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Everything posted by Shinichan

  1. I enjoyed the event a lot being able to get salamancite and cosmetics as reward is amazing. The only thing i didnt enjoy was the cloud part of the event it felt really buggy and laggy, also the side quest of the delivery it would have been nice to be able t get all the letters instead of one at a time. Loved the new event forms, spawns were ok and the idea f intrducing a new spawn on event maps (like komala and rockruff on xmas) is really nice and motivates me to go to the maps.
  2. Great idea, but how about getting them as a reward from bosses instead? Doesn't seem worthy to spend coins on.
  3. Thank you very much. I have bought the mount again from a guild mate with pokedollars because I honestly thought no one was gonna respond here. I hope I can get the refund of the coins then.
  4. Hi, i would really like to get a response to this please. I read that you dont restore items when it by a rollback, but this is a coin shop item, i spent coins on this and i think it would be at least fair to get refunded the 80 coins backs if you cant restore the mount.
  5. Hi i just bough the Alolan ninetales mount from the shop with a coincapsule, went to the event map and server crashed, when it came back i was teleported back to vermillion city and the mount disapeared from my bag but the coins that i used to purchase werent refunded. Despite this the mount icon is still showing on my shortcut bar (file attached with screenshot). Can you please help me recover the mount?
  6. Overall I liked it, the maps were beautiful, the spawns and spwan rates were amazing! I do think that the npc trainers that you battle through quest didn't need to be superboss battles it doesn't make sense to me that you can't use potions on simple npcs. The "find three levers" quest was a bit annoying and time consuming. Aside from these I liked it very much and can't wait to see corsica
  7. ye they are not, I beat emerald and the wings are not in the origin cave :( im sad, i couldnt beat emerald last year, but this year i could and no wings
  8. Shinichan

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1. What's your Player name (IGN)? - Shinichan 2. Number of hours played? - 720 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? - Arcanine 4. How old are you? - 29
  9. I already have the darkrai and did the quest in 2017, whats new for me? this alucard guy, is it a new quest?
  10. Hi, ok im sad to hear that :( but i'll keep trying. Thank you for your help :D
  11. Yes I keep losing to the trainers and my pokes keep going over the level 60, meaning that when I lose I have to find another poke to try and do it again, and I just don't have the energy to hunt for a better poke right now. Thank you for replying
  12. Hi i started teh heatrean quest a few weeks back, the thing is im stuck and i cant do the quest so honesly i just want to leave it and do other things, but this quest takes away all of my masterballs and rare candies wich makes it harde for me to train my pokes and catch other lengendaries, is there anyway a mod could reset my quest and i get my stuff back? Please im going insaen with these requirements and honestly im just gonna leave heatran alone for a long time lol
  13. oh my god! yes i am! ty so much, i almost had a heart attack xD i didnt even notice the materballs, otherwise i would've died xD
  14. Hey, i had 200ish rare candies and i just used one on pokemon and after that they all disappeared from my bag... Is this a bug? Pls help, that was a lot of rare candy farm My ign is shinichan and im on silver server
  15. You can also try beating hannah with a bold clefable with cosmic power and calm mind (wich is how I did xD) or with a snorlax with amnesia. Seaking is not he only way xD
  16. The part 2 I believe was drakrai, so it has ended already ^^
  17. I still wanna know about the house with the cobwebs in it xD is it gonna open?
  18. Btw, that house with cobwebs in the mountain, is it gonna open? :Grin:
  19. If only the devs would tell the exact requirements, it would be so much easier :( instead we are just poking around
  20. This is awsome thx :Heart: :Angel: But I dont get why you just don't say the exact requirements and "how to's" everytime you do an event xD
  21. Really enjoying this event ^^ nice work guys :Heart: :thanks:
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