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Everything posted by Teerav

  1. Wow, some really great points made throughout the thread. I will most likely echo some statements, so I apologizing for not quoting. It simply means I agree. I will make my comments based on a PvP Council that is seperate from staff is decided. How are council members picked? Initially, there should be a massive thread announcing a PvP Council will be created. Anyone interested in being a council member should apply. Staff Admins should comb through all applications and select all who qualify. From all that qualify, there should be a strategic selection of council members that make sure to give voice to as much as the community as possible. An example: Even if a single guild has multiple members that qualify for council, only one should truly be a member. That one member can represent that section of the community. How long can they stay on the council? Council members should be evaluated every month on simple requirements, such as their activity in discussions, the community, and pvp. Every three months or so, council members social status should be evaluated. If council members have guilded or maybe started to hang out in the same clicks, one of them should be replaced to make room to represent more of the community. If a member of the council should ever need to be replaced, then the selection process describe above should take place for a new member. Experience breeds success. As long as a council member meets the requirements and makes good decisions, they should keep their seat. [*]What are the requirements? Up to date experience in PRO PvP - Should have finished within the individual ladder of either server at least once within the past three months. Experienced in PRO - Should be a member of PRO for at least six months and have completed all of the story. Respected reputation within the community - In order for a council to work, the community must trust them. Staff Admins should review their history and there should be character references as well. Experienced in Showdown / Smogon - Yes, PRO is very different, but the idea of the council comes from that. It is extremely important council members understand how councils work successfully in that environment. Combined with experience in PRO, they can make educated adjustments. Social within the pvp community - Council members should know what the rest of the community is talking about. [*]Should they be able to participate in ranked PvP while being on the council? Yes, absolutely. It would not make sense to not allow the people making decisions on pvp if they do not have continued experience pvping. [*]How would the split between Silver and Gold members look like? There should be 7 or 9 total council members that socially expand across the entire community. I assume there are more total players in silver, so it would probably be a 4-3 or 5-4 split. The number of council members should be odd to ensure there are no tied decisions. [*]How are suspect tests decided? In most cases, it will be obvious. PRO is unique to showdown in that it currently only has one tier and not everything is coded. During updates the community should expect a wide variety of suspect testing, but outside of that it should be done only with strong reasoning. How does the council decide what Pokemon to sent into a suspect testing phase? There should be a serious discussion within the council every time a something is added to the game that will obviously effect the meta. Such as: Shaymin becoming obtainable, Mold Breaker being coded correctly, Z-Moves becoming a thing, etc. If pokemon exceed a specific usage % it should be immediately considered for suspect testing. For example, if 50% of the playerbase is using Togekiss, it should be considered for suspect testing. [*]How would a suspect test look like (a special suspect ladder is out of question)? The community must be informed when a suspect test is being started. And maybe even consider a soft announcement for when a suspect test is being considered. Transparency is very important in this matter because decisions to ban things from PvP can greatly effect the market. How the testing is done should be up to the council. Council members should be encouraged to socialize, communicate, and test with the community as well with other council members. It should not be handled as a "lets close the doors and test in secret." [*]Who gets to vote after the suspect test is over? The council members, no one else. The 7 to 9 members vote after an appropriate amount of testing and communicating with their social clicks. [*]What are the requirements to vote? You need to be a council member. What is the point of a council member if they are not the ones making the decisions? :bruh: [*]What would council members need from staff in particular to make it successful? A single staff member should act as the organizer for the council. They should be there to answer related questions they have for staff. This staff member should also act as a liaison between council and community. The liaison should be making official posts communicating to the community on the councils discussions and actions on behalf of staff. However, it should be held against council members to community it themselves. There should just be a staff member to organize and summarize discussions for the community to follow along. How much influence does staff have over the council? As stated on how the council members are chosen. Staff should ensure the council equally represents different areas of the community. [*]When can staffs interfere in the decision making process? Almost never. Give council the trust to make proper decisions, let them do their job. In the event decisions are made in spit of staff, such as council members disapproving staff actions so they use the council powers of influencing the economy to tank the PRO market, staff should take actions. Probably start by listening to their complaints. EDIT: "It should not be handled as a "lets close the doors and test in secret.""
