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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/22 in Posts

  1. Start: 3m Min Bid 100k Insta 15m Payment Methods: cc=400k nature rr=350k iv rr=700k rc=7k (currently on silver) Start 20:12 pm (GMT+8), PH time End 3 days from Start
    1 point
  2. Hello there, i want to sell some pvpable pokemon already fully trained. I accept reroll ticket (700k), reroll nature (350k) and cc (400k) The auction will last 2 days after first bid c.o. 600k by Naschhh insta 3m min bid 100k https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/3174066/my-countdown c.o. 500k by Hohlyeraser insta 1.5m min bid 50k https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/3173340/my-countdown c.o. 600k by Lauty insta 2m min bid 100k https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/3174982/my-countdown GL Everyone
    1 point
  3. Commenting to both bump the thread for more opinions + notify that I've begun reworking the spawns! It will be forwarded to our overlord Walross and see if it proceeds further. I have a TON of work ahead but we'll try doing a bit every day and see where we arrive!
    1 point
  4. 500k Payment Methods: Cash | RR IV 700k ea Open to Negotiation
    1 point
  5. What is your IGN? Shuzder What is your discord? PropagandaPanda4#6724 Tell us a little about yourself. 22 year old war veteran from Austria (I defended my countries flag from invaders on r/place) How many hours do you currently have? 534 Do you know any existing members? Not at all Have you been in a guild before? If so, which one(s)? Yes I was in Calamity for the most part. What are your expectations for this guild? First and foremost playing PRO is a lot more fun if you have some peeps to talk or play with. What You are looking for from the guild? I kind of need to know whats meta and off meta in PRO and I always had problems with pricing certain mons. To summarize I would like to know the state of PRO right now. What other games do you play online? Nearly every genre there is except Horror. Ex.:LoL, Rust, Csgo, Lost Ark, etc. What is your favorite pokemon and what made them stick out to you? Umbreon. I played a lot of Pokemon Colloseum on the Game Cube and I always liked Umbreon. In your own words, please describe why you need to be recruited into this guild. Well I guess I am obsessed with farming perfect mons and am always ready to help guildmates in finding what they need for a reduced price of course (Doing that for free is mental) Oh and I already caught like 6-8 shinies in PRO. If that doesnt convince you then I don’t know what will. If you're interested in PvP what is your favorite Archetype to use (Ex. HO, Balance, Stall, Weather, etc)? Mostly HO and Stall
    1 point
  6. start lopunny[2cc+2.2m]. Im atm on Silver can Transfer to gold if i win.
    1 point
  7. Well, their QnA streams are pretty much always hosted when I sleep and I've watched like 2 or 3 of them in total, and I cba to watch it when I wake up. So I guess I haven't heard about that part, thanks for sharing the info though. Also, not too interested in watching QnA streams as I find them pretty much messy and unorganized, PRO's is no exception and I rather want it in a readable format. As for the idea in itself... I've seen a fair share of people saying they are against the idea and even going as far as saying it will ruin the game/"often tends to ruin a game". But their vision is pretty much narrowed down to their own personal views on it and I can't blame them for not seeing the bigger picture of an feature. I do personally believe a Action House is pretty much benefitting the community as much as for staff and player alike, granting staff an actual platform to monitor, instead of having to go through each and every new or old thread, looking for every single small detail in x amount of reply pages, often entailing dates and often not voided trades, whereas a system could easily do half of this and moderators could just handle the rest manually where needed. And users could actually have a common platform to follow trades in live time, instead of having to focus on chat every now and then because their bid was overtaken. But it all comes down to how small and closed-off PRO's team have become over the years and I hate to see a good game suffering from not having enough man(or girl)power to execute something benefitting themselves in the long run.
