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Not gonna lie, I got surprised when seeing the length of this guide. You did some insane work and really dedicated yourself to this guide.


I might want to point out that I particularly like the first page, all the additional information is really helpful. Really like the addition of the sprites too.


You did a great job.

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A bulk update to all generations:

  • Corrected A TON of spelling mistakes, and simple grammatic errors.
  • More compact layout. No extra space between each spoiler.
  • Fixed some broken BBCodes. Since I've manually written every code outside the editor. I don't have the luxury of a live preview.
  • Added some colors.
  • Added additional information on SEVERAL Pokemon:
    • All Daycare Pokemon's that you can cure.

      [*]All Excavation Pokemon spawns:

      • Rarity
      • Total Discoveries you need in order to encounter it
      • Which Excavation site it can be found on.
      • A hyperlink to a Guide that explains Excavation

      [*]Added Minibosses section to Legendaries, for those who have one. It serves as another method of getting their seen and caught data.

      [*]Added Fossils info.

      [*]Added new hyperlinks and guide links to some Pokemon.

      [*]Added new information to some legendaries

      [*]Removed some information on Legendaries.

    [*]Fixed up in two Sprites:

    • Hydreigon's sprite had a weird pixel on its animation. Switched to a better Sprite. (Still animated)
    • Vivillon's sprite was not matching the same as the one used on PRO. It's now showing the correct Sprite.

    [*]Added a few new hyperlinks to relevant Guides to the Additional Helpful Guides section.

    [*]Reduced the banner Images file size. To resolve an issue where they would not show up when loading the page.

    [*]And a lot more...

A huge thanks to ShinyCelebi for helping out with all these changes!

Edited by Electrocute4u

 EX Contributor 

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different"

Forum post | Bulba - Discord Bot | Website

I have got Tornadus seen data from Cynthia Boss in Battle Tower. It was one year ago, so they may not be available this way anymore. Just trying to help to complete your guide.


Thank you!

I'll be sure to add this information as a side note for Tornadus.

I haven't really touched on the Battle Tower yet. Mainly because I currently have nobody who knows all the Legendaries/Mythical Pokemon who shows up there.

Edited by Electrocute4u

 EX Contributor 

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different"

Forum post | Bulba - Discord Bot | Website

Bulk update to all the Fossil Pokemon

  • Added an F.A.Q section to the Index post, to help answer some common questions one might have.
  • Complete coverage of all Fossil Pokemon
    • Which Fossil they can be revived from
    • Fossil Image
    • Where you can revive that specific Fossil
    • Digable Patches that can drop the specific Fossil
      • Rarity tier
      • Map names with a link to the map
        • Maps with no documentation have been fully described and showcased.

      [*]If a Boss drops either the specific fossil or rewards the Pokemon

      [*]Any other obtainable ways (such as story quest, events, daily challenges, a random NPC, etc)

      [*]If it's buyable with PokeDollars.

      [*]Buy the Fossil from the Artifact Maniac Hastor for Artifact Pieces.

      [*]A few useful links to helpful guides.

    [*]Switched from external URL to Attachment on some banners. Because it didn't load the image properly when shown on other browsers besides Google Chrome.

    [*]And a few more things I forgot I did but is now also added somewhere, sometime, during something I did yesterday. OwO


Best visual change:

For the best example of the changes, see #698 Amaura or see before and after comparison images. The after picture is zoomed out to fit all content inside.

Before this update, it was completely empty, now it has full coverage with all information that I could possibly "dig" up.

Edited by Electrocute4u

 EX Contributor 

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different"

Forum post | Bulba - Discord Bot | Website

Bulk Update for all Generations:

  • Added new Banner designs.
    • New Animated Index Banner. Now showcasing the megathread's features.
    • New Banner designs for each Generation. Now includes the dex number range.

    [*]Added all Honey Tree Spawns.

    • Added the sprite of the in-game Honey Tree.
    • Added which stage the Pokemon belongs in.
    • Added which Honey Tree type chain the Pokemon is in.
    • Added an in-depth information section on Honey Trees for each Pokemon.
    • Added locations of each Honey Tree type.
    • Added a useful guide and a youtube video explaining Honey Trees.

    [*]Added remaining information on Battle Tower

    • All Legendaries and Mythical Pokemon that you can obtain the seen data on are fully covered.
    • Which Pokemon set that Cynthia has, which includes a Legendary or Mythical Pokemon.
    • I also confirmed the fact from @stavd regarding Tornadus.'s appearance during the Battle Towers.

    [*]Cleaned up the layout + Other miscellaneous changes

    • Removed whitespaces.
    • Fixed up in BBCodes which could be shortened down
    • Fixed up in BBCodes which had a duplicate of the same setting applied to the same line.
    • Corrected a few spelling mistakes here and there.
    • Included spoilers for "F.A.Q" and "What is included for a Pokemon" to shorten the index post length.
    • Removed and adjusted some information on the index post.
    • Removed the useless useful "some stuff that will blow your mind or not" section to shorten the length.
    • Cleaned up in the Credit section.
    • Adjusted a lot of title sizes to make them stand out more if they are important.
    • Added more colors where they were needed.

There are most likely a few more changes I've done, but have simply forgotten to include due to the fact it can take between 1 and 2 days to update this thread.

Should there be anything else you find that has changed and isn't mentioned in this changelog or in any of the other changelogs, feel free to tell me. :EeveeShy:

 EX Contributor 

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different"

Forum post | Bulba - Discord Bot | Website

Bulk Update to all Generations:

  • Added all abandoned Pokeball drops location to every Pokemon that has one.281902637_AbandonedPokeball.png.44eaae54fdf6ac5393e3723a42633296.png
    • Kind of tried to recreate the sprite version on PRO's Wiki, which is so small that it looks poorly on this forum post. At least in my opinion.
    • Includes links to important locations, which have documentation.

    [*]Added a few NPC's you can trade a Pokemon with to gain a Pokemon. (Also includes if the Pokemon is holding anything)

    [*]Pokemon rewards during the storyline (Example the Eevee rescue questline in Celadon City)

    [*]Re-designed the overall layout for Pokemon. Should now follow the same pattern, more or likely. Just to keep the pattern consistent.

    [*]Any Pokemon you can fight and capture during the Storyline is now also added information on. (Such as Snorlax or Sudowoodo)

Edited by Electrocute4u

 EX Contributor 

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different"

Forum post | Bulba - Discord Bot | Website

Bulk Update to all Pokemon sprites:

  • Removed all Pokemon sprites
  • Now more performance-friendly for everyone
  • Faster thread loading time.
  • No issues with images not loading in on other browsers, due to safety settings.
  • No more weird spaces in a spoiler, due to sprite not loading in.
  • Also added Changelog, so you can directly jump to any of these changelogs and read about them!

The reason why I removed the sprites:

I've been monitoring this thread regarding the loading performance. And I've done a few "benchmark tests" of sorts.

And in the end, the loading time had decreased tremendously when I removed the animated Pokemon sprites. Compared to when they were added.

Or if I added them as an attachment, I tried around 4 or 5 max, it would still take around a second or two less then from the external site.


The main issue with the sprites loading time was the external site I loaded them in from, being the raw link on their site.

I was thinking of maybe saving them locally and adding them in as attachments.

But I believe there is an attachment limit for each post, which may limit how many I can show (but I haven't tested that yet)

Maybe I'll add them back in the future if there is a less performance heavy solution I can use.

Edited by Electrocute4u

 EX Contributor 

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different"

Forum post | Bulba - Discord Bot | Website

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