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  frost41 said:
  PreHax said:
362054 Generation VI

Ghost-type Pokémon are now immune to Shadow Tag.


Isn't the game coded to match Generation VI ?

Always thought it was the case since the movesets of some pokemon i noticed - vileplume, onix, etc - are matching gen VI and not V


It was coded originally for Gen V so maybe he hasn't updated the ability.

  bladermagician said:
362357 It was coded originally for Gen V so maybe he hasn't updated the ability.


Good thing to know, thanks.

Even so, updating shadow tag is really important, being as it was back in Gen V, makes it way, like way (!) too powerful in a meta such as pro, without a team preview - making shadow tag fairly easy to set - nor mega or choice items helping a lot to go through stall without having to play specific pokemons.

i have to ask something.i have a batton passer,with amnesia and barrier.or barrier and calm mind,or barrier sword dance etc boost moves without speed boost. can i use the moves to buff my pokemon stats 2or 3 times and then pass them to another pokemon?is this banable?

  kyritsakos90 said:
363073 i have to ask something.i have a batton passer,with amnesia and barrier.or barrier and calm mind,or barrier sword dance etc boost moves without speed boost. can i use the moves to buff my pokemon stats 2or 3 times and then pass them to another pokemon?is this banable?


the rule is actually pretty clear

9. Baton pass clause : A pokemon cannot pass Speed and another stat simultaenously, limited to only one baton passer per team


its only about speed+something else

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

  kyritsakos90 said:
363073 i have to ask something.i have a batton passer,with amnesia and barrier.or barrier and calm mind,or barrier sword dance etc boost moves without speed boost. can i use the moves to buff my pokemon stats 2or 3 times and then pass them to another pokemon?is this banable?

It is not against the rules as long as you are not passing any speed buffs alongside the other boosted stats. It does not only apply to the Speed Boost ability.

[center][/center] [center][/center]
  Alaris said:

Staff as a whole has decided upon the current rules. Any major new additions or changes are discussed as a group. Most of the rules align with those from smogon, but not all.


  Zinsmiter said:

Ok. Tymerod's statement explains it pretty clearly i think. I wanna know what's going on with this.


  Tymerod said:
356181 Imo the problem is that (afaik) we dont have an official statement from the staff why they didnt take any action in the case of shadow tag gothitell (i reduce it to st goth because wobbuffet hasnt really been part of the discussion in PRO or smogon). A problem discussed as often and intensive as st goth by the community should really be taken more seriously by the staff e.g. by sharing the internal discussion with the community. maybe we/they miss something in the argumentation.


When are we getting an answer to this??


The Shadow Tag situation is worse than ever in the game since more people realized it's broken and people began to farm it.

  Zinsmiter said:
  Alaris said:

Staff as a whole has decided upon the current rules. Any major new additions or changes are discussed as a group. Most of the rules align with those from smogon, but not all.


  Zinsmiter said:

Ok. Tymerod's statement explains it pretty clearly i think. I wanna know what's going on with this.


  Tymerod said:
356181 Imo the problem is that (afaik) we dont have an official statement from the staff why they didnt take any action in the case of shadow tag gothitell (i reduce it to st goth because wobbuffet hasnt really been part of the discussion in PRO or smogon). A problem discussed as often and intensive as st goth by the community should really be taken more seriously by the staff e.g. by sharing the internal discussion with the community. maybe we/they miss something in the argumentation.


When are we getting an answer to this??


The Shadow Tag situation is worse than ever in the game since more people realized it's broken and people began to farm it.




The topic was brought up amongst staff again, the general consensus is that it goth while powerful in certain aspects has a similar win-rate to other top tier pokemon.


No matter the decision we will make certain groups of players unhappy. Ex. remove goth= potentially welcomes more stall teams and klefki's. This is not a fact but a reasonable assumption.



We do have some top pvper's amongst us and this is out current decision. The decision will be readdressed as needed.

  Alaris said:
  Zinsmiter said:
  Alaris said:

Staff as a whole has decided upon the current rules. Any major new additions or changes are discussed as a group. Most of the rules align with those from smogon, but not all.


  Zinsmiter said:

Ok. Tymerod's statement explains it pretty clearly i think. I wanna know what's going on with this.




When are we getting an answer to this??


The Shadow Tag situation is worse than ever in the game since more people realized it's broken and people began to farm it.




The topic was brought up amongst staff again, the general consensus is that it goth while powerful in certain aspects has a similar win-rate to other top tier pokemon.


No matter the decision we will make certain groups of players unhappy. Ex. remove goth= potentially welcomes more stall teams and klefki's. This is not a fact but a reasonable assumption.



We do have some top pvper's amongst us and this is out current decision. The decision will be readdressed as needed.


We have other tools in hazards, stallbreakers, wallbreakers and the "new" Life Orb against stall.

Just to make sure the line above isn't just thin air based on nothing, I've personally defeated the hardest stall teams using some of these tools, including in the latest legendary tournament against boszyang14 who won the tournament (since i forgot the OT rule for a moment and only brought 2 instead of 3 OT pokemon in game 3 resulting in me being disqualified even though i won the game) and this was in the old meta where Life Orb wasn't even available/allowed.


I can see your point with Klefki and i thank you for finally giving some specific answers as to what makes you make these decisions.


Regarding Klefki and the dual screen strategies. I agree that there aren't many other tools available in PRO and that using brick break just to try to counter this specific strategy isn't enough. I have an idea. Defog TM. Defog is also a tool that keeps dual screen strategies in check on showdown and is a multi-purpose move since it also removes hazards (which is usually the main reason for using it) meaning that it's not awkward to fit on a team.

There are currently only 3 "viable" defoggers in the game (imo). Scizor, which is the most used (in my experience) but gets punished heavily by magnezone and isn't seen as much because of this. Mandibuzz which is passive because there is no Foul Play in the game, and Crobat which is generally considered a weaker pokemon (still viable).

Defog TM would allow a wider pool of pokemon with defog including Mew, Empoleon, Togekiss, Flygon, Salamence, and Skarmory among others.

I suggest implementing this so there isn't a need to use an easy no-brain counter that has no counterplays other than forcing you to exclude a large pool of pokemon from your PvP teams and ruins the fundamental switch mechanics of the game while also not being fun at all.

  FlaFlaPT said:
  FlaFlaPT said:
359173 Alaris, moves that lower accuracy do not break evasion clause. Is it your incorrect interpretation of this smogon clause or you just made up the rule ?


Gonna bump this since Alaris is in the house. :Smile:


Its not misinterpreted and was not made up recently. The rule has been in place for several months and the wording has not changed. I doubled checked this again with other staff.

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