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List of Pokemon not to be used in ranked battle


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320856 Agree shadowtagg should be ban.


Why? Then Magnet Pull and Arena Trap should be ban?


Are strategies...My opinion :Ambivalent:


Arenatrap isn't code in the game ( and can only trapp the pokemon who are on the gound)

Magnetpull can only trapp steal type.


Shadow tag can trapp all the poke + gothita have calm mind + reste+ the move pursuit isn't code + we don't have team preview.

Do u want more ? Just read my post in this topic.

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320854 i think we should add onen more rule. recently i met a guy with a blissey,ferrothorn,slowbro and other tanky pokes. This ruins the fun of pvp and is really annoying -.-


I thought the release of life orb would level the playing field in terms of styles but so far it looks like I was wrong. Not to mention the use of tank clefables are on the rise. There is no way to approach this issue without being unfair but I think that, as someone mentioned here, the use of blissey and a regenerator should be banned as these people tend to also have a few more walls apart from those two pokes. Just a thought.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To be honestly , tankie pkm like skarmony should be ban too . Why ? very simple reason cause after he stacking spikes , stealth rock then the user will only spam whirlwind or roost to keep his skarmony alive and cause my pokemon going to hell :Frown: . Its are actully ruining the game and wasting my the time . :confused:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Without a shadow of a doubt gothitelle should be banned due to shadow tag. Look at Smogon, they banned shadow tag in general for singles, and that has team preview and MANY more ways to counter it. On PRO, there is no team preview, and some way to counter it aren't available, making it even more broken. Shadow tag for smogon was banned via a suspect test, meaning high ranking players voted on whether it was harmful enough to the meta to deserve a ban, and it was voted with an 89% majority to be banned. Either shadow tag or gothitelle deserve to be on that ban list.

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