  2. One of the best changes made is allowing people to ask for help in all chat. It simplified the rules and made sense to the community. I think this should be a guide to future rule changes or additions. Rules should be simple to explain, understand, and make sense to a majority of the community. __ I am a huge fan of the recent trade auction rules. I have been very vocal about this subject for a long time and excited to watch its impact moving forward. __ I am extremely concerned about the amount of begging or spamming for help in the form of free things done through PMs. A majority of these are spam with clear intention to SCAM other players. I have expressed my concerns about this several times. Scammers pressure people into 1 on 1 conversations away from the eyes of moderation. Some very commonly used phrases are: "Could you please give me 5k so I can travel to another region?" - They are simply spamming as many people as they can to earn a quick buck. "Could you please give me any high level pokemon you do not use so I can beat the elite four?" - In reality, they have already beat the elite four. They just want free things with the off chance a noob gives them an epic. "Could you please give me money, I am new." - Shameless begging. No one would ever type this in trade chat. "I gave away all my stuff awhile back. Do you have any pokemon you could give me?" - Advanced form of manipulation to make you feel sorry for the scammer. How could you not give pokemon to someone that was so kind in the past? Common responses from staff members are: "You can just ignore them." - This is not effective. As soon as the PM pops up, the feeling of frustration and disappointment has set in. Also, I do not worry about me falling victim, I fear others falling victim to the scammers. "If it annoys you, just turn off your PMs." - PRO's advantage over the Pokemon franchise games is the ability to socialize and play with friends. Having to set myself to offline because I am PM'd for free things every other time I walk into a PC is frustrating. "Asking for help is not against the rules." - This is true, however, this is what the scammers hide behind. They mask their scams through asking for help in the form of pokedollars or free pokemon. There needs to be rules preventing or discouraging scammers from hiding behind this reasoning. "If they are scamming or spamming, you can report them." - Sure. However, as a player, when someone tells me they need some money to travel to another region how am I supposed to know they are also asking 100 other people the same thing? How am I supposed to know the person they asked before me already gave them 5k and they are simply asking more people in hopes to get easy money? How am I supposed to know the sob story of giving away all their things last year to attend college is a lie devised to get me to feel sad for them? The bottom line is, asking for free things should not be permitted through PMs. Asking for help is not a crime and should not be punished. Asking for free things should be though. I have been extremely vocal about this topic and provided several real situations to multiple staff members in ways PRO scammers operate with begging via PMs. There must be a more aggressive rule that prevents this predatory behavior and encourages the community to report it. Feel free to moderate how you feel, but educating the community on how to identify and report these types of scams will make it a much more enjoyable game for players at all stages of the game.
  3. If you could improve one facet of the event, what would it be? Smaller maps. They are beautiful, but wow... I still get lost trying to get places and luckily I have the luxury of spending repels to move around. I cannot imagine playing on this maps without repels or mounts. What was your favorite part of the event? So far it has been the Little Cup. Of all the quests, it has been the absolute easiest to understand / figure out. It's also a completely new thing added to PRO, similar to the few level 50 bosses during other events. What was your least favorite part of the event? Getting lost or stuck in Breezy Path. Again, beautiful map! Just make it less confusing to traverse. What can we do to make the event better for next year? Perhaps make event sprites easier to farm. 1/550 seems almost impossible. 1/100 from the Pawniard got me excited because 1% chance to spawn seems casually acceptable. 1/550 is too hardcore, especially considering some of the pokemon are tier 9 and only appear once every 30 minutes. Were any parts of the event (or the whole thing) so terrible that we should delete them and forget they were ever added? The map leading the Shaymin was insane! I joke, I understand that replicates the original games. However, the complexity of the Shaymin quest is over the top. Did anyone actually get it without a guide or staff guidance?
  4. Something-something Wally already announced on PRO's Discord they will start to completely rework PvP from the ground up. Implementing a few moves or abilities right now seems like a wasted effort if its just going to get scrapped in a few months.
  5. I apologize for not responding sooner. I see you a lot on discord almost everywhere. I am sure you would be welcome as a guild member, but unfortunately we reserve our slots for active Silver Server players. I apologize for not responding sooner. Unfortunately we reserve our slots for active Silver Server players. First off, you did not even answer all the questions. Second, and I have already informed you, you are banned from the NoMercy Discord for excessive spamming and being disrespectful when asked to stop.
