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Update to Generation 1:

  • Added Evolve criteria for every Generation 1 Pokemon, even if they already have a wild spawn.
  • Added information regarding a Pokemon that has multiple evolve forms. (Example: Tyrogue's 3 evolve forms)
  • Added "Spawn Locations" title above the Pokemon spawn list, to highlight it better.
  • Added "Evolves" title, to keep it consistent with the change above.
  • Adjusted a few titles, as some were not scaled properly while others were not color-coded at all.
  • Fixed up in some minor detailing issues on some Pokemon, where a section should come before another.
  • Visual cleanup and other miscellaneous cleanups.

Do note that only Generation 1 has been given the updates above, the other Generations will follow soon.

If you spot a Pokemon in Generation 1 that has not received an Evolve criteria and that should have one.

Feel free to reply to this thread or PM me and I'll fix up in it.

 EX Contributor 

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different"

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Update to Generation 4:

  • Updated information on Cresselia
    • Added a Forum Guide on how to capture Cresselia.
    • Added a Youtube Guide on how to capture Cresselia.

Edited by Electrocute4u

 EX Contributor 

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different"

Forum post | Bulba - Discord Bot | Website

Update to Generation 2 and 3:

  • Added evolve criteria/information for all Pokemon. The same update as the one I added to Generation 1.
  • Adjusted the content of Generation 2 and 3 to now follow the Generation 1 template.
  • Now added bold text on evolve criteria that should be highlighted. (Example: It evolves from [POKEMON] starting at level 20)
  • Added information for when a time cycle starts and ends. (Example day: 10:00-19:59).
  • Minor cleanup in the general layout on a few Pokemon (wrong section order)
  • A lot of spelling mistakes were fixed on the way

 EX Contributor 

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different"

Forum post | Bulba - Discord Bot | Website

Update to Generation 4, 5 and 6:

  • Added Evolve information on every Pokemon, following the same format as the ones added to Generation 1, 2 and 3.
  • Fixed up in some evolve information that was already added, but displayed wrong evolve criteria.
  • Fixed a few spelling mistakes in gen 4 and 5.

Do note that only evolve information was added to the evolved Pokemon.

For example, Pichu has no evolve information, but their evolved forms Pikachu and Raichu will have one.

This is simply to reduce the time it takes to even cover 721 Pokemon and all their evolve information in the first place.

Trust me, this took a long time to complete.

To check through each Pokemon, then check my BBcode if I already covered them, then do the BBCode manually.


Feel free to contribute with information that isn't already covered.


Update to Index Post:

  • Added Page Index as a separate section.
  • Added Pokemon Generations as a separate section.
  • Added Anchors that will take you to topics in the index post faster.
  • Added #X for every Anchor, you can use them to go back and forth between anchor and goto link.
  • Added them above the topic title, so it matches up better, then when using the title as Anchor.

The reason I added the #X above the topic title was that it cut the title in half when you got directed from the anchor on "Page Index".

Edited by Electrocute4u

 EX Contributor 

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different"

Forum post | Bulba - Discord Bot | Website

Update to Index Post:

 EX Contributor 

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different"

Forum post | Bulba - Discord Bot | Website

Day Care Section Update:

  • Updated information on Day Care:
    • Added how much Medical Experience you need, in order to reach the needed tier.
    • Added better instructions on how to unlock the Pokemon Day Care and get a Medical certificate.
    • Added information on how to level up and how to gain Medical Experience.
    • Fixed a few spelling mistakes from the previous version.
    • New layout

    [*]Added missing information to the "miniboss" section.

    • Now mentions that it will also give you the "caught" data.

 EX Contributor 

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different"

Forum post | Bulba - Discord Bot | Website

Update to Generation 4:

  • Added the updated/changed Shaymin Event - Easter Event 2020
    • PDF Guide - Which covers the new event from A-Z (This guide was not created by me)

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 EX Contributor 

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different"

Forum post | Bulba - Discord Bot | Website

  • 2 weeks later...

Very important notice:

As of today, I'm permanently deleting/removing this guide from the PRO forums.


Due to personal reasons, this guide will be removed.

No further information about this will be available to the public.



Thank you to the handful of people that actually liked this guide.

I hope someone will step up and make something like this, someday in the future. As I've lost all interest in pleasing an ungrateful community.

Thanks to @Ichibann for the support and eagerness to share my guide when it was first released.

Thanks to @ShinyCelebi for helping me correct a lot of mistakes. You've been a huge savior.

Thanks to @Scara for showing so much interest in the guide and for giving me information when needed.


And thanks to all others who made the thread get to 3K views in less than a month's time after the first release.


Thank you for your time.

If you have any inquires about this decision, please begin a conversation with me.

As for any staff viewing this, I've solved this with the admins, so no need to get involved.

Edited by Electrocute4u
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 EX Contributor 

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different"

Forum post | Bulba - Discord Bot | Website

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