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Everything posted by Bhimoso

  1. I think there could be a comma or a small separation after 3 0's, as a way to count them. (I do not know if this currently is since I have a really bad eyesight).
  2. +1 to the idea, every time I check All Chat it's everyone showing checking the hidden power or just to fill the chat in general.
  3. Thank you! Both accounts would only be to trade items and money through both, one would just be stationary and I would sometimes talk in my alliance chat, I'd be playing on the one doing dig spots and pokestops. That was everything I needed to know!
  4. Before the thread is closed, I'd like to ask: is it allowed to have one account open on one client and go through the story with another account on the other client, trade pokemons to help each account and help yourself with both accounts? Thank you for the amazing work Fluffles!
  5. Welcome to the Raiders Alliance! About us We're an international alliance of small guilds formed by more than 1900 active PRO members focused on PVE, PVP and Community based fun. We're a really big and extended open family in Gold Server and Silver Server. We're open to absolutely anyone to join our alliance, no matter if you just started in Pallet Town or have 3000 hours into the game. Come and have fun with us! Services Our alliance has a massive amount of members, and for this reason we also provide an astonishing amount of services in both servers. We have Dex Services, Leveling Services, Training Services, Teaching, EV Training, Shops, Poké Bank, Poké Lending... We have absolutely anything you may need. We even have people in the alliance who are dedicated solely towards these! Discounts are made for members, and the longer you stay with us and climb up our rank system, the better and cheaper they are! Applying/Requirements To apply for the Guild, you must join our discord via the link provided: https://discord.com/invite/hmGQGsR The only requirement is that you behave and respect the rules, each individual guild in the Alliance has their own requirements and so, you can ask each leader to know them. Remember to join the discord! It is OBLIGATORY! If needed, make a new account! We'll also invite you to the official server You can also fill in the next questions (if you feel like it). 1.- What's your progress in story? 2.- Why do you want to join us? 3.- Have you been in any other guilds? 4.- What's your favorite part about PRO? 5.- Are you experienced in Pokemon? Other Info Our guild is currently open to make alliances with ANY guild on ANY server. We're specially open to new guilds or newbie guilds, casual-oriented guilds and people who are starting on the game, big communities of people as long as they're friendly, behave properly and try to communicate and get into us. We'll make you a space in discord for all of your members, set your channels and permissions and give you powers to set up your community. You can move all your members if you already had an existing discord! List of Guilds: Royal Raiders (PvP Ladder Guild) Storm Raiders Broke Raiders Tornado Raiders Doom Raiders Elemental Raiders Milky Raiders Darth Raiders Pyro Raiders Imperium And more! WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY WITH US!
  6. Monotype teams exist in competitive play, they're really fun to play around. All pokémon must share one type, the other one can be any type. I think it's a fun way to play your favourite pokémon types or strategies while forcing yourself into harder situations (Imagine yourself playing with a fighting team against a ghost team) and try to overcome another team that might just sweep you 6-0 because your type does not favour it. I love playing sand teams with only Rock, Steel and Ground types for fun, in PVE and PVP, since some really easily sweep certain bosses as if they were nothing. (Rain teams vs Brock, for example). I think they are worth trying out for fun in PVP, but in the long run people in PRO will know you only use monotype teams and if they find you in ranked they might know what you'll go for the 100% of the time.
  7. Seeing this post bumped again, I'm an English teacher born in Spain (so native knowledge of both languages) and I'd be willing to help out!
  8. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Ztaziz Friendliest: LightningVector Funniest: TheDrive Coolest: Sudowont Comeback Player of the Year: MoltenM3tal Most Talkative: LightningVector Most Trustworthy: LightningVector Most Helpful: Ztaziz Most Missed: Tryhardd Most Influential: Sgarac Most Intriguing: Belzebel Most Experienced Player: Ztaziz Best/Funniest Username: Drsmoothnelson Most Professional Guide Maker: SyaoranLi Most Professional Discord Moderator: LightningVector STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Zekray Best Artist: YuliFelwood Best Community Coordinator: Fluffles Best Moderator: Qeight Best Trade Moderator: SaltySully Best Game Master: Letrix Best Admin: Nebulas Best Staff Username: SaltySully Most Professional Staff: Shane Most Dedicated Staff: WalrossKastanie Funniest Staff: Nebulas Friendliest Staff: Nebulas Most Honorable Former Staff: Calahan Most Missed Former Staff: Calahan
  9. Well, now this is sad... I hope you only temporarily leave and will soon come back :(. I've enjoyed talking to you in discord the only few times we've talked in the general chat with other discord mods joking around together. It's a sad day for PVP Ladder now... come back soon Glogs!
  10. But better later than never lol. Hi! My name is Bhimoso, I've been playing on a few accounts for 3 years now on this game, but I've played hardcore 24/7 from May of this year. I am the current owner of the Raiders Alliance in Gold Server (with 6 guilds in total) and I felt that, after all these months I should've really said hi! I already know some people from discord (some of the best people I've met in this game, hi Luke, Keita, sgarac, Dunsparce, Rachel, Mage...) and some from forums (Qeight is the best moderator please just promote him already lol. Also prehax too, great work on spawns! Just give me more larvitars :D). I've also met a ton of people ingame but they already know me :) I'm about to be 23, planning on doing a birthday event in the 13th of November (I still don't know what to do though), irl English Teacher and pokémon master 24/7. I also do weightlifting as a hobby lol. I hope I'll stick playing to this game for a long time and that my guild and alliance reach the top :) also to meet new Gold people who might be interested in reaching the top of the server and coming along with us! I also look forward to meeting some mods :) I've met some ingame and they all were really friendly!