  6. In-Game Name: teerav Discord Tag: teerav#0975 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord: Everyday What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? Make in game chat rules and channels consistent with discord. Swearing and excessive profanity should be not be allowed since it creates inconsistency among the other platforms. (in-game and forums) Because people can swear in discord, this may lead them to believe they can swear in-game or on the forums. #general should be renamed to #all chat, to be consistent with in-game. (Maybe less so on this because people that use discord are accustom to #general being the main chat channel) #trades-and-prices-silver should be renamed to #trade-silver, and moderated to be only trades and no price checks just like in-game. Same with gold channels. #pvp-and-showdown should be renamed to #battle #support should be renamed to #help (help is also a commonly better known word among other languages) Add #other, #brasil, #german, #italian, etc. channels. Bring on additional moderators to help with those specific channels. This will include more of the community! PRO is meant to be a multi-national game. Include these people that cannot speak english well.
  7. First off Belz, you and I have already privately discussed how you didnt give all the details to the situation which is causing a lot of confusion. For anyone that hasnt re-read the original post, you will see that Belzebel's Gastrodon was choice tricked and wouldnt have been possible to recover. Second, you and I have both exercised "flexing" on our opponents a few extra turns before finishing them off. And this isnt the only time it has happened to you, or I. So I can completely relate how frustrating it can be. For example, I only had a Life Orb Gengar vs a Blissey who continuously spammed Softboil and Stealth Rock when I knew he had flamethrower in his moveset. This thread is quickly turning into a "add a surrender button" suggestion thread. And for the record, this has been suggested several times. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/66282-url https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/57943-url (Tie Button, a little different) https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/51343-url https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/48084-url https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/45328-url/?do=findComment&comment=279764 (Remove disconnect penalty) https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/43862-url/?do=findComment&comment=272942 https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/43243-url https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/42675-url/?do=findComment&comment=266658 https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/31283-url/?do=findComment&comment=204466 (Suggested in the official PvP Rules thread) https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/41641-url/?do=findComment&comment=261390 https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/39471-url (More of a discussion than a suggestion) https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/29889-url https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/30818-url https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/26703-url/?do=findComment&comment=177236 (Suggested in a pvp rewards discussion) https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/7855-url To sum it up, the surrender suggestion has had overwhelming support by the community for several years. However, the main deterrent staff and nay-sayers keep repeating is "it can be abused for pvp coins." However, some staff members voted to allow alt accounts into pvp even when that is abusable. And honestly, I dont think alt accounts being abused has been a huge problem. I have heard several stories of people getting banned for "boosting" their own accounts or friends. If moderators can successfully moderate pvp boosting, why cant they handle surrender abusing?
  8. Nice froakie! But in case you are wondering, Greninja actually learns ice beam...
  9. You may sign up from the gold server, yes.
  10. NoMercy turns two years old this April and we would like to celebrate by hosting a PRO tournament for each server. Silver Server Brackets: https://challonge.com/nmtournySILVER Gold Server Brackets: https://challonge.com/nmtournyGOLD Single Elimination. All games except finals are best of three. Finals are best of five. Everything will be played on PRO. Last day to sign up is April 4th. FIRST PLACE Silver: 3m, 2 coin capsules, 100% of Buy-In Gold: 3 coin capsules, 100% of Buy-In SECOND PLACE Silver: 1m, 2 coin capsules Gold: 1 coin capsule THIRD PLACE Silver: 2 coin capsules Gold: 1 coin capsule FOURTH THRU EIGHT PLACE Silver: Black MS + 50k each. Gold: n/a BUY-IN Buy-in is 50k pokedollars to be paid at Vermillion. You must travel to Vermillion to pay the buy-in. NoMercy Bank will pay for NoMercy member buy-ins. 100% of buy-in is rewarded to first place. STEP 1 Join the NoMercy Discord, here is the link: https://discord.gg/yyCjngc To get access to the necessary sign up channels, you must type .ign plus your in game name in the #welcome channel, example: STEP 2 Then go to #tourny-signup, and enter your PRO in game name and server. STEP 3 Once a Tournament Moderator