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Everything posted by Regardsombre

  1. Player name: MaitrePoulpe Showdown name: MaitriPoulpi Server: Gold Timezone: GMT +1 Rank on ladder: 9
  2. Player name: MaitrePoulpe Showdown name: MaitriPoulpi Server: Gold Timezone: GMT+1 Rank on ladder: 24
  3. +1 Ban it, until we have enough response. We shouldn't even have to ask ourselves the question.
  4. Insta (snover)
  5. Last things i will say , you have the charisma of a backpack and your intelligence must not really exceed his. Have a great day, and good luck to you !
  6. Sorry to say this but you should no give any advices, To sum up what you said on all your answers - fake info - im a girl - learn to speak english If you think it’s more legitimate to talk to all the shit you’re saying I think you’re in the wrong place
  7. Wait wtf this guy say. ( we edited 8 characters, not accounts before you try to say s^^ again) :) #tryingtonotcrysomeonesayiwasagirl
  8. Again a fake information of people who cannot read , we do the quest In short, when you learn to read and understand the subject tag us
  9. Special mention to the staff, 1 mod came to give false information and left You wait for insults to appear on this topics, because i was thinking that you could maybe delete 60% of the messages (fake info) and that you could maybe give your opinion
  10. 1 ) First we actually did the story, some players from my guild even do story services, and someone showed you with a screen that it takes arround 10 hours or less, Farming the poke required took arround 7h, once time again we see you giving some wrong informations. So if you studied additions and subtraction in primary school you need 20h to set up 1 account to farm REPORTER QUEST 2) Remember when you said Wow there are a lot of colors in your answer but nothing with interest , There were only 3 color sentences and one of them answered for those who could say ''that it is available to everyone,'' and that the problem is absolutely not there but that it is a question of balance. 3) Me and others are just upset because you decide to farm or pvp for money, No we are spending time to try to improve the balance of the games and we even take the time to respond to those who have the most difficulty in understanding things. 4) If someone buy 50cc the loss for the benefit will not be the same I think it's pretty easy to see. 5) A real delusiona... chuu bro chuu that's a fake information again no one said you have 1 guaranteed ticket reroll on every account/ Per Week, We are giving stats and once again if you went to school, you see that 1/3 x8 that gives you a low average of 2 week reroll and a high average of 3. 6) Again no one said pvp or farming should be the only way to make money, unlucky for you. :( 7) ''Another delusion is believing you and others have found out a major problem in the game that the mods have not. '' I have inspected your profile and I will almost defend your naivety here, We will say that it is because you started the game in 2019 ?ok ! Well it might be hard to hear for you but ..., Since 2015, there have already been hundreds of bugs discovered by PLAYERS; Or proposals, and observations made by players. And which have been corrected or accepted by the staff Yes sir the forum is sometimes usefull when the information given is based. 8) This subject is a question of percentage on supply and demand, but I will not venture on this subject with you in view of the rest 9) NO ONE SAID THAT AGAIN, WE SPEAKING ABOUT RANGE. @isildurr2x I imagine you want to answer but I assure you that you should think before you speak I launch a new call to the mods, and I ask them the requests to respond to the previous things that were said and requests them not to take into account the last post that were useless. I think the next subject to exploit would be to put a minimum qi to be allowed to answer on forum.
  11. Dude you should really stop because every answer you said will be denied in the message that follows. Everything you say is wrong and shows a negative level of reasoning
  12. I think I will react once more because i am dismayed by some answers, 1 - The number of false information ( some say you need full sinnoh dex, others you can get only 4 character, and some say its take long time to complete story + hunting from those pokemon) and the biggest mistake come from those who say that devs know who they do, Spécial mention to those who say that since it's in the rules it's normal. Did you know the interest of a patch ? I have the impression that for some the rules are necessarily good and should never be improved 2- Those who haven't even bothered to read; Or who answer without understanding the subject maybe. So yes congratulations it's available and accessible to all !! wow ( First argument of those who vote no, hmm I mean of those who exploits the advantageous side of the rules) ==> But the question is whether it is too strong and profitable for the effort produced over the length !?? ''last things about vpn I still think they see the change of ip. No but seriously the number of fake information with likes makes me desperate about the future of the game. For the moderator who will close the subject, I hope that we will have the opinion of the staff on the balance of the REPORTER QUEST on multi accounts (my english writing is very bad sorry)
  13. Are you trying to confuse people ? There are indeed 4 accounts possible but each account has 1 character on the silver and 1 on the gold so in the end we get to 8 characters which can make the REPORTER QUEST right?