    1 point
  8. Pretty sure the auction house was said multiple times on stream it wasn't going to happen and instead he was going to add an npc in game where you can sell your pokemon and other people could interact with that npc and buy them. Not sure there was any ETA given on that just the same as the auction house though :sadge:
    1 point
  9. None of the bulbas are 27+ as you mention,what do you want to prove? Misleading. Misleading. Misleading.
    1 point
  10. Our end of month PvP stats for you all! Clan Rating: 3066 (+1013) Normal Ranked: 1st Place - @Decaptiator - PRO - 211 Rating (+62) 2nd Place - @Amylimna - PRO - 126 Rating (+16) 3rd Place - @Claude9 - PRO - 102 Rating (-3) 4th Place - @Gynn - PRO - 98 Rating (-5) 5th Place - @Rover - PRO - 93 Rating (+6) Random Ranked: 1st Place - @BiteTheBulliet - PRO - 253 Rating (-27) 2nd Place - @Mops - PRO - 200 Rating (-54) 3rd Place - @RtgRobin - PPO & PRO - 198 Rating (-15) 4th Place - @Amylimna - PRO - 197 Rating (+32) 5th Place - @Raewastaken - PRO - 190 Rating (+38) Combined Rating: 1st Place - @Decaptiator - PRO - 324 Rating (-105) 2nd Place - @Amylimna - PRO - 323 Rating (+55) 3rd Place - @Mops - PRO - 256 Rating (-5) 4th Place - @BiteTheBulliet - PRO - 254 Rating (-1) 5th Place - @Ketan - PRO - 247 Rating (+82) Congratulations to everyone here making the top 5. Top 5 Combined Rating Prizes: 1st Place = 40 Coins + Choice of Pokemon from @Amylimna - PRO 2nd = 25 Coins + Choice of Pokemon from @Amylimna - PRO 3rd = 20 Coins + Pokemon from @Amylimna - PRO 4th = 10 Coins 5th = 5 Coins +Wildcard Prize Winners: @Gynn - PRO - [5x Rare Candy, 30 Ultra Balls, 1x Energy Ball TM, 1x Volt Switch TM] @Annou - PRO - [5x Rare Candy, 30 Ultra Balls, 1x Energy Ball TM, 1x Volt Switch TM] [Honorary Mentions] @RtgRobin - PPO & PRO - 241 Rating @Claude9 - PRO - 213 Rating @Gynn - PRO - 200 Rating
    1 point
  11. Yeah, yeah. I reverted it again. I re-added it now. Let's hope I don't revert it again.
    1 point
  12. PRO RULES By registering to PRO, you agree to follow all of PRO's rules. Breaking any of PRO's rules will result in disciplinary action on your account. Appropriate punishments are issued per infraction. You can read the Punishment Policy for an idea of what punishment may follow for each infraction. Click to read: Forum Rules Chat Rules Trade Rules PvP Rules If your account is ever sanctioned due to breaking any of PRO's rules, you have the right to appeal. During the appeal process, we take careful consideration of the rule breaking, your behaviour whilst appealing, your honesty and your punishment record. Overall Game Rules 1. By registering to PRO (Pokemon Revolution Online), you agree and acknowledge the Terms and Conditions and these Game Rules. 2. Each person is allowed a maximum of four owned accounts. This includes, but is not limited to: Any account created counts towards your 4 total, not just active ones. 0 hours, 0 badges, never played on? They count. Received accounts, count towards your total. Given away accounts, do not count towards your total anymore. Received/Given away only count if you changed the password/email of said account otherwise it still belongs to the original creator Exploiting more than 4 allowed accounts in order to gain mass profit or frequently gaining large amounts of income. If someone has quit PRO and gave their account to you, take anything you want at once and stop using it only if you already own 4 accounts. Be aware doing this may trigger a ban in which you will need to appeal and provide proper evidence of the account being given to you. (Example: Having the password of more than 4 accounts you received by people who are inactive in order to fight bosses, doing PvE quests to receive rewards, or progressing during a Special Event in order to receive one time rewards such as Reroll Tickets, etc...) 3. Account sharing isn't recommended but allowed none the less. The account owner will be held accountable for any infraction committed on the account. Accounts shared with you do not count as one of your 4 accounts unless you are given full ownership of said account. We do not offer support in proxy cases where you are banned due to connections to another user. Your IP and device are your responsibility. 