is available, they will contact you to collect the buy in. Then just wait until the tournament starts! Scheduling Last day to sign up will be April 4th. Brackets will be generated on April 5th using challonge.com randomizer. You will have four (4) days to complete your match once the brackets are updated. You will be notified in #tourny-chat on NoMercy Discord if a new match is available for you to play. All communication for scheduling should be done in #tourny-chat on the NoMercy Discord. This will help moderators gauge activity should your opponent fail to respond. No more than ten (10) minutes should pass in-between games of a match, unless both players agree. Note: Players may change teams in-between games of a match. [*]Tournament Moderators will determine who advances if the four (4) day period passes and a match remains unplayed. Who advances is based on activity and behavior of the players. Their decision will be absolute. [*]Match deadlines can be extended if a Tournament Moderator is required, such as reporting an infraction. [*]Team Building Ranked PRO PvP Rules apply at the time of your match. See rules here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/31283-url [*]Reporting a Win Tag a Tournament Moderator in #tourny-chat once you win a match. Please include the score of the match, such as 2-0 or 2-1. (Wins-Loses) [*]Reporting Infractions All reports require video evidence, therefore it is highly recommended you record all of your games. I recommend using OBS Studio, since it is free software and easy to use. https://obsproject.com/download [*]Reports should be send via PM to a Tournament Moderator. Their decisions are absolute. [*]Tournament Moderators can make any decisions based on the severity of a report. [*]Disconnects In the event of a disconnect, a game must be replayed with the same pokemon. [*]Behavior Banter is encouraged, but excessive toxicity and spamming is not. Should your opponent or another participate make you feel uncomfortable at anytime please ask them to stop. If they do not, please report it immediately to a Tournament Moderator. Rules of the NoMercy Discord apply. If you are banned from the discord, you are banned from the tournament. If you have questions about the tournament(s), please feel free to ask them here or join the NoMercy Discord and tag me in #general at @teerav#0975. You may ask for the win if you feel you were in an extremely favorable position to win at the time of the disconnect. If the opponent refuses to award you the win, you may submit video evidence of your match and let a Tournament Moderator decide. If you feel your opponent purposefully disconnected to force a rematch, you may submit video evidence to a Tournament Moderator for review. -- Such cases would be if your opponent disconnects early in a game after you land a lucky crit, flinch, or any form of good RNG. Some reports only require screenshot evidence, such as illegal use of pokemon that can be proven with a screenshot of the team preview text or excessively toxic behavior in a conversation. Your opponent may be contacted by a Tournament Moderator to confirm the results.
  11. If most people do it, then these seller will not have profitable auctions causing them to cancel. This will eventually lead the few that do bid to get frustrated with the rule and sellers will follow suit.
  12. Off topic tip, if you highlight text then hover your mouse over it, click the "Reply" option to quote that specific text. I normally keep two tabs open, one for copying quotes and another to prepare my post. This is how I intend my suggestion to work. Each time a bid is made with x time left in the auction, x time is added to minimize sniping. This is a fair concern. Without an insta or an artificial insta (like 100m), then it is technically possible an auction turns into a patience battle between buyers. However, with a proper minimum raise rule in place, the winner in this patience battle is the seller. If it gets ridiculous and the seller wants to just end the auction sooner, perhaps it could be allowed for the seller to adjust the minimum raise. Keep in mind with high end auctions, minimum raise is close to 200k. 6 raises of 200k over 24 hours is 1.2m. I dont think any seller would be disappointed in waiting 24 hours for an extra 1.2m. Hmm, this an interesting situation that I have personally found myself in. Essentially the seller is offered a bid that is inbetween min and insta, but the bidder does not want to participate in the auction and leverages the inactivity of the auction to force the seller to accept their price NOW instead of waiting to only get the min bid LATER out of fear of this particular bidder "sniping". This is certainly an aggressive buying tactic that would be lost to buyers if sellers are not allowed to cancel auctions. It is a dynamic style of bartering. However, I argue with the implementation of my suggestion, the fear of sniping is removed and forces these aggressive buyers to compete. This will ultimately benefit the seller. I believe once a seller chooses to start an auction, he accepts that if his min bid is met, he must sell. Yes, this puts risk on the seller, but again the seller accepts this risk when he begins the auction. If he doesnt want to accept this risk, then he doesnt need to start an auction.
