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Everything posted by Bhimoso

  1. There's no ETA on maintenances, check the official discord for answers in #announcements :)
  2. Good luck with the council! I hope it comes out perfectly done :) I put all my trust into staff! also ban serene grace togekiss pls ty uwu
  3. If you applied in the post that it was required then you don't need to worry. Staff work really hard and have a lot to do and name changes are processed slowly, so they can take time to check every account and change their name. As long as you applied in the right place under the right requirements, you don't need to worry. Staff will eventually get to your request! You can also wait for a staff member to answer since I'm just a normal user randomly answering support posts xd
  4. I feel bad for the guy having to support himself alone lol, so I guess I'll +1 this idea if naruto headbands are implemented, some of them look nice.
  5. Bhimoso


    +1 to the idea but I'd rather have a guild island first! However, I'd like to have houses with decoration that we could buy, even if it was from the coin shop, so we could incentivise donations and making our own houses somewhere.
  6. +1, really good idea (specially for me since I'm lazy to google stuff)
  7. I don't know about this one, I think it's an alright idea but we already have discord for it, although I understand some people don't use discord so I would be in favour. +1
  8. You can fight the mini-boss Horus to get another chance at fighting him again and being able to capture him, as far as I know. You will need to defeat him without having a single pokemon faint (if I am not mistaken). Good luck!
  9. You will need to change your browser or use a different one to see Forums properly. Some users seem to be experiencing the same issue (myself included, but since I have four different browsers, I just switch and it works just fine.)
  10. Why did you kill Darkrai TWICE lol. I think it's not a bug, you get the chance again after beating the mini boss and it's your last chance then (you already got an extra one...) I'd wait for a staff member to answer though.
  11. Bhimoso


    JoJo cosmetics? YES. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES +1
  12. You can request that your poke get a delevel here: https://tinyurl.com/PROEvolutionAndDeleveling
  13. You cannot see the bonus exp being a guild gives you unless you fight pokemon or trainers (I have no idea why this is not indicated though). If your guild was in the top ladder last season you'll also get an extra exp bonus. The avatar you see on top of people's heads is their guild logo, you can't see yours but you can see other's (I also have no idea why). All guilds are different, some are pvp focused, some are socially centered, some use discord, some don't and only speak in the ingame chat... your only resort for now is to speak to guildmates and get to know what system they use. Good luck in PRO!
  14. It just needs full friendship (255 is the maximum), make sure you reach that number before you level up. If he has the max and he doesn't evolve, fight another wild pokemon and he should be able to evolve afterwards.
  15. Translation to spanish: Necesitas que su stat de Ataque y Defensa sean exactamente el mismo cuando suba de nivel. Esos stats son los números blancos. Los IV (naranjas) y los EV (azules) no importan, solo que en los numeros blancos de ataque y defensa indiquen el mismo numero. Si tienes menos defensa que ataque, entrenale con evs de defensa para que iguale su ataque y pueda evolucionar a Hitmontop.
  16. You can make a post here and ask why you were muted and how long it will last and they'll answer you so you can discuss your mute with a staff member. Good luck!
  17. (Translation) Sorry it's the first time I sell via forums, I hope you can understand Araragi do you start with 600k? Well let's wait for two more offers, shall we?
  18. I'll translate since I found the post weird lol, for any english speakers who may be interested: Auctioning epic klefki Start bid is 600k 1.5 million insta Auction ends after 3 bids (is this even allowed? I have no idea xd)
  19. Yes it can. Happiness can still grow at level 100. Each time you fight a wild pokemon (or any pokemon) you'll win 1 happiness if you win. You'll gain 2 per pokemon if you equip soothe bell. Simple defeat around 20+ pokemon while holding a soothe bell and you'll be able to max out its happiness. You can get a soothe bell in celadon office by talking to one of the staff npcs (their names are in blue). I think it's Tiggus who gives it, but I'm unsure.
  20. Well, I disagree with the IV and Hidden Power part completely. I would agree with one thing however. Getting to choose what hidden power we want would remove a LOT of the RNG in my opinion, and too overpowered/benefitial, IMO. This is an mmo, and whether we'd like it or not, I think the difficulty and rng should stay here. Everyone with perfect hidden power in their pokemon would make it pretty absurd. I don't want to go very long on the matter, though I might edit it and make it longer. However, I understand the issue with minimum IVS in legendary pokemon, and would instead suggest that all legendaries when caught should have atleast 5IV in each stat. You could still get a pathetic legendary, but not beyond pathetic. Although I'm against my own idea, I love memeable low IV trash legendaries and pokemon. IV rerolls aren't THAT expensive, even if it's a complete lottery, that money can be easily farmed. So -1 on the first one. I still understand the frustration that RNG can have on legendary IVs and the work they have behind, but I don't think awarding everyone guaranteed hidden powers and decent IVs is a really good idea in an MMO. Exp share is a -999 imo. Would make PRO even easier than it already is and absurdly basic and easy to train. I could train entire teams in less than 30 minutes by just having one pokemon sweep everything in ccave. It's just beyond overpowered. I would however accept that the 150k exp cap is increased or removed, it's sometimes annoying to not get that extra exp, but I understand removing it might make leveling too overpowered and easy. There are cheese strategies you can easily pull off to train happiny and chansey and tanks with: just teach them the move toxic and make them fight pokemon that have neutral type advantage moves (or you resist them) and that target your best defensive stat. For example, fight wild psyduck, golduck, slowpoke and slowbro in ccave, toxic them, then simply stall 5 turns and gain absurd amounts of exp. They can easily do it with recovery moves. You can also false swipe and then revenge kill, or do the memento leech seed strategy. Rare candies aren't that hard to get either and they're pretty cheap.
  21. If you're afraid your pokemon will be stolen, you have a few options: 1.- You can trade it with a random stranger, take a screenshot of the trade and the conversation. If he steals it, you can report him in the report section and you will have your pokemon back. https://tinyurl.com/PROReportCenter The Report Center is a private sub-forum where only you and staff can see your post. 2.- You can ask someone in the official discord to help you out and they will gladly do it, take a screenshot just in case and trade it safely. https://discord.gg/98pMNxq 3.- If you would only trust a Staff member or yourself, you can use this thread: https://tinyurl.com/PROEvolutionAndDeleveling Post here and they'll help you out. 4.- As a last resort, you can open two PRO clients at the same time and trade with yourself using another account.
  22. I'll translate: Eden wishes that since there are two maps for halloween (a happy and colourful one and a dark one), there could be an event to hunt Cresselia between 12:00 to 14:00 Via teleporting from an NPC. He considers the area is underutilised and thus he suggests the idea. I answered that while it could be a really good idea, these events have to be planned really beforehand and tested out before and thus, it is probably impossible that they're able to do this before Halloween event ends (and it is thematically contrary), but I suggested this could be possible for a Christmas event.
  23. A última hora no creo que pudiesen implementarlo ya que estas cosas llevan mucho tiempo detras, mapeado y scripting, pero no es una mala sugerencia para un futuro evento / navidad :)
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