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Everything posted by Algerie31

  1. Pseudo dans le jeu : algerie31 Temps de jeu : 71h14min Âge : 16 ans Quelques mots sur vous : aime les jeu et l'aventure Avez-vous Discord (obligatoire) ? : oui Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? : hoenn go Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? : tous Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? aider votre guild et communité
  2. is it on yet ?
  3. it is not a for me but i want to report it see end of screen lol
  4. ty a lot you help us <3
  5. Former Name: algerie31 New Name: poketoon Server: Red Server request a name change
  6. all trash poke :(
  7. Username:algerie31 Server:red Legendary:genesect
  8. Membership Details Bonus 50% EXP! Double Money Gained! ( against npc only ) Access to Members Only Areas! Early Access to various Pokemon! Access to unique Members Only Clothes, Hats and Mounts (From various Quests and NPC Shops ingame)!
  9. i had 14m 200k aproximatively and when game crashed at 19.00 or something i relog and found that my mony has been reduiced from 14m to 13m please correct this problem and give me my money back
  10. why no poke from love island in valentine theme ? :Exclam: :confused:
  11. psychic move tutor forgetten as i have see you made an update for move tutor and you forgott to put it here
  12. i am speaking in the case you have no fossil what will you do to cancel dailogue ? mmm have you understand me ??????? now
  13. every one that caught latias or latios should take a screen shoot to help the other players pffff
  14. lol carlito2 you made me laughing
  15. no iam speking in case i changed my mind
  16. where is i change my mind choice ????????
  17. ah sry that was super potion not super repel i found them i am really soorry
  18. i have bought 200 super repel = 140k and after not found any super repel in my inventory even i relog :Frown: please see the problem :Nervous: i am from red server :Shocked: this is mi ign
  19. i know but iwant staff to correct this problem i am not a noob i just relog and its ok instead of escape rop :p
  20. i am blocked at this area because npc and sand house i don't want to relog i want u to correct this bug only
  21. if i relog i wont repeat from beginning spawn ?
  22. ty i will try ;) if i had more luck and patience
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