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  1. Hello dears. I apologize in advance for my English, because I am using a translator for this. But I just wanted to mention that I am an old player who was inactive for a long time, but now I am picking up this nice game to the point that I create a new account so that I can enjoy it more. but unfortunately I was surprised that the application does not exist for iphone. And many times in my workplace I finish everything they ask for much earlier and I have free time to do any activity and at that time I would like to be able to play Pokemon revolution online, but I can't because it doesn't exist yet. So I'm just posting this suggestion to see if there's any chance they can give you a chance to work on it. It would be entertaining to give my free time to the pokemon revolution With nothing more to say, thank you very much and have a good weekend.
  2. So my suggestion is adding a shiny chance to non-legendary spawns of the mysterious island. Spending all this time hunting to just get a trash rare pokémon isn't really cute, so by making a 1/8000 shiny chance of that pokémon being shiny will HIGHLY increase the success of WQ and will also solve the problem of people who already got all their legendaries... You know synchronizing a rare shiny pokemon is a real dream, so none of us will miss that chance even if it is low af being 1/8k. If you don't wanna make it on monthly basis then you can make it in a special mysterious ticket only that requires 3 mysterious tickets to obtain it... It is kinda challenging but very worth it. Regards
  3. Hi not sure if this has been proposed or not. But releasing a limited edition tradable cosmetic item in the shop from time to time for about 5days to a week or so and to never be released again. Good for users to invest / speculate in a limited time cosmetic item and also trade in the future. Can sell it in the shop for about 200coins.
  4. Hello, due to the recent 100-rating minimum starting point in PvP, it is hard to tell whether a person has actually played enough for the rating to count toward the guild. For example, if someone has 94 rating, you can't tell if that's five games or fifteen games unless you ask the person directly, which is tedious. I recommend some way of showing how many games a player has played. Thanks.
  5. Hello, there are some rare pokemon hard to catch in the wild for some reasons like they don't wanna enter in the ball... and the worst and boring thing some of those know selfdamaging moves like flare blitz for darumaka and take down for beldum ( for ex.). Since those pokemon are already hard to catch, just change those moves with others, so we waste less time. Thank you
  6. Add a Temporary Walking/Riding Speed Buff as a prize for completing quests/daily missions/Tournaments. This can be advantageous to players who don't buy train tickets or don't have mounts yet. It's also VERY helpful when doing a legendary quest that you've been putting off for a long time just because its time consuming. It also helps hunters who want to camp hunt a certain Pokémon. The buff can vary from 1h to 1 day. They can also be added as a medallion item from the coin shop which will add a variety to items in the coin shop OR can be added to the merits from MS Medalions.
  7. A public database where we can see past sales of Pokémon to be able to determine prices. This could be a feature added in the Auction House once it's implemented or it can be just added to the game as a button that views transactions. There could be a search feature and tools in it with filters to make it easier to search for certain Pokémon. This would help align the prices of certain pokemon and help players potentially avoid getting scammed.
  8. I know all the PvP Wings , Cloths and other accessories aren't tradable. Yeah they were tradable but only for 24 hours when they were released but just like PvE all PvP Accessories should also be tradable.If that can't happen then just like Some PvP Mounts are tradable for 1 month could happen, It will be same but it should be tradable. Just my Opinion , I respect someone else opinion on this. Thanks Sanidhya
  9. New item: Super Escape Rope What it does: -Allows you to teleport back to pokecenter (unlimited charges) Requirements/limitations: -Have to complete some kind of mega quest and pay 1m -Must have X hours playtime (maybe 500 or 1k) -Maybe some other requirements -Has a 2h cooldown
  10. What is the point of this other than waste time?
  11. Hello everyone, I would like to propose to unlock shiny pokemon encounters from trees, from excavations and dig spots. This is because among the countless and different reasons, there are players who, like me, no longer hunt pokemon but only do excavations, headbutt trees or dig spots. So we will never find shiny according to the logic of pro, but in the end why block the possibility of shiny these places? As far as I'm concerned it's always hunting, the % of appearance is always high so why keep this limit? Share your suggestions and opinions, thanks
  12. Hi I would suggest to remove the experience limit of 150k, I do not know valid reasons to have an experience limit, if this were removed there would be several benefits for example: - the trade chat would benefit as many people would offer to do level training and even for the most difficult pokemon it would not be so painful to level up; - always the trade chat would benefit as there would be more pokemon trained and therefore more market and money in circulation; - pokemon like magkarp and others would reach the highest level in few minutes. There are many other beneficial results from the removal of this limit, I have mentioned few, if you have advice and you like the idea quoted. Ty ❤
  13. Greetings dear staff, As a PRO player, i'm bugged by certain prompts in game, like the confirmation prompt when releasing Pokemon and repel prompts. Personally am comfortable using just the keyboard and feels it is a much quick and easy instrument to play the game. I know it doesn't sound a great deal, and i can just use a mouse click. But i'm sure it will be a lot convenient if this change was added, especially while releasing bulk loads of Pokemon, using repel tricks and so on. Maybe Enter for Yes and Esc for no would be great, just a suggestion. Thank you.
