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Hello, it’s me. Epic PvPer Fairview. Not only does this make so much sense but it’s the exact reason I’m bad at PvP. Jokes aside, there’s no good reason to not try to implement this. Even if it made queue longer, there could be a toggle. 

That would be a very welcoming change I would love to see implemented as an optional setting in the future.

Most of the time I have/want to wait a couple minutes after having a bad match-up to not queue into the same person again and sometimes I still get the same person again.




I would also like to add that the possibility of fighting the same person over and over again invalidates the option of using gimmicky teams , teams that rely on the surprise factor and catching your opponent off guard ( gimmick teams have always been half troll, half viable but they are still kind of viable). Pokemon is a game about tactics and if your opponent knows your tactic simply because they have seen it last game , then that just kills one of the best aspects about pokemon pvp.




It's annoying when you play with the same enemy again and changes team just to counter your team, this actually happened to me sometimes.

Pokemon Revolution Online IGN: Leafbolt8

Discord ID: yourdog#4342

Pokemon Showdown IGN: Leafbolt8 

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