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Everything posted by Bhimoso

  1. +1, why not.
  2. Bhimoso

    New boss

    -1, bosses currently are honestly a problem for the economy, they have borderline no individual idenity and honestly need a redesign before more bosses are released. Also, Gen 8 is hot garbo, change my mind. We also don't have Gigantamax.
  3. Completed.
  4. Insta swablu, will pick it back when I'm back from the gym
  5. 200k Swablu
  6. Karrablast 400k
  7. @Oc4rina I'm working on this daily! But it's gonna take me months to complete lol.
  8. Okay will also buy the Meganium for an experiment And the Ninetales if you discount them both and I can buy them both together for 1 cc ^
  9. I honestly don't need it but just to add it to my pokemon bank, @Celestic mind if I buy the Absol for 1 CC? (just 20k less), available in Silver rn ^also to help a friend lmao
  10. Today's bump!
  11. @Obywon You won the auction, contact me in Discord to find a place and time to complete the trade: Bhimoso#0136
  12. Less than an hour remaining, and it's the only bump I can do since this auction lasts less than 24 hours :c
  13. Started 12:09 GMT+2 PM Ends: 18:09 GMT+2 PM
  14. Start: 1k Min Bid: 1k Duration: 6 hours from the start bid No Insta Only Pokedollars
  15. Le bumpeau oui oui baguette omelette du fromage
  16. Trade done, I was in the kitchen , sorry for the delay lol
  17. @Pasokoss I'm in Silver ingame in Rustboro in Hoenn (or just add me in discord Bhimoso#0136)
  18. Insta, will pay in CC
  19. Today's bump!
  20. No nature, unfortunately unusable.
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