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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/18 in all areas

  1. Hello, I would like to suggest the weather setters to work like in Showdown where slower pokemon dominates the weather. For example, in a battle where Torkoal and Pelipper are leading, Torkoal would dominate with drought since it is slower. For team preview, I wanted it to be coded since PRO is trying to work like Showdown by nerffing Talonflame and banning Dugtrio. If we don't know the enemy team has a Volcarona, we will pretty much get swept as soon as they get momentum, no matter how well you play. And Volt-switch and U-turn working like in Showdown would just make battles a lot more fun and less stally. Also, unbanning Arena Trap and adding team preview would make it fair too. Thank you, There's no lemon pie left.
    3 points
  2. Hello dear PRO staff, I write to ask them without arranging movements like magma storm and drain punch that are bugs, these and others like encore would help a lot in the improvement of the goal, I do not mention trick room because I guess that coding this would be much more complex . Without anything else to add I say goodbye.
    2 points
  3. Agreed. This should've been the focus before a Gen 7 update if you ask me. Maybe if this stuff is coded, we can stop using Showdown as the format of choice for Ladder Tournaments and other PvP-related events.
    2 points
  4. Hey fellas, it looks like many dont really know how each stat is calculated and how they exactly work, so I am trying to help you with that. Of course, the information I will be proving is the same on every other wiki page regarding pokemon if you would use google, but anyway, lets begin :) 1. Basic Stats 2. IVs (Individual Value) 3. EVs (Effort Value) 4. Nature 5. All together 1. Basic Stats First and most important the basic value each pokemon has. You can not change it, even if you catch the same pokemon multiple times. It is pretty simple to figure them out, just open the PokeDex and mouseover the green triangle. We have Health Points (HP), Attack (Atk), Defense (Def), Speed (Spd), Special Attack (SpAtk) and last but not least Special Defense (SpDef). Each stat is pretty much self explanatory, so I wont cover that and the formula which goes with them. If you really want me to do, say so and I will add to it in the future, but for now we will stay with the basics. 2. Individual Value Now to the part, where everyone wants their pokemon to be rated by the all chat. The Individual Value, or short IVs, range from 1 to 31 and are random generated upon engaging a pokemon in the wild. You can not alter them directly, only by catching the same pokemon over and over again. There are 6^31 different possible variations, so quite a lot. It is pretty hard to get a perfect pokemon, meaning all 6 stats have to have 31 IVs in HP, Atk, Def, Spd, SpAtk and SpDef - A friendly advice, dont try to get one :) 3. Effort Value Everyone always complains about farming EVs (short for Effort Value) you you will soon know why. Compared to IVs, you have full control over the EVs. Each pokemon you defeat can and will grant you EVs, which one depends on the pokemon you have defeated. For example, if you want your pokemon to get EVs in SpAtk, you have to defeat pokemon who will yield SpAtk and that is, for example, a Psyduck. In most cases Pokemon will yield its highest Basic Stat as EV, so you can see it directly in the PokeDex, but doesnt always has to be true. To be sure I would recommend to always check on the internet. Now to the tricky part. You can only get a total of 510 EVs, you can distribute them how you like, but you have to keep in mind, one stat can only recieve 252 EVs. To make it more clear, lets take our Psyduck again as an example. For some odd reason you want to train your Psyduck in Atk and Def, thats fine, but it also means you have to defeat 252 Paras for Atk and 252 Geodudes for Def. If you are keeping up, you will notice we are missing now 6 EVs. You can now put 4 EVs in the third most useful spot, so we will take Spd for that, meaning you have to kill another 4 Digletts, the other 2 are leftovers and are useless and I will tell you why. Every 4th EV will grant you 1 additional Basic Stat, that means the 252 Atk we just trained are divided by 4. Adding to our example of the Psyduck (which has a Basic Attack Value of 52) it would give us 52 + 252/4 (52 + 63). Now you may see why the 2 EV leftovers wont bother us anymore, because 2 EVs are not enough to make another 1 Basic Stat. To summerize it: You can train 510 total EV, but only 252 in each stat (HP, Atk, Def, Spd, SpAtk, SpDef) and if you decide to push 2 stats to the limit you will have 6 leftovers and only 4 of them will matter, the other 2 wont. We will come back to the formula later again. 4. Nature There are 25 different natures out there and it is totally random (like the IVs) which one you will get, but you can alter that with a Pokemon which has the ability "Synchronize". It does have a 50% chance to apply the same nature it has, to the pokemon you are engaging in the wild. There are 20 Natures which will increase and decrease one stat and 5 Natures who are "blank", meaning they dont do anything. If you select a pokemon which has one of the 20 natures you will see that one Basic Stat is highlighted in green and one in orange/red. The green is the boosted stat and the yellow/orange stat will get decreased. But different from IVs and EVs, a Nature will never touch the HP stat. A green stat is increased by 1.1, meaning 10% and a yellow/red stat is increased by 0.9, meaning it only has 90% of its total power. 5. All together Now let's see what it can do all together, this is where the magic happens. I will take the example from earlier again, our Psyduck. Let's pretend we got ourself a fine, perfect Psyduck with 31 IVs in every Stat and trained its EVs in Atk and Def for the full amount. The basic stats are 50 HP, 52 Atk, 48 Def, 65 SpAtk, 50 SpDef and 55 Spd. Perfect that is all the information we need to calculate the stats it will have at every level. Lets take a look at the formula: (((Basic Stat * 2 + IV + EV / 4) * X / 100 ) + 5 ) * Nature Now we only have to insert our stats, its pretty simple, lets try it out. Our Basic Stat for Atk is 52, we have 31 IVs in Atk and trained it all the way to 252 EVs in Atk. The X marks the level it should have, so we make it a 100 and we want it to have the Nature Adamant (+Atk, -SpAtk). Let's see what the formula looks like if we fill it in: (((52 * 2 + 31 + 252 / 4) * 100 / 100 ) + 5 ) * 1.1 = 223.3 Atk As we can see, our Psyduck will have 223 Atk at level 100, easy, isnt it ? :) Now we do it for the SpAtk. (((65 * 2 + 31 + 0 / 4) * 100 / 100 ) + 5 ) * 0.9 = 149,4 SpAtk You can do it now with every stat and you can see for yourself what your pokemon will looks like at the selected level, in this case 100. But there is one exception, that is the HP stat. It does work a little different. (((Basic Stat * 2 + IV + EV / 4) * X / 100 ) + 10 + X Let see how much HP our little Psyduck can get at level 100 (((50 * 2 + 31 + 0 / 4) * 100 / 100 ) + 10 + 100 = 241 HP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And that's it. Now you can play pokemon with your calculator :) I really hope that did help you and that it will reduces the "<pokemon> rate?"-spam a little. Feel free to ask any question you might have, I would be glad to answer them. Best regards, Bassad.
