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Everything posted by Desumi

  1. Add Device Icons/Text on the Friends tab Short description: Add device icons/text on the Friends tab, allowing your friends to know which device you are currently connecting to PRO's client with (PC, Mac, Android, Linux etc). Why it should be implemented: With all the different device platforms available, its bound to be a lot of users who wanna know which device their friends are currently playing on. And it would be interesting to see how many friends are playing on a Mac or heck even a Linux device. I feel like the Social tab has long been neglected and has been in a frozen state for years. While the GUI is bound to be changed at some point, I feel the system should also be updated accordingly with something small and neat as this feature. Is this even feasible to implement? Honestly, I cannot fathom a reason why it wouldn't be viable to code this feature with so many platform versions available to download. In theory, all you would need to do is to push the device information to whatever system is connected to the Friends Tab and have something that register the device platform and then display such on the Friends list. But, it probably gets even more advanced if I knew how the system worked. But, on paper it shouldn't be hard, unless the Friends System and or Social Tab is legit hardcoded into oblivion. Its not... is it? Just 3 quick sketches of how it could potentially look like (with the current GUI): It does not strive too far from the current "theme" that PRO follows and it utilizes the same color pallet with a slighty grayer-ish tone for the platform text. The text font is randomly picked and was the font that I had installed which was the most "visible" one, as I do not know what font PRO uses on the Friends list. Icons + Platform Text (example): Just The Device/Platform Text (example): Just The Icons (example): All constructive feedback is greatly appriciated.
  2. Best of luck with your future endeavours!
  3. Hmm... changing the OT of the Pokemon. In theory, sounds okay. Then you dwell deeper into the thought. (TL;DR at the bottom for those who hate long paragraphs) What does OT mean? Original Trainer and what does "Original" refer too? The one who first caught it. Even if that said individual sold/resold a Pokemon to you with full concent, once you replace the OT it would be like completely neglecting/decrediting the Original Trainer who spent countless hours/days/months trying to capture that specific Pokemon. Sure, it would make certain quests/events easier to do, but to what extend? If making something easier in a MMO is your soul purpose with this, then that is a -1 from me, if decrediting a user's work and making it your own and or making it look like you caught it, its a even heaver -1 from me. But I'm not entirely against it. Owning something fully is also a part of someone's intense desire, sadly not mine though, so I can't relate. Anyway... Let's dwell a little deeper into this... Making a non-subscription purchase for anything on PRO doesn't imprint your name on it does it? (I.e buying a Mount and then that Mount suddenly have the "OT" on it) Its weird and that's why games doesn't have such features. Also, owning a Pokemon for months/years as someone else's OT still doesn't make it yours, realistically speaking it would "still" remember their original trainer put into a realistic scenario. And after all... All you did was buying it, the fact that someone else put a lot of effort or got lucky still remains a fact, and that is what MMO is all about, even if you try to neglect it with PRO it still stands as a grindy MMO in my eyes and from personal experiences with the game. I feel that it is justified for a game to have such requirements in place, because it shows that money isn't everything. It also makes the game harder and it makes you want to continue playing and aiming for that well deserved reward. Neglect these requirements and everything about PRO would instantly be easier to complete. Just take the Rattata quest to enter Hoenn as an example, you need a level 80 OT Rattata, this would suddenly be a common service for veterans to sell to new players or even transfer between their alt(s) to complete regions easier. Its small things like this that would basically off-set the difficulity of things on PRO and eventually take the entire "Grindy" part away from quests/events/story/daily tasks. Yes, they may have "consented", but that still doesn't mean you can decredit their only source for someone to know who actually put effort into catching said Pokemon. As a content creator I wouldn't sell something to someone and then allow them to completely decredit all the work I put into it and make it look like they were the ones creating it. PRO is a MMO after all, it wants to keep you around playing for an indefinite time. And this means completing tasks on your own, not buying your way into completing quests/events/daily tasks etc. Otherwise