  13. Okay, so there are real life examples of auctions having the option of being canceled. However, many auctions that have this are controlled by auction houses that earn commissions or fees regardless therefore they benefit from an auction whether a item or asset sells or not. In PRO, the only person benefiting is the seller. I dont agree that "sniping" is a good reason, but since it seems to garner so much negative feedback and you allow people to cancel auctions, I will help you come up with a solution that will remove the fear of being sniped while bringing balance back to the buyers in PRO. (Specifically auctions, because that is the only place with sellers have the unfair advantage.) First, make it abundantly clear to auction sellers that if their publicly stated minimum start price is met, they must honor the sale. This is the obvious change that I have been arguing for. It brings a lot of comfort back to the buyer that is necessary for a healthy balance in auctions. For the counterweight, you can educate and allow auctions sellers to add a rule that extends the end of their auction by up to three hours if someone bids within an hour of their publicly stated end time. Three hours is enough time to someone that is actively watching an auction to take action with a bid. This rule would also theoretically completely eliminate sniping. And combined with a healthy publicly stated minimum raise bid, the fear of "never ending auctions" wouldnt exist. And even if this rule causes an auctions to extend for an additional 24 hours, thats 6 more bids on an auction that I doubt the seller would complain about.
  14. This thread has 8 people strongly agreeing with my opinion. Several of them providing feedback about how they dislike this rule and would like to see it "removed." Only you, @Logan have taken the time to disagree with this threads opinion. And frankly, the argument of "sniping" is incredibly weak and sounds like people just complaining they didnt enough more of the pokemon that they agreed to sell it for. If you are going to consider changing this rule, maybe you should consider this thread as official feedback.
  15. This is an amazingly strong argument to not allow auctions to be cancelled.
  16. Very nice bold rotom, I have my own but I wish you luck. =)
  17. Technically speaking, there is always a minimum price to start every auction. But yeah. I do not blame sellers for adding this rule. And as stated, I rarely see it enforced. Guild mates have told me they suggested to staff to restrict sellers from cancelling auctions, but they denied the request. I am not sure how they pitched the suggestion, but I agree with you how removing sellers ability to add this comfort rule would cause a lot of frustration for some people and staff is too afraid to face these complaints.
  18. Would it be possible to use utilize similar technology to create a "PvP Battle Log"?
  19. This rant is about my disappointment is people retaining their right to cancel an auction if they do not like the final offer. I UNDERSTAND WHY YOU DO IT First off, I want to tell you I understand why you do it. And I understand it is rarely enforced. A smart auction starts low to get multiple people invested into bidding with the hopes to selling high. But you of course fear that if only one or two people bid you will end up selling your epic pokemon for half the value you expected to get for it. The comfort of knowing you can stop the auction saves you from the fear of doing it. You are thinking about yourself here, but you should be thinking about your buyer when trying to sell something. WHY IT IS HURTING YOUR AUCTION Now consider the buyer's point of view. The average auction lasts about 2 or 3 days. A pokemon worthy of an auction normally sells for 500k or more. This is not cheap and many times the buyer will have to invest their feelings into this. When a buyer sees that their offer may be rejected, the fear of being rejected may turn them way from investing their feelings into the auction. Remember, you are doing an auction in hopes of luring people in at a low price to get their feelings invested into the auction so they will outbid others. But by including a rule that puts their feelings at risk of being hurt, you drive away potential customers from starting or joining in on the auction. WHY YOUR AUCTION DOESNT GET BIDS UNTIL THE LAST HOURS If you've hosted an auction, you get two common responses. "Whats the insta?" and "When does the auction end?" Many times people will wait until the auction is close to ending to bid, because they know bidding early requires investing time and feelings. And when they see the rule that you could cancel the auction whenever will absolutely stop these specific individuals who are already timid to investing time and feelings from bidding. The less time their money sits in auction, the less time and feelings are invested. You want them to invest all their money and feelings into the auction, so you want them to bid early. If you state that people's bid will always hold up, you remove the fear of people getting their feelings hurt and time wasted. So the next time you consider adding this rule to your auction, understand that you are scaring off potential customers for your own comfort.
  20. Bump, a little under 24 hours remaining.
  21. http://prntscr.com/mq3fa6 Freshly caught from the moon, this gleeful gible can be yours if you pork out enough pokedollars. Start bid: 500k Min raise: 150k Instant: 2m Auction ends: FEB 27 6 PM CST, that is about 48 hours from this post. I wont cancel as long as you abide by the rules. I will accept coin capsules at a value of 325k each. If the winner wants to throw in an extra 150k, I will ev train and lvl it to 97 for them. Another 50k to make it lvl 100 and do the moveset. But we can discuss that afterwards.
  22. Hey Hiep, please join the NoMercy discord so we can start your application process!
  23. +4
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