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Everything posted by Letrix

  1. -Moved to proper place- Saw you in-game earlier. Please remember to use the appropriate sub-forum when posting :)
  2. Nice video :Angel: Best of luck with your YouTube channel!
  3. Nice to meet you Cobra. Glad to hear that you enjoy PRO and I hope you continue to enjoy it through 2017!
  4. Nice to meet you, Lei :Angel: Glad to hear that you're enjoying PRO and I hope your enjoyment with the game continues!
  5. -Moved to proper place- When selling Shiny Pokemon, remember to use the Shiny Pokemon Sub-forum. Good luck!
  6. Letrix


    -Moved to proper place- There's currently no ETA on when the current season will end; however, when there is one, it will be announced in the Announcement section. Thanks for your patience.
  7. Was talking to you in-game earlier. Too bad that you graphics tablet broke :( Your art is beautiful! Keep it up :Heart:
  8. Who leaked this? :Nervous:
  9. All Off-Topic post have been deleted for this thread. This thread is no place for arguments and toxicity. If there is a problem then please report it in the correct place; the Report Center.
  10. Hi Han1996, As mentioned by other users and as you can read here, NPC Trade Evolving has already been denied as we want our Players to be able to interact with each other in-game. Of course, you can always request assistance from a staff member too either in-game or on the General Support sub-forum. Additionally, NPC Trade Evolutions would add lots of stress to the servers and possibly negatively affect people's experiences. Keep your suggestions coming, though. We always look forward to reading all the suggestions that our players have to improve the game. Though, remember to make sure that your suggestion hadn't been suggested before by other users. Thanks! -Locked-
  11. Welcome to PRO, Trapped! We have plenty of ways to support you on your new journey. If ever you need help don't hesitate to check out the Game Guides or look for live support on our IRC. You can also check out the list of Frequently Asked Questions to give you a better understanding about the game. Best of luck, and I hope you enjoy your game!
  12. Happy New Year! :Heart:
  13. Happy New Year!
  14. Hi Mushramboo, thanks for your suggestions, however, removing a main source of income from players would have a huge negative effect on PRO's economy. This is something we're completely against. Thus, I will deny it. As for your second suggestion, regarding Surfing Pokemon instead of mounts and adding a Jet Ski, if we were to implement surf mounts for each Pokemon that learns surf then our artist would have to spend countless hours creating sprites for all the Pokemon; this would delay any future projects for the game. Additionally, your suggestions for adding a mount that is faster than other mounts would give an unfair advantage to players. Again, thanks for your suggestion. We always look forward to reading new suggestions on how we can improve the game. If you have any other suggestions, feel free to post them so we can take a look! Though, remember to read our Read This Before Making a Suggestion post first. Thanks! -Locked-
  15. Happy New Year, BDFahim! I hope it's a good one :Heart:
  16. Happy New Year to you, G0LD3N! :Heart:
  17. Happy New Year :Heart:
  18. This is so cute omg <33
  19. Hi JDGipson, Thanks for the suggestion, however, in order for your suggestion to be implemented, an Artist would have to create sprites for every single Pokemon that learns HM Surf. This would equate to hours of work and would prove to be near impossible on top of the work our Artists are already committed to; delaying other future projects for the game. Not to mention, you can already buy Surfing Mounts, such as Lapras or Magikarp, from the Coin Shop or from other players. These already perform the function of your suggestion. If you'd like to suggest new ideas for Surf Mounts in this topic. You can also find a showcase of the current Surf Mounts here. Again, thanks for your suggestion. Keep them up as we always look forward to reading new suggestions on how we can improve the game. Though we might not respond to all of them, be sure that we read them all and note down the good ones for future content. -Locked-
  20. Welcome to PRO, Danieltuan! We have plenty of ways to support you on your new journey. If ever you need help don't hesitate to check out the Game Guides or look for live support on our IRC. You can also check out the list of Frequently Asked Questions to give you a better understanding about the game. Best of luck, and I hope you enjoy your game!
  21. Welcome to PRO, Evalyne! We have plenty of ways to support you on your new journey. If ever you need help don't hesitate to check out the Game Guides or look for live support on our IRC. You can also check out the list of Frequently Asked Questions to give you a better understanding about the game. Best of luck, and I hope you enjoy your game!
  22. Hi TatsumiChan, Glad to hear that you enjoy PRO and its community! Hope you have a nice day :)
  23. Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! On a break! <t>Daycare is closed.<br/> -Locked-</t>
  24. Sad to see a member leaving, though I'm sure your name wont be forgotten! Best of luck with your future endeavours and I hope for you to possibly return in the future. :High_Five:
  25. Congratulations to the winners of Yellow, Red and Blue servers!
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