it wouldn't be grindy and you would quickly be able to complete things that would normally take you a day or more grinding for. Then you need to play more MMO titles. Iirc Runescape had a ton of trading items that the owner could not use in quests because they were not the original owner. This is completely normal if a game is meant to be grindy, and not like one of those Pay2Win MMO titles that don't care about grind but about paying to progress. If PRO did implement this raw change without altering it, what would happen? It would completely decredit the work of the player who first caught it with no way of knowing who it was if someone was curious. Would make questing on PRO much easier. It would also with 100% certainty create a ton of new "services" that people would sell (i.e "Sinnoh's Daily News Reporter" where OT is required and caught within 24 hours) or services for OT pokes for quests/events and or mega stones/legendaries. It would quickly get out of hand and it would open up A LOT of oppertunities for new services since OT is a big part of the game's requirements. And please don't take this negatively, I'm just giving you constructive feedback. If you feel personally attacked, that was not my intention and I apologize in advance. TL;DR PRO is a MMO game and it is meant to be grindy. Taking away a Pokemon's OT is like decrediting the player who first caught it or making it look like you "caught" it. Furthermore it would create a lot of new "services" for quests/events/daily tasks that depends on OT as a requirement which could destablize the economy on PRO. I assume a lot of rework is needed to implement something like this. I'm not against this, but I'm not for this either.
  4. Have you interacted with the reporters yet? They are found in Littleroot town near the exit. You might have already done that by accident, so you should also go check the TV in the starter house for this message: Also, are you following this guide? If not, I recommend doing so.
  5. -1 Just gonna speak from personal experience and keep in mind that I rarely give a -1 to any suggestion/rant going forward. A boss is not meant to be "easy", even if you pick "easy" difficulty, there is a reason they are called a boss in the first place. They are your "ultimate challenge" in PvE. Give them a brain and they should still be able to outplay you and challenge your very existence. RNG for crits are boosted on some teams, but that just means you have to prepare for those scenarios and try your luck. If you believe that you can setup on a boss every single time, you are sadly mistaken and you have totally forgotten what Pokemon actually is. Also, the only thing I agree on is with stall being/have been a meta for bosses. But that is just another way to beat it, and it can easily be countered with a little bit of tweaking. IMO PRO has done a phenomenal job so far with their PvE content and where they've lacked, constructive feedback has always improved it. However, I do not see any constructive feedback here, but rather just a rant. And if you sincerely believe that the game is "literally unplayable", I personally suggest you take a break from PvE and enjoy the current ongoing event or do something else on PRO for the time being. Nonetheless... Merry Xmas and a happy PRO year!
  6. Best of luck with your stream giveaway!
  7. He means that when you use the Teleportation system in any of Hoenn's Pokecenters and you teleport to a new Pokecenter your party is auto-healed. Once you step out of the Teleportation room your Pokemon/Party is auto-healed, which can be frustrating if you run fainted sync poke or a fainted lead for repelling. This effect is similiar to the old save-quit before battle teleportation and irrc on any escape rope usage. Those scenarios you also got "auto-healed" which by my guess, was not intentional. Here is a direct GIF link to showcase what he means: (Apperently the forums doesn't allow 11mb GIFs to be uploaded #Bug?) https://i.imgur.com/6IDb04r.gif Here is a Youtube video to showcase what he means: (Bring back Youtube embeds to the forums?) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0jX3sRbUCk Anyway, I understand the frustration that this may cause. After all, it doesn't seem to be an intended feature... Otherwise the Nurse would essentially lose her only job.
  8. I just noticed that a space/whitespace was missing on the "Download" ability description. There should be a space/whitespace seperating the word "stat" and "whichever". I believe I noticed the same mistake a while back when I caught Genesect which is like over a year or two ago irrc. So here I am reporting it, hoping it'll get fixed eventually. Showcasing the grammatical error/bug:
  9. +1 I guess its essential to view what you are getting, especially with the new xmas event wings before buying it. And essentially, you can't find it on PRO's wiki either, because its not yet been added. So a preview would be beneficial in such scenarios where you can't find it on external sources.