  14. To prevent those who will answer by "you can do the same". ( i know some players only have this answer in the mouth ) The purpose of this topics is also to know if the majority of players and mods find that normal that players who uses 8 characters or even 4+ are able to farm rerolls tickets in 5 minutes per day. I totally agree with the post I find it abused, And I would like those who have a negative opinion on this subject to explain to us with arguments why we should not accept the suggestion.
  15. 252+ Atk Guts Conkeldurr Drain Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Raikou: 313-369 (97.5 - 114.9%) -- 50% chance to OHKO after Leftovers recovery 6def raikou [18:30] 252+ Atk Guts Conkeldurr Drain Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Raikou: 271-319 (84.4 - 99.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery [18:31] 31 def raikou [18:32] Mach Punch 44.8 - 53.2% conkel on 31 def raikou [18:32] Mach Punch 52.3 - 61.6% conkel on 6 def raikou NOUVEAU [18:33] 252+ Atk Choice Band Dragonite Extreme Speed vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Raikou: 186-219 (57.9 - 68.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO 31 def raikou [18:34] 252+ Atk Choice Band Dragonite Extreme Speed vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Raikou: 214-252 (66.6 - 78.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO 6 def raikou [18:35] 252+ Atk Guts Conkeldurr Drain Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Raikou: 313-369 (97.5 - 114.9%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO [18:36] 252+ Atk Guts Conkeldurr Drain Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Raikou: 271-319 (84.4 - 99.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO You can calculate anything you want and see if it it gets KOed by anything a 31 def Raikou wouldn't. the difference on this few examples are really minimal. * Bruh..
  16. Maybe I should give you time to delete your last message, I will send damage calculations in the next message. I assure you and I will show since I think we are already used to, by that the mods, tester send us to look for their works by ourselves. And those probably because of the enormous work they must have as you say.
  17. I hear far too much bad faith, stupidity from some players who want to defend their legitimacy to play pokemons overpowered and completely unbalanced in ranked. So I just want to remind to certain delusional that no, you wouldn't have thoses pokemons by farming or using rerolls, how many legendaries or tier 9+ with hidden power are legit on the server. And for those who say you can come to the staff and work enough to get them. That doesn't solve anything, if i come i will have one of these pokemons but i would have a far too big advantage compared to the others players. And from what I know all the players of the server can not be staff? To finish i think the chances must be fair in a community game. just imagine that on another game (riot, lol for example) admins, mod get some advantages of style in ranked. Sorry for my english. Hf everyone expect those who play 30+ generated pokemon and think it's doesn't help them to win.
  18. Username: MaitrePoulpe Server: Silver Country/Timezone: France , GMT+2
  19. What is your Discord tag? MaitrePoulpe#8228 How often do you use Discord? When im playing pro, ''red trade channel'' a bit general, and bots If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? Maybe more dicord event, or creative event in ''art'' for expemple.
  20. https://imgur.com/a/Dc6gx The moment to say If you ever tell me, That you have no more happiness.. I will hold you grepa berry, to wait for you take back your heart. If you ever teach me, that i am no longer up to.. I would climb on my mounture, to make you laugh another hour. A pink poke can not live in this beautiful world full of color, without his courage, without his friends and without the chosen of his heart, So if one day I fall, I lose, or even die. I would accept that you try to revive my heart , with a last try, attack Thunder. (-To Pink Electabuzz, by Pink scizor <3)
  21. Let's try '' MaitrePoulpe'' ingame, gl hf :Grin:
  22. When will pink psyduck name be resolve ..?
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