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Everything posted by Thor

  1. This forum is no place to discuss other pokemon game ideas. What would be the point of discussing a game that doesn't exist, nor will most likely ever exist?
  2. rooting is only hard if you dont know what youre doing, or lack common sense and dont take precautions to avoid anything bad happening.
  3. Thor

    Help plz

    My boss gives up to 4 leftovers. So not a bug, you just got lucky, thats all
  4. if you think 350 hours is a lot, wait until you try to get one of the legendary dogs, they require 1000 hours+ We put this restriction in so only the most dedicated of players would be rewarded with the best pokemon. If any player could just come in, play for a week and can get a 600 BST pokemon, then what would be the point? I have seen other pokemon games do exactly this and they turned to shit, and i have also seen pokemon games that refuse to release legendaries altogether, and they turned to shit too. At least this way players have something to strive for.
  5. you would have to ask a staff member to move you back into that room, so you can claim the scope
  6. thats because you actually broke the quest. using an escape rope at that instance messes your progress up since you didnt finish all that was required (i.e getting eevee and picking up the scope)
  7. just delete the client and redownload. data is saved server side.
  8. 1. already done, will be in next client update. 2. this would require instancing, something that would be nice, however not required at this stage. a feature for the future for sure. 3. not needed, people can create their own chats. 4. this is planned for the future (and pretty much in the exact way you described). 5. not needed, would render moves like thief and covet useless.
  9. no. bike road only lets bikes through. no pay to gain here :) (apart from MS stuff obviously)
  10. this is actually a fair idea. I will speak to shane and ask how possible it would be.
  11. I rek them with lugia, but as you can't do that, there are some other options. all involving predicting pokemon switches and counters.
  12. the trains were reduced to 2.5k (its still 5k to change regions)
  13. Clearly you don't see just how much is required. The android port takes ages to load because it loads everything required into memory (~750MB worth of data). there are some shader effecte that require a gfx card, so a netbook simply isnt good enough. PRO was built for slightly more powerful hardware. my computer is from 2010 yet can run it at 600 fps.
  14. Thor

    VIP status

    i see absolutely no reason as to why we need to do this.
  15. well remembered :) this is exactly why we dont post logs anymore.
  16. I use a Galaxy Note 4. and PRO works fine on mine. but i have cyanogenmod 12.1
  17. CyanogenMod is really easy to install, however if you have no knowledge of modding phones, there is not much point in potentially having a very expensive paperweight just to play PRO. there is however another way to do it, without rooting. I havent tried it however i have had some users say that this works. Android can install custom launchers. I recommend going onto the play store and installing a launcher such as Apex or Nova (or sail the seven seas and get the Pro versions for free ;)). then, go into apps, and force close and disable Touchwiz. <---- DO THAT LAST. then, make your new launcher the default one. I personally recommend nova launcher, as I use that one and have no problems with PRO.
  18. it has already been explained that it is not possible. headbutt tree pokemon are contained within NPC data, not map data.
  19. you now have to beat Red in mt silver. before you didnt have to.
  20. 1. We will be having an auctionhouse in PRO soon, so this is unnecessary 2. Anything relating to breeding, or the concept of breeding is an instant no. It has already been mentioned that anything related to breeding (except for egg moves, for which there is a tutor ingame) is auto-rejected and not negotiable in any way, shape or form.
  21. we already have a system and a proposed system for legends in place. therefore no need to discuss. locked.
  22. guess hoenn will have some, but other places could use some too i guess like victory road or mt. silver Indeed, I think that dig holes kinda forgotten :P i already said once ive done trees, i will do more dig spots.
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