  10. Hey there @Kakper I've seen this issue before, and it was answered back in 2020 and the user also later reported that following those steps solved their Ilcpp issues. So, if you want, you can try to follow the same steps as they did and it may lead to you getting it resolved as well. At least its worth the effort to try it out. You can take a look at this post if you want to give it a shot. Hope it resolves your issues!
  11. Tbf, I personally believe that it is well balanced right now. Its always been that some people might think that one location is better then the other. But with the recent changes done to spawning, this era should be gone. Spawning has and will always be RNG based and heavily luck based. No matter the tier, you can get a pokemon after 5 steps or a million. People always tend to think that "tier 6" is easier then "tier 9" because its lower, which means "better". Which may be why it was changed to "Common, Uncommon and Rare", to take the focus off the rarity level. But this is a whole different topic, so I'll avoid crossing into that. So to get into the spawns a bit. Sure, make some rare spawns easier to balance it out evenly to a point that it won't plummet PRO's economy. However, doing so would require a finess to make sure that the economy wouldn't plummet because a event xmas poke is easier to catch on the event map(s) compared to other locations. I'm sure the Spawn Editors are doing their best to tweak spawns in favor of PRO's economy and playerbase alike and that they'll appriciate any feedback that players give regarding this. TL;DR Spawns are currently well balanced, but can be tweaked. But not to a point that a xmas event poke is easier to catch on the event island compared to other locations.
  12. Its a MS (aka membership) only spawn. Also, its rarity is between 7 and 9, which means that its the hardest to find and it is all RNG and luck based. But according to Reborn bot, it should spawn there, so I doubt its a bug. Unless they messed up the spawns which is unlikely, but not entirely out of the picture with the recent weird mysterious spawns.
  13. Hey there @SagaFish There are currently two URLs that tracks how many shinies which currently exist. Each URL has the Dex ID, Pokemon name and how many shinies exists of that Pokemon. But I am not sure if this is regularly updated or not, like with the spawn dumps. Silver server: https://walrosskastanie.com/9f93f2cecb1796826cefe070.txt Gold server: https://walrosskastanie.com/7f4d729b3c61cadaf34e15b5.txt Hope this solves your question. Have a nice upcoming Christmas and hope you are enjoying the Christmas event so far.
  14. Yoo @Zain1237 I am sure that whatever problem you're facing is making you feel angry and undoubtedly mad at the game. I hope we can turn that anger into passion and make sure that you are enjoying the game again in no time. If you believe that what you found was a bug relating to a Pokemon move, I'm sure the DEVs will love to read your bug report and eventually fix it. Please report this bug by clicking here. I've gone ahead and added the correct section, so all you have to do is add "Sky Attack bug" as a title and a detailed explanation of what the bug is. And I know how it feels to be frustrated over something annoying in a game, but please make sure to behave in a friendly manner. I hope you have an amazing Christmas and a happy new year when that time comes around!
  15. Its not listed as a potential spawn on the Reborn Bot (PRO's Discord bot) on either of those maps. In my guess, either the spawn dumps that the Reborn bot uses is not updated yet or it might actually be a visual bug.
  16. Changelog #8: Updated the index post Replaced the previous introduction section with two new sections Adjusted content to fit the style Fixed a few grammatical errors Added Changelog #8 (this) to the list Replaced all instances of "Pokemon" with "Pokémon" Reworked Generation 2 and Generation 3 (now follows the Gen VII template) Fixed every single formatting issue that remained since last forum update (broken BBCode) Removed all spawn locations and replaced them with the new template (see spoiler below for an example). Replaced all lowercased headlines (They are now all 18px) Spoilers to large sections on a Pokemon (i.e Quest(s), Day Care, Honey Trees, etc) All weird spaces and invisible characters that somehow appeared are now removed. More compact and less spacey, with a dash of modern feel. Added two new banner designs Template for spawn locations (X is replaced with the Pokemon name): What's next? After spending 6 hours in total today reworking Gen 2 and Gen 3, I've decided to take a few days off this, simply because I don't have as much time during week days. Once its closer to the weekend or I have more time available, I'll continue reworking Generation 4 and 5 and finish up with Generation 6 soon after. Hopefully I'll be able to rework the last 3 generations before Christmas, so I can add in all the missing information on a whole specter of Pokemon during last events. Also been thinking about adding in a Repel Trick category, if a Pokemon has one available. But not sure yet, as its a very time consuming task.
