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Everything posted by Putramamang

  1. i lost my protean 27 spd with good iv cause rollback, can you bring it back? that the only protean spawn i got after full day hunt. u can check my log activity. this so desperating
  2. i want to join, ign : putramamang How old are you? 25 How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? hours playing aroung 2200 hours all badge compelete Do you use discord? yes What is your ingame hobby(farming, selling, pvp, collecting etc)? farming and pvp Why would you like to be in team magma? i need chit-chat community and sharing pvp knowledge
  3. Putramamang#5501 Server Gold
  4. i have shiny poliwag jolly, pm if u interest :)
  5. cheap insta insta 250k or 1cc sold thx.
  6. pm me ingame or here
  7. server status in web said online, i got dc and cant login. pls tell me what happen
  8. server status in web said online, i got dc and cant login. pls tell me what happen
  9. wow so much epic, but their id look so old, are they real??? oh how much gengar btw
  10. ah thanks calahan, and i amsorry if that screenshot contained swearing i dont know if that is forbidden in forum . for additional i can fight that boss immediately after that crash. and thank for your trick to avoid that bug. cya.
  11. Check the last spot in your box! :) THANKS SHAUI YOU R THE BEST :)
  12. can u give me my chance back to fight Aphrodite again?
  13. i accidentally release my epic shellder because a lagging time (i want release a staryu) . can you please give it back? [/img] i am from yellow server btw :) thanks before.
  14. epic guide. very complete
  15. do u know that we can buy kallos fossil with 120k in devon corp 2f? [/img]
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