  11. Good luck with new people and I hope you can become a big guild! =P
  12. Auction Cancelled! Found a better boss sweeper but I will save this one :) (Also, lack of buyers in first almost 24 hours already showed nobody would buy it xD) A mod can close or delete this chat, I was too greedy asking for too much money =P
  13. Starting Price: 300k Minimum Bid: 100k Insta: 1.2 mill I reserve the right to cancel the auction before 48 hours if I'm not satisfied with the price. (If it goes over 1 mill I'll sell it 100% sure) If there are 5+ bids in less than 48 hours, it will extend to 72 to give opportunities to bid more (Yes, I really want money, lol.) I can accept 200k per coin capsule. If insta is met, poke is sold. PM me ingame if you want to bid more or comment here. Nick ingame: Bhimoso. Also discord: Bhimoso#6663 but I'd prefer to be Pm'd ingame or commented here. Reduced start to 300, insta 1.2 mil
  14. Hi! Now that I'm home, I've been able to provide some screenshots :) I've highlighted the three circles: The bigger one was the area where I would get stuck the most, my player would just get stuck there and do nothing, I'd be completely blocked to perform any action. The two smaller ones are where less of the crashes happened. I was completely unable to cross this zone, not by any means, I just couldn't get through it. If I swam to the right of the circles nothing happened, I even had to wait like 3 minutes to get a single encounter, but the game atleast didn't crash. If you need anything else just please ask me :)
  15. Hello! We finally managed to solve the guild issue by following your instructions, though it sometimes still bugs and does not work until you try it a bunch of times. Some users also strangely seem to be prone to being affected by this bug. Don't close this topic yet: I am not currently at home so from my phone I can't take good screenshots, but when I get home I'll try to take screenshots and post them there to show the exact spots where the bug in Route 218 happened and how I got rid of it. So please leave this open even if you answer: I immediately thought that maybe a script related to one of the trainers got messed up after I battled it, so the game would register that I was still in a pokemon battle in that route while I had left it. As I tried it many times, there's a part in the water where there are a few plants underwater and you can see them clearly. I will try to provide screenshots later. If I tried to go across that zone, I would be frozen as if I were in the same conditions as a Pokemon battle, I could do all the other stuff you can do in a battle but I could not progress further. I decided to go to the rightmost part of route 218 and force random encounters by surfing for a while on the water (this took a couple minutes) and defeated a few pokemons before I crossed the route, and it seemed to be fixed. This is why I think it was something related to a battle in the route: I didn't suffer any bugs in any other areas and I tested all types of encounters. I hope this helps :)
  16. I know this is not the most appropriate place but I'm reporting it here so that it can be moved and answered to the correct section: The first bug we're having is in a guild of our alliance, Air Raiders. It is affected by the promotion bug, Sailorgary can't promote anyone to officer. We already did try the demoting, kicking the leader, reinviting and giving leadership again solution and it didn't work, we have tried many more things but nothing works. The second one is urgent: I am currently stuck in Sinnoh without being able to do anything. I'll explain what happened exactly: I grabbed 5 Sinnoh Gyarados from my PC in Kanto, brought them to Sinnoh via Vermillion Boat - Canalave. Surfed from Canalave to Jubilife through route 218. When I gave Mdwinn the Gyaradoses, I said bye and went again to route 218. However, each time I reached the middle part of the route, the game simply freezes. I can talk and use the chat but it's as if I was stuck in a wild battle. I've tried using repels and I still get stuck so I don't know if it's related to that. I've tried going to other routes and everything works fine everywhere except in route 218. I can provide screenshots of whatever you need or anything that can help you :) It's not on a specific spot, I always get stuck more or less around the same area. Thank you very much for the help!
  17. Where are you from?: Spain How old are you?: 22 How much playtime do you have on PRO (including alternate accounts if any)?: 500 hours + multiple accounts since 3 years ago, but dropped the game multiple times and lost all of them. Has the game improved since you first joined? If yes, how?: The servers are so much better it's unbelievable how they have improved in a few months. Went from crashing 5 times a day to once a week or even less. Is there a staff member or player who you feel is underrated?: Discord moderators are super kind, friendly and open every single day to talk. I feel they deserve more praise. (Even if sometimes I blame them for everything lol). Also, Chronos ingame was super friendly :) If you could change one thing about PRO, what would it be (no restrictions, be creative)?: Could we fix the issues with roles in guilds, make alliances between guilds to share some bonuses, be able to create custom roles in guilds... I feel as if Guilds are at the same time very OP due to the bonuses they can give but feel abandoned since we can't create custom stuff in our guilds like roles, or the guild island, for example.
  18. I want to sell it cheap but I'll make a small auction: Starting 150k, minimum bids by 25k, insta 400k. It's just to get the money and give it to newbies of my clan and stuff so buy it :D PM me in forum or ingame, nick: Bhimoso, Gold Server! It's the shiny Charizard, black and sparkly and stuff. If you need a pic or anything comment here :) (And if I broke any rules just tell me) Ends in 24 hours!
  19. Could we have shared chats with our secondary guilds or a way to link them to our main guilds? I own two guilds in Gold Server (Storm Raiders and SpaghetRaiders with Veeeenset on its head) and we have to create a chat every time we log in (or atleast, we don't know how to use it properly). As an extra: Could we share the 75+ people EXP bonus with our second guild? We have 100 in the main and 10 or over in the second one while growing rapidly, I don't know if it would be fair to have them have an extra EXP Boost too. Thank you :)
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