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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/21 in all areas

  1. Payment methods: Pokedollars. (1:1 ratio obviously) Coin Capsule. (420k) IV Re-roll Ticket. (700k) N Re-roll Ticket. (350k) Prices are negotiable! DM me @ ProfPan#9681 More Pokemon will be added over time so keep a look out!
    4 points
  2. Start bid: 80m Min. raise: 2m Insta: 150m Time: 7 days after first bid Accepting only money.
    2 points
  3. Hello trainers, Im selling some of my Pokemon. I posted prices above the mons, however you can still make me reasonable offers. My Discord is Celestic#7113 Accept CC = 400k, Reroll = 680k, Nature Reroll = 340k Im also willing to trade (or buy). Also message me for that in Discord. I have a collection of Pokemon with 20+ IV in all relevant stats and reasonable nature. Can be commons aswell. I dont care how usefull (or useless) the pokemon is. High Value: (500k+) Medium Price: (200k-500k) Lower Price: (upto 200k) Story Mons: (Free if you have under 50 hours, please be fair and dont show alts or smth)
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. WELCOME! As the name suggest, this is a service shop. The pricelist for all services can be check below: Standard Offers: 1-Stat EV Service: 16k 2-Stat EV Service (Full EV Service): 30k 28k Egg Move Service: 20k 18k/each move Special Offers: Full EV Service >2 Pokemons at once: 25k/each Pokemon Egg Move Service >2 Moves at once: 16k/each move CONTACTS: Discord: MischieF#0926 In-game: Mischief1810
    1 point
  6. Hey, I have created this guide to help players that may need help completing the Sinnoh region! I will cover the Sinnoh Region from start to finish in this guide and also include how to go to Sinnoh! I hope that you find this guide helpful! If you need help with the previous regions, check out these guides: JollyOlNathan's Kanto Guide Sugarred9's Johto Guide ArielGG's Hoenn Guide That being said, let's begin our adventure! That was it! Congrats on becoming the Sinnoh champion and I hope this walkthrough has guided you well through it.
    1 point
  7. Hello and welcome to VNShalalala Shop This shop where VNShalalala's member will sell their pokemon We will update this shop everyday Prices are all on the picture, you can make offer Be sure to read and respect Trade Rules CONTACTS PAYMENTS TRAINED POKEMONS UNTRAINED POKEMONS THANKS FOR SHOPPING
    1 point
  8. Here's the top 3 I'm in search of, I have very little flexibility in the stats, first stat is required. Togekiss: Serene Grace, Timid, 31 SPD, 30+ SPATK, 24+ other IVs Hawlucha: Unburden, Adamant, 31 ATK, 28+ SPD, 24+ other IVs Rotom-Wash: Levitate, Timid, 31 SPD, 24+ other IVs Other stuff I am looking for that I'm more flexible on Torkoal: Drought, Bold, 28+ HP, DEF, SDEF, 24+ SPD, 20+ other IVs Shuckle: Contrary, 28+ HP, DEF, SPDEF Weavile: Pickpocket, Jolly, 31 SPD, 28+ ATK, 20+ other IVs Volcarona: Flame Body ,Timid, 29+ HP, 28+ SPD, 24+ other IVs Bulbasaur: Chlorophyll, Modest, 29+ SPD, 28+ SPATK, 24+other IVs Crawdaunt: Adaptability, Jolly, 29+ SPD, 30+ ATK, 15+ other IVs I'm fine with pre-evolutions / unleveled / no EV pokemon. If you have anything of the above you're looking to sell please message me. Contact me here, in game or on discord Ingame: Flawd Discord: Aether#4698 Thanks @Norex for your format
    1 point
  9. SHINY LARVITAR S.O: 8m min. raise: 500k INSTA: 18m Auction Time: 48 hours after first bid. Started at: 21:40 27.10.2021 GMT+3 extended to 21:55 because of last min bid. C.O: 12m by pitroipa Payment Options: 400k = CC - 700k = Reroll Ticket GOOD LUCK!
    1 point
  10. Hello, as of now, we won't give the option to obtain more than one mega stone but I might add that you can give the same mega stone to multiple pokes. So you will be able to give the megastone to a Pokemon but it won't disappear from your inventory. I am not sure about this yet but I put it on my to-do list with a note to maybe implement it. See this suggestion as denied.
    1 point
  11. As already posted here, we do not have enough players for more than the two ladder queues we already have. And even if we had more players the next queue would be UU instead of Uber. See this suggestion as denied. Feel free to suggest it again in case we get more players in the future.
    1 point
  12. Hey, I support this idea. We'll add a security question on the registration page in the future.
    1 point
  13. I've seen people's account getting hacked so i was wondering if the staff could implement account security question and answer or even email verification code to make the account more safe
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Like, Can we please get a new location for those stones like even a side quest with brock for the Steelix quest? Like them being locked behind excavations is bad their UU stones, time gated behind a long time gate. Here's some questions to ask, When was the last time you've seen either of them in pvp? or used in general because of their location? Like you have to choose behind pvp items / Vitamins and other good consumables or choose their stone 99.9% of the players are choosing pvp items / Consumables because their stones just aren't worth the prices. Can we get them changed to like a proper quest like all the other mega's please. 1000pts isn't worth the cost. The current location of theses stones just seems like lazy design by the cs who put it into the game. Ps, Literally the mega Steelix quest writes its self, Start of the quest talk to brock in pewter, Help brock find out whats wrong with the colony of onix, realize the crystal onix went missing, help brock and his family beat team rocket to save the crystal Onix brock awards the Steelix stone after you beat the rocket leader.
    1 point
  17. Hey there, I am pretty sure this problem has already been addressed, but now it should be considered once again. There have already been complaints about how stupidly time consuming and senseless it is to get those mega stones compared to the others. It literally takes forever to be able to get them and this creates a huge unbalance towards the other mega quests, which can be solved in a bunch of days at worst. And now, Excavations have even been down for over a week, leaving no chance at all for players to try and get those stones. Don't you think this is an even bigger reason to change this? I was grinding to get that impossible amount of artefact pieces since weeks, and now I can't even continue to collect them anymore because excavations are closed. Please introduce another way to get those stones or drastically lower the requirements + make them purchasable even with excavations closed. I hope you will not only take this into consideration, but also act quickly because it's kinda annoying... Cheers/
    1 point
  18. As someone who owns both megastones why would i care if they got a reduced price or alternate quest, i have them and thats all that matters. Having a 1month per megastone quest line like these are frankly way to much since everybody should have access to every pvp option. having a 1month waiting period for it just seems unjustified. +1
    1 point
  19. I have an epic shiny steelix I worked very hard for, and finally made it to buy it for 5m... but I have only worked it 1/3 of the process achieving its stone... very depressing
    1 point
  20. 0 points
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