4. Real Money/ World Trading is strictly prohibited and all accounts involved will receive a permanent ban if done. This includes, but is not limited to: Buying or selling anything in PRO for money or goods in real life. Exchanging anything in PRO for items, money, etc on another game. Buying or selling an account on PRO for money or goods in-game. (Example: Coin Capsule, etc.) Buying or selling an account on PRO for money or goods in real life. Buying or selling an account on PRO for CC. 5. Using any kind of unauthorised software, hacking or editing the PRO game/ client is prohibited. Unauthorised software includes: Any kind of automated software. (Bots, Macro). Software which injects into PRO's files to give unfair advantages. (Speed hacking). External software that gives unfair advantages, which is not endorsed by PRO. 6. Abusing glitches, and not reporting them as soon as possible, will result in sanctions. Accounts which abuse bugs will not be unbanned unless all illegitimate gains can be removed from the account. 7. Not reporting incriminating evidence, helping a user evade a ban, and hiding illegally gained belongings are all strictly forbidden. This includes, but is not limited to: Not reporting a user who you know has cheated or abused bugs. Sharing accounts with a user who is permanently banned. Trading stolen, botted or illegitimately gained Pokemon, items, money, etc whilst knowing of their origin. Not reporting a Staff Member who abuses position, leaks Staff-only information to users or leaks unpublished PRO content. 8. Exploiting Bosses to excessively gain income is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: Selling or buying Boss Service. Fight Bosses on more than 4 accounts, regardless of ownership. Fight Bosses on both servers with the same account. If you transferred, you will have to wait for the cooldown on the other server to end in order to rechallenge. 9. The Trade Rules must be followed at all times. Rules may differ depending on which platform the user is trading on (Forums, In-game, Discord Chat). Scamming another user when trading will result in an immediate permanent ban. 10. By playing PRO's Ranked PvP, you agree to the PvP Rules. The PvP rules do not apply to the unranked/ friendly battles. 11. By engaging in the in-game chats, you agree and acknowledge the Chat Rules. Private channel owners/ Guild leaders have the right to moderate their channels. Insults and harassment are never acceptable, even when done in private channels. PRO Staff will only moderate private messages if they are reported via the Report Center. 12. Deplorable behaviour, profanity, spamming and posting inappropriate/ adult content are all against the rules. PRO Staff will report you to the appropriate authorities if your offence is considered illegal. 13. Posting malicious links, such as phishing links, adult content, or anything inappropriate for children is prohibited. 14. Impersonating a member of PRO staff is strictly prohibited and will result in harsh sanctioning if attempted. If username based, the infringing account will be permanently suspended without question. 15. When registering an account, you must not take a username that is inappropriate for children. You may be questioned or permanently banned if your name is deemed inappropriate. 16. Gaining unauthorised access to another user's account is strictly prohibited and will be met with severe consequences. 17. PVE Ladder related rules (currently active only during specific event but rule is valid in any PVE ladder will be released from now on) : Any form of boosting is prohibited. (Example, having someone else play for you in order to enter ladder regardless if free or paid) You are allowed to have only one single account in a server PVE ladder. Disclaimers PRO's Rules apply to all official PRO Scope. This includes the forum, game, Discord servers as well as any officially owned platform. Infractions done against a member of staff may receive additional or harsher punishments depending on the nature of the infraction. Member's of PRO's staff team and anyone representing PRO (Discord moderation, acknowledged contributors, etc) are not exempt from the rules and will be punished significantly harder if they break them.
    1 point
  13. Dm me here or discord (#Gatling2740) i won weavile :)
    0 points
  14. TRADE RULES NOTE: When trading as part of an auction, be aware that in addition to the rules listed below, all Auction Rules apply. GENERAL TRADE RULES 1. When advertising, be clear and accurate about what you are buying or selling. - When stating a Pokemon is IV+ (25+, 26+, etc), all stats must be equal to, or above the advertised numbers. › Exception: Decreased ATK, SPATK or SPD stats. › e.g. A Timid Pokemon may be advertised as 25+, if all stats except Attack are equal to, or above 25. 2. Announcing a lend, sale, offer or bid with no intention or means to follow through is prohibited. 3