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Everything posted by Grandwarden

  1. Hello, If you have a black screen instead of the login screen when you start your game client, here are the quick steps to follow for an easy fix: ▪︎ Change your desktop screen resolution ▪︎ Launch your PRO game client ▪︎ Revert your resolution change back to your initial one Good luck! Edit: if that doesnt work, have a look at this. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/86857-url
  2. Hello, Recently, the Red And Blue serverd were merged and were named as silver and Yellow was named as Gold. So, the chances are your stuff is still safe. If you can't log into Silver Server, you probably need to merge your Red & Blue accounts, you can merge them in the dashboard, make sure to select the right server as your main server https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/ For more info about the merge and about the errors that might occur with it, take a look at the following links: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/88616-url https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/90465-url
  3. I guess you couldnt because you are on the old website, maybe. Try using this link- https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/ You should also try clearing cache of your browser and try again. Gl!!
  4. Can you send the crash report?
  5. It was available before; unfortunately name change is not available as of now. You'll have to wait until the admins open the topic once again. Here's the topic for future reference https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/88074-url
  6. You might have been banned from the game cuz you have broke the rules or by mistake; nonetheless, you have the right to appeal in this sun forum--https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/discipline-appeals.37/
  7. Silver has oldies and even Gold has awesome once. So choose between those; till this point, no competitions between the servers have occured, AFAIK. There are events which include event-oriented Pokémon, new areas and much more.
  8. Silver has oldies and even Gold has awesome once. So choose between those; till this point, no competitions between the servers have occured, AFAIK. There are events which include event-oriented Pokémon, new areas and much more. To check the number of players online in each of the servers in a said time-- Type ^Up in #botcommands channel in the Discord server
  9. Trading, losing a battle and even fainting a Pokémon can decrease happiness.
  10. You want to move 3 Pokémon from the slot to the PC right? Are you sure your PC isnt full?
  11. Hello, I suppose coding each and every dialogue and the game in a different language again would be difficult. So, this isnt gonna happen. But, the menu and other options might be translated. This was already stated in 'READ THIS BEFORE MAKING A SUGGESTION' thread, it means you didnt read it. So, good luck friend. But, translating the guides could be done. So, this might be a good idea to help the French players!!!
  12. Heyo! I would be playing on a new acc called 'Arannois' as well. Nice to meet you alll again.
  13. Doesnt dragging and dropping them in the PC work? If so, close the client completely and try again. If even this doesnt help, you can reinstall if you would like.
  14. Before the server merge; yelloe had the most players, red had the second most players and blue had the least players. Red was the first server and hence consists of many experienced old players. This doesnt mean yellow and blue are bad, they are good as well. Blue and red wede merged and were named Silver server and Yellow was renamed as Gold server. The only difference is the community and the economy. The choice is yours, both the servers are good and has awesome players. Game story wise, both the servers are same. As you are a new player, you can check out this subforum where you would find many guides; https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/game-guide.13/ If you are ever stuck in-game with any problems, feel free to make a topic in this subforum; https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/general-support.35/ Good luck!!
  15. Hello, It depends on which one of the rods you want to claim; Old rod is claimable for free from the fishing guru in Vermillion house. Good rod is purchasable from Fuchsia city house 1 for $15,000. Note: You must have already claimed the old rod in order to purchase this. Super rod is purchasable from Olivine city house 1 for $75,000. Note: You must have already claimed the good rod in order to purchase this. Good luck!
  16. They're also humans and busy. They'll check it when they can. You can bump it every 24 hours though.
  17. @everyone, It has come to our attention recently that players with Comcast as their ISP are having connectivity issues to PRO–being stuck at loading map, on a map without a Pokemon, unable to move, etc. If you are a player having these issues, this may be why. If you're able to use a VPN, this may solve your issue. -Astraea Good luck!
  18. Pretty sure they are working on it
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