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Everything posted by Thor

  1. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS CHUCK, ELM !!] <t>ah good, Lorelei Prizes have been updated properly :) you might appreciate one of her prize pools. since they were only previously available at Xmas.</t>
  2. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS CHUCK, ELM !!] <r><QUOTE author="no123"><s> </e></QUOTE> hey arnie :) as i saw that many ppl complain about how when server crashes or the error on chuck which was fixed already but still,you dont get rewarded and have to wait 2 weeks again.<br/> my idea is-in the implementation you can add a try/catch and when an error occurs you can reset the timer so we can have our chance to at least rebattle it and the prize we earned.<e> </e></QUOTE> Its very difficult to do that via scripting. It is possible, but the way that makes it possible also makes it possible to 'fake lose' against them therefore wont be happening.</r>
  3. 1. LOL 2. This is indeed intentional to stop what you yourself mentioned. 3. Swagikarp is Chappys signature pokemon.
  4. windows XP isnt officially supported. If PRO works, it works, but any weird glitches will not be acted upon due to XP not being a supported OS. and realistically, XP is 15 years old. Should be on Vista at minimum by now.
  5. route 46? i will check these i should also finish Mt silvers ones today also. Shinies arent possible from trees. and it was a choice. Uses the same function as the mew encounter, and we dont want any shiny legendaries in the game.
  6. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS ERIKA, LORELEI !!] <t>yes, it should do, calls the same function used in the fossil script :)</t>
  7. Or...you could open the pokedex, use it, then close it when its not needed :p there is literally no other point to this other than an unneeded addition. Shane has a lot more things to do than make this. MAYBE, in the far future when he has ran out of things to code, then a QoL update such as this would make it in, otherwise i doubt this will happen.
  8. Electric does normal damage against Rock types. Electric doesnt affect Ground types. Try hitting a magcargo or an Omastar :) also, theres a type effectiveness chart for a reason. Lurn2pokemon
  9. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS ERIKA, LORELEI !!] <t>you need to be johto champ to get in the building, and at least 300hours to battle him.<br/> <br/> there is no longer 301, 151, 201 etc. i fixed all those</t>
  10. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS ERIKA, LORELEI !!] <t>thats because i havent edited me yet :p</t>
  11. most likely not, no. Windows XP is a 15 year old OS, we support Windows Vista at minimum. if PRO works on XP, great. but we wont listen to any glitches or problems on XP machines.
  12. already been rejected before.
  13. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS ERIKA, LORELEI !!] <t>Wargreymon still has his original prizes, i just added more to him.</t>
  14. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS ERIKA, LORELEI !!] <t>Android users will not see anything. Either use a PC or wait for client update.</t>
  15. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS ERIKA, LORELEI !!] <t>So, like the recent changes?</t>
  16. In the anime, there was a surfing pikachu. Pokemon Yellows Pikachu could be taught surf.
  17. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS ERIKA, LORELEI !!] <t>Fixed chuck error. Should be uploaded soon.</t>
  18. its fixed, will be uploaded shortly
  19. Thor

    Golds gym

    thats because its not accessible yet
  20. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS ERIKA, LORELEI !!] <t>Everything that was mentioned should be updated sometime today.<br/> <br/> Except for Red, i need to redo his encounter stuff entirely. So that will come later.<br/> <br/> Heres what actually being changed:<br/> <br/> - Several Bosses will also give money as prizes (in addition to the item/pokemon)<br/> - 2 new bosses will become available (You will have to find these yourselves).<br/> - Deathwing and Wargreymon have been given prize updates, and Wargreymon has actually been fixed, one of the original item prizes had a scripting error.<br/> - One of the new Bosses will also additionally give access to a Discount Vitamin seller, and Rare Candy seller (however won't be available straight away, I have to wait until the map is ingame to make the shops)<br/> <br/> Max Money prize should be about 10k, and money prizes are given even if the 'no item' chance is triggered, additionally Deathwing has had it's 'no item' chance lowered.</t>
  21. I think we could do something like this, then Twitch streamers would have a proper place to go also
  22. Damn, and i was just about to nuke your boss NPC off the face of kanto :(
  23. android doesnt download maps, either use a PC or wait until the next client update
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