barring any legend obtained from a tornament, you wouldn't be able to own an Articuno and a Zapdos, but you could own an Articuno and a Raikou. - Legends are untradeable, this is to prevent profiteering. - Each catchable legend encounter is a SINGLE encounter. You kill it, you don't get a second chance. Hope this clears some things up, from an official source :P
  6. This has been asked many times. and the answer is simply: No. Locked
  7. They are boss battles. Ultra hard PvE battles for when you have reached milestones they look for. Some require you have lvl 100s, some require a certain amount of gametime. some require pokedex count etc.
  8. Thor


    this already happens. you only see max 30 people in a map.
  9. Nope. Legendaries are meant to be hard to get, so the gametime requirement is a must.
  10. No. This has been suggested many times, and every time shot down. This is a F2P game, and will remain that way.
  11. gyarados needs aqua tail, not surf. basically what i see here is that youve put a bunch of moves on pokemon that dont suit the moveset. Alakazam has a really poor attack stat, so psycho cut is useless. Replace with recover, doesnt need confusion and psybeam, replace with seismic toss and psyshock. it also has the completely wrong nature. basically the Kazam is trash. Gyarados is a physical pokemon, u have special attack based moves on him (gyarados SPATK is weak as hell) that is why u have no power. Clefable is dependant on the way it is set up. Its moveset can either be physical, or special. not both. Moonblast is its best special based move clefable can learn, so thats good. i would also stick Cosmic Power on it, and fire blast/flamethrower instead of meteor mash and gravity. Raichu is also set up weirdly. If its a starter pikachu that evolved into raichu, get it taught surf, get rid of electro ball. Gengar is OK, just need to replace hex with something better, like psychic I beat E4 with a Gyarados, Arcanine and a Persian, all around lvl 80. As long as theyre set up optimally, it doesn't matter what you have
  12. I would first start by looking at all other pokemon MMOs out there, then find out their server sizes, and how long they've been out. Some have less than 500 server capacity, and have been out for 6+ years. We have been out in beta for 7 months. 7 months and we have already upgraded our original server 3 times, bought a new webserver, bought a second server to deal with the influx. We have 3600 capacity across 2 servers. for a fan made MMO, that is a huge number. We aren't a specialised company, we are hobbyists doing this in our spare time. If you don't like it, find something else to play. Also the AFK timers are there so that server space hogging isn't a thing. The queues would be a lot worse if ther wasn't an AFK timer.
  13. use the 'gui scale' option
  14. no. the servers arent connected other than account info. which means items bought on a server, stays on that server
  15. it took me a week to find a decent hidden ability Goldeen. it doesnt take that long at all. nidoran isnt as common as magikarp or gastly though. Those pokemon are also incredibly easy to counter.
  16. we dont give refunds. Theres a warning right on the homepage to expect crashes at any moment and that we don't refund playtime losses. This game is in beta. If you can't understand that then you've come to the wrong place.
  17. short answer: No, it wont be changed
  18. no, there never was. iphones (apart from the 6s and SE) lack the RAM PRO needs to run it. coupled with the fact that we would need to get it published for it to install. releasing it for jailbroken devices is also not an option
  19. i said plural, because if you have progressed enough, you would find that there are beginning quests for Celebi, and the legendary dogs. Although these arent catchable at this time.
  20. If u mean multi-clienting, its allowable for use of trading between ur other account, for example.
  21. also, we dont use gen 6 numbers here
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