  14. Hello PRO-Players, We all know that feeling, especially now during easter event, you have a party line up like this: To hunt with every Synch avaible and trace ur encounters. You eventually run out of PP on False Swipe/Spore or, especially during easter event cause Brushes exist, Thief PP on your Gardevoir. You go to the nearest Pokecenter and, to prevent all your Synchronise Pokemon from reviving, box all of them and heal ur Trace + Swiper, then take out all your Synchs again. This is where the game could be improved, sometimes you dont want to heal a Pokemon from your party and it is very annoying to use the PC to prevent this from happening. A held Item that you could give to a Pokemon and that would prevent it from being healed (at all or just in a PC) would imo be a big Quality of Life change. While it is not necessary me and I think many other would appreciate an item like this being added to the game, if its not too much effort to code and implement. Maybe someone can come up with a name for the Item too, cause I cant figure one out rn. Cheers CapriFame
  15. Whilst I understand a full Storage System rework is already planned on the dev to-do list, having spoken to many other players about the frustration of managing their huge list of pokes, the archaic Storage System could do with some interim love whilst we wait. This suggestion of changing how pokes are sorted in the Pokemon storage is not new but has possibly only been considered by the dev team in the context of the complete larger rework which I understand is a big ask. I don’t expect nor ask for a complete overhaul of the system all at once but the Pokemon Storage in its current form is almost unbearable to the point of not being fun. I suggest copying something everyone is familiar with - File Explorer. Avoiding overhauling the current UI entirely, instead of immediately open boxes, numbered across the bottom as we currently have; I would suggest folders would take this place on the central screen of the Pokemon Storage, similarly to how files are foldered on File Explorer, ordered either by tile or by list. This would allow players to organise, name and manage their Boxes in a way thats more user friendly than the system we currently have. Not only would this allow sorting of boxes of pokes i.e. Team Comps, PVE/PVP, Trade Pokes, etc. but would eliminate the endless unsorted list mess they're thrown into now. This would be a welcome small improvement whilst we wait for a later more complex overhaul. I also suggest increasing box size from 15 to (at least) 30 to match core series games. This relatively minor change even without the rest of the planned rework would still dramatically improve the enjoyment of a fundamental part of core gameplay and would be widely welcomed.
  16. I just got up with a new idea for a new item- "nat bms or GMS (Green medallion; i created this short form on my own as nature (not referring to pokemon's nat) is mostly green) So, how this works? price?— As we know about sync, it helps to get required nat of the respective poke by 50%. But GMS won't work like that, when activated, we can know what is the nature of the poke encountered like- " A wild rotom(gentle) appeared!! " This would be really helpful to those who are hunting pokes like beldum as an example, you encountered a beldum with having jolly sync and when you catch it by struggling hard or catch it by master ball, you see it's gentle nat, how depressing it would be and not only beldum there are many pokemons that are annoying to catch like absol, larvesta, scyther,etc. So thats why I want GMS in PRO... About pricing, it will cost less than BMS(40c) with the difference of 15c i.e 25c and with the same 72hr time, the free GMS will be added to 30 days ms only* I hope this suggestion will implement in game; Sorry if I wrote wrong grammer...
  17. These days, the chat (except trade chats) becomes ded so often, so i want to suggest an idea for chats to have system message for that every player encountered a very rare shiny in real time so that those all or other chats don't get ded everytime... (Please read till last and then reply & sorry for creating multiple suggestions)
  18. Okay, this suggestion here is kind of my last attempt to have a NFT Pokemon MMO game not made by myself, lol I don't know how PRO is going nowadays. If players are still logging in, doing stuff, donating and/or signing up for memberships, but if there's an idea that can really shake grounds and skyrocket PRO to an unthinkable level, is converting/adapting it into a NFT/Crypto game. BECAUSE: 1- This game already have the best economy and trading system i've seem since old school Tibia 2- We have all battle systems, RPG, history and stuff ready to go 3- We have POKEMON. On all sizes, types, natures and every single one being unique (this should be the main goal of any NFT game and they're all failing at this) 4- Devs still anonymous and Nintendo won't touch'em I'm not saying even we should have deep changes/balancings in order to make it a "play to earn", it could be as simple as releasing a PRO Token and converting ingame currency into it, and the option to transform our Pokes and items into NFTs in order to negotiate on marketplaces. The CONS: 1- Maybe releasing token and nft contracts are not that simple 2- Maybe implementing these contracts inside PRO is a very hard work 3- Maybe PRO could trend so much that Nintendo would finally try to shut down the project 4- Maybe we could just bring speculators into the environment that could just mess everything up But i really want the team to consider it Just create a new server to do this and keep gold/silver as they are.. I'd really prefer to rely in you guys to do this than myself since i don't have technical skills to do something as good as PRO. Thx in advance.
  19. 1. You can only use reroll if the form is your OT. 2. If you reroll your form, it gets locked ( untradable ) just like legendaries. Keep in mind that my suggestion is only for nature reroll but let me know what you think about IV reroll too. o/
  20. Bannete trick was removed first and now smeargle then how to win bosses?can't change team again and again creating a team is expensive
  21. Petition. Let's do it guys! Or just ban everything and delete bosses, who needs those.
  22. Can you make an NPC to change pokemon ball icon? the price 10k would be good for money sink
  23. i think its a bit depressing when you spend millions on rerolling your legends, you get a good one with a natural defect e.g. 20+ latios 1 sp atk , if there was a item to reroll 1 iv stat only if there was a item to reroll that 1 sp atk and nothing else it would help people like that and could potentially be a money sinker e.g. spend 350k for a 10% chance to get this item and if youve previously used this single digit reroll on 1 stat you are unable to change it to other stats so like if you used the locked iv reroll on the sp attack you cant use it on any other stat like defense afterwards (this so People dont get 31 x 6 legendaries) but its just a suggestion if it gets rejected because of it affecting economey i would understand
  24. Please disallow same Pokemon like per evolve and evolve one . For example i saw carvanha and sharpedo in same team or chansey and blissey or slowbro and slowking. Makes game unfair.
  25. I played a few different poke mmos and was wondering if you guys were thinking on potentially increasing the speed of pokemon battles (to make it a bit more pleasant on grinding/hunting pokes).
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