    1 point
  5. Seriously, thanks for making Pokemon Revolution Online! It's such a beautiful game and I'm very in love with PRO and have met great people here ALREADY! The community you guys have for PRO is just, amazing! And I understand you guys probably have a lot of backlash and toxicity coming from many many people who have come across PRO. But I just wanted to take the time and send you this message (Before I go to work!) and tell you all how much I appreciate what you have done for PRO and make such a high quality and PERFECT game! I want you to know that you have a very big fan here and I wish for you ALL THE BEST and want you to keep going!!! Never look down and keep aiming high into the skies! You've made it this far, PRO is just THE BEST. Thank you, team, for ALL your hard work and dedication in making sure that we all have a blast in PRO! I know I am!!! I love you so much, Addison
    1 point
  6. I won't do no format and stuff because am too lazy, just gonna introduce a bit of myself and mention some people at the end whom I really love. So here we go: My real name is Ricardo Seerden, but sometimes my friends call Me Vuurvlammetje. Thats why I've chosen for this name. I was born in The Netherlands, Alkmaar i'm 20 years old; Friendly, Joyful and Patient but Nervous, Sleepy & really social. Worrying is My style. Also Sensitive; and the most Thing I hate is: Fake Friends. I have luckily a Mom and Dad and 1 sister above me and one under me (age, nothing else).; I'm the middle Brother here. and always I like to be rude with them. But well who never was? I really don't do much things in my life. besides working every day. but when I do, I plan to do something that means ''Fun'', something that I really enjoy of. like going to such tourist sites, playing football by usual with my friends and neighbors, Travel to many places. well, yea i'm an adventurous guy here. I love Music(s), well, life without it could be worse. I Like some Dutch language music, like Andre Hazes and some TOP 40 music. Also I'm listening most of the time to some 80's music. and Some Video Games Soundtracks too. I like games, well i'm a Gamer too. Here there will come a list with some names of people that I've met in this community, and worthly a shout-out:
    1 point
  7. Hello, The server red and blue were merge into 1 the other day. They are now silver. You need to log into dashboard and merge the accounts there. That should fix the problem for you. https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/ Good luck :)
    1 point
  8. I'm still waiting for substitute, trick room, trick and a few other stuff, but that would also be great. Can't agree more, ty for this thread.
    1 point
  9. It's also thanks to you players if the game is alive, so thanks to you guys for being here with us
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. welcome my friend!
    1 point
  12. Hello my friend this is everything that holds it. Hope that helps and good day!
    1 point
  13. Hey Pal. Interact with the NPC named 'Shaui' and your issue should be fixed
    1 point
  14. Why do you want to join NoMercy ? Cause i was looking for a good guild after i left mine , i like to interact ,have fun and know new friends in game as well as learn from more experienced gamers in there and help others too and help growing guild more & more ,im so aktiv @ the game and love pvping , trading Have you ever banned from Pro , if so why ? -i havent got banned before Other than having fun playing the game, what are your goals in PRO? -To become pro in pvp ,making my own teams and collect a massive amount of epic pokes , shinies too How old are you and other than English, what languages do you speak? -im 26 yrs old , i speak english , arabic and a little bit German
    1 point
  15. it is closed for now
    1 point
  16. Thank you for your answers. I see that there is only one issue most guilds share and that's the payment of $20.000.000. Most assume that every guild should be able to purchase a guild island but this is NOT what I wanted. I only want a small part of the community to get it. I want it to be the non-plus-ultra for guilds. Something to brag about. Also do not forget that a boss run gives easily around $700.000-800.000. Which means that a guild is already able to purchase it with 28 boss runs. If a guild really wants to purchase it then it's definitely possible. If I decide to add guild islands then the price for it won't be lowered, I hope you can accept and maybe understand this. I noted down all suggestions and think about them a bit within the next days. I will keep you updated. I lock this thread as I alreay got the answers I was looking for.
    1 point
  17. Gingery Jones has a few grammatical errors and weird capitalization, should probably say something like: "Not bad, you know enough to be considered advanced in archeology, but there are always more discoveries to be made in the world! ('wide world' just sounds awkward, or make it 'whole wide world'): The Gingery Jones in Mineral Site also says "hugh" instead of "huh", but again, the sentence sounds pretty awkward. Maybe "Hello <username>, I have a lot to teach to archaeologists who have made at least 5,000 discoveries, but you haven't seem to yet. You've only made about <number> discoveries.":
    1 point
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