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Everything posted by Thor

  1. this isnt a problem. the afk kick is designed to remove selfish players who arent actively playing out of the game so that others can actually play. any ways other than playing the game to avoid being afk will result in punishments this is to ensure that everyone gets fair access and treatment.
  2. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS BRUNO, OAK !!] <t>yeah, my boss is a little buggy atm, its nowhere as strong as it should be. so enjoy it while its like it is now :p</t>
  3. this was designed with android in mind also. i too would like a keyboard based battle system, but its just more ergonomic to use the analogue ranges the mouse provides. also means its touchscreen compatable.
  4. not possible. headbutt pokemon are stored in NPC scripts, not map data. it was made this way on purpose.
  5. let me ask you this. why would you install an OS, that you have no idea how to use? Linux isnt windows. Linux is mainly a command line based OS. I suggest installing windows 7, then your user experience would be best if you arent proficient with linux
  6. Thor

    NPC rematching

    we're going to be working on something to this affect fairly soon. we have our hands full with hoenn atm.
  7. We havent long since pretty much DOUBLED our potential max capacity for players (we used to only have the 1 server with 1900 players), now we can fit 3500+ in with the 2 servers. Sometime fairly soon, we might get a 3rd one. but not until we have released hoenn, and done some other things. So, for now just hang tight :)
  8. other channel is for other languages.
  9. about 35 hours. did it with a Gyarados, Persian and Shadow Lugia. all about lvl 75
  10. double battles will be a thing. requires major server rewrites however, so wont be available for a while. also...the map name is already displayed wherever you go...so i dont know what youre asking here.
  11. Thor

    hurt eyes

    i used to use a 210, and a dual core processor. still got 240-360fps on PRO. there must be something else wrong. what else are you running in the background?
  12. this most likely wont happen, but you never know.
  13. maybe i need to go and nerf these just a little bit then.
  14. PRO doesn't support non HID controllers. Since xbox 360 ones fall into that category, that is why it doesn't work
  15. Thor

    hurt eyes

    PC specs? i have a PC with 2008-2014 parts in, i get 600fps top out. Only a junk PC wouldnt run PRO smooth
  16. Thor


    uh...yeah we actually have got like 5-6 different colour bikes. they were just never added. I would like to get these added at some point in the very near future.
  17. Thor

    Spawn rate

    the point of the early membership access to pokemon, is that you find them earlier, not easier. Theyre rare for a reason. If we did your idea, we would create a 2 tier game immediately, making non-members seem like the lesser player. Membership is there for little non-game affecting boosts. That is all
  18. this may appear in Hoenn, however this isnt a current planned thing to add.
  19. the cut tree and dig spots are 2 mechanically different things. Cut is hardcoded into the client, so the client controls the action. Dig spots are NPC objects, and NPCs cannot do anything without prior checks. So what you are asking would be simply impossible. Same goes for Headbutt trees
  20. its not a bug, there is just no delay in the data showing. Visually it looks weird, but mechanically it isnt broken.
  21. pineco isnt MS btw. pineco can be found in a lot of the headbutt trees, so just a bit of luck is needed.
  22. epic should be 25+ in every stat, with correct nature/ability.
  23. this is because the battle is a noexp battle. you arent supposed to win it anyway, but in the event you do, the outcome acts like a loss anyway.
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