  17. You can't directly delete it yourself, but you can request it. You can do so by reporting the post and give your reasoning for why it should be deleted/removed. Hope this solves your question.
  18. Neither of those locations have a repelable spawn, as the levels for Bulbasaur and Charmander are the lowest/exactly the same as the highest one, thus not creating a suitable repel environment to spawn them in for each of the locations you mentioned. Unless I've missed something or the repel trick locations on Reborn bot isn't up-to-date. How repel trick work: To perform the trick, the player simply needs any type of Repel (preferably multiple) and a Pokémon at a specific level at the front of the Party. Specifically, the Pokémon's level must be the same as (or possibly less than) the highest wild Pokémon level in the area. How spawning in PRO works: Common is ranging from 1-3, Uncommon from 4-6 and Rare from 7-9. If a Pokemon is marked as "Rare", it is within a rarity tier of either 7, 8 or 9. Where 9 is the hardest to find on paper. However, this does not mean you won't encounter one at random on your first visit to a new area, as its entirely RNG as explained by @g3n3r4l above. But this has been explained by PRO's own Spawn Editor many times and the newest update regarding this and a good explanation can be found here.
  19. +1 PRO should add a Journal of some kind, which also keeps track of quest progress, much like the one from Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. But then again, this is most likely not something the DEVs would be that interested in coding and adding a quest progress may not be as simple as it sounds. But, Imma +1 this anyways because its an interesting idea.
  20. My current top 5 in no particular order except for Darling in the FranXX who is an all time #1 fav regardless of all the Neon Genesis Evangelion drama that's been circulating around its premiere and years that followed suit and can be seen even today on some forums. Darling in the FranXX Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken Tonikaku Kawaii Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Horimiya or Kanojo, Okarishimasu
  21. Definitely Gardevoir and not because I'm a simp for pokes, but because its Mega evo has Pixilate ability and it is 100% cuter then its male counterpart. But, they will never reach Sylveon's level of cuteness, but a close second :3
  22. Pretty neat way if you lack the money/coins to buy a Focus Sash. But if you have the money, and not enough time. Just spend a few pokedollars and use this strat: Give the Focus Sash to the pokemon you want to level up. Have a level 100 pokemon that can one-shot the graveler with sturdy (or any poke that deals x2 and takes x2 dmg from its moves). Have the level 100 K.O (hopefully a pokemon that can take x2 from its moves) If it still survives, have it use a status move or just waste a Lum Berry (I have always 999 of them, never uses them tbf) until it dies. When it dies, switch to the low-level poke with Focus Sash you want to level up. Use any attacking move that is garanteed to hit and watch that 150,000k EXP roll in for each time you K.O the Graveler. And then repeat the process until you start earning roughly just 60,000 EXP, which at that point you can simply level it up without any items. And it also isn't cost efficient at that point.
  23. Hey @Pritamk130 If you battled him for the first time in Dragons Den B1F and you lost the battle, you can still rechallenge Lance as long as you have no pokemon under level 100 in your party. Here is a quote from the wiki about Lance: If you want to read more about Lance or Dragons Den, feel free to take a look at PRO's own Wiki page(s) related to this topic. Dragons Den Lance (Storyline miniboss) Lance (Boss)
  24. +1 More realistic to have a sheated weapon that goes sideways on your hip. But I guess its more work for the artists and they'll need to amp up their creativity. But I personally hope for more comsetics that features a full four-sided display of the item.
  25. Hey CocoMel0n This is not a bug, but a intended feature to prevent people from "rerolling" the Pokemon's IVs for free. If you've already released Jirachi once and then did it a second time now, it'll be lost forever and won't be a option Nikola Boss will give you even if you beat it. Take a look at this wiki page for more information about Nikola Boss
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