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Everything posted by Bhimoso

  1. +1, similar to a pvp reconnect thingy or also applied to safari if we have an unfortunate accident. The timer could keep going on and we may lose minutes but maybe we could still go back inside.
  2. Breeding would kill the economy instantly. If anyone got a Ditto with insane ivs and the items to transfer these to their bred pokemon, trades would instantly die. Everyone would just buy the pokemon this guy produces. And everyone would make their own farms and kill trading altogether.
  3. I'd say Johto>Kanto>Sinnoh (sinnoh was somewhat hard but you can have pvp teams at that point lol)>Hoenn (for me, it was a complete joke).
  4. I love these ideas, they seem plausible (to some extent). +1!
  5. Gold Server crashed, wait for it to come back up :)
  6. Algerie, ALL suggestions are read by staff. ALL of them. If they don't answer, it's because of time constraints / bad / unimplementable / dumb suggestions (no suggestion imo is dumb, but sometimes they're just stupid, like helo staf plz gift us beri shinies legendari lugia plz he mi fav pokemonn!!¡1one!!1) A LOT of suggestions have been implemented, just check through the suggestion pages, Wally Cames and staff members such as Qeight and others read them daily. They will pay attention if your suggestions are reasonable and within limits, if they make no sense or are impossible to implement, they will probably not answer. They have a lot of suggestions to go over at the same time. Just check the Changelogs: an incredible amount of patching and work is being put in it. Outrage tutor was absent (from Toothless boss), and it was posted and fixed in less than a day. If your suggestions are not approved, ask yourself why they're not.
  7. -1, would remove the need to donate partially and would make the game way easier than what it should be. No need.
  8. Puedes pedir ayuda en este hilo: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/65717-url si quieres que un miembro de staff te ayude, pedir ayuda en el discord oficial https://discord.gg/98pMNxq o abrir 2 ventanas del cliente de pro en tu ordenador con cada cuenta y tradear entre ellas :)
  9. There's no ETA on maintenances, check the official discord for answers in #announcements :)
  10. Good luck with the council! I hope it comes out perfectly done :) I put all my trust into staff! also ban serene grace togekiss pls ty uwu
  11. If you applied in the post that it was required then you don't need to worry. Staff work really hard and have a lot to do and name changes are processed slowly, so they can take time to check every account and change their name. As long as you applied in the right place under the right requirements, you don't need to worry. Staff will eventually get to your request! You can also wait for a staff member to answer since I'm just a normal user randomly answering support posts xd
  12. I feel bad for the guy having to support himself alone lol, so I guess I'll +1 this idea if naruto headbands are implemented, some of them look nice.
  13. Bhimoso


    +1 to the idea but I'd rather have a guild island first! However, I'd like to have houses with decoration that we could buy, even if it was from the coin shop, so we could incentivise donations and making our own houses somewhere.
  14. +1, really good idea (specially for me since I'm lazy to google stuff)
  15. I don't know about this one, I think it's an alright idea but we already have discord for it, although I understand some people don't use discord so I would be in favour. +1
  16. You can fight the mini-boss Horus to get another chance at fighting him again and being able to capture him, as far as I know. You will need to defeat him without having a single pokemon faint (if I am not mistaken). Good luck!
  17. You will need to change your browser or use a different one to see Forums properly. Some users seem to be experiencing the same issue (myself included, but since I have four different browsers, I just switch and it works just fine.)
  18. Why did you kill Darkrai TWICE lol. I think it's not a bug, you get the chance again after beating the mini boss and it's your last chance then (you already got an extra one...) I'd wait for a staff member to answer though.
  19. Bhimoso


    JoJo cosmetics? YES. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES +1
  20. You can request that your poke get a delevel here: https://tinyurl.com/PROEvolutionAndDeleveling
  21. You cannot see the bonus exp being a guild gives you unless you fight pokemon or trainers (I have no idea why this is not indicated though). If your guild was in the top ladder last season you'll also get an extra exp bonus. The avatar you see on top of people's heads is their guild logo, you can't see yours but you can see other's (I also have no idea why). All guilds are different, some are pvp focused, some are socially centered, some use discord, some don't and only speak in the ingame chat... your only resort for now is to speak to guildmates and get to know what system they use. Good luck in PRO!
  22. It just needs full friendship (255 is the maximum), make sure you reach that number before you level up. If he has the max and he doesn't evolve, fight another wild pokemon and he should be able to evolve afterwards.
  23. Translation to spanish: Necesitas que su stat de Ataque y Defensa sean exactamente el mismo cuando suba de nivel. Esos stats son los números blancos. Los IV (naranjas) y los EV (azules) no importan, solo que en los numeros blancos de ataque y defensa indiquen el mismo numero. Si tienes menos defensa que ataque, entrenale con evs de defensa para que iguale su ataque y pueda evolucionar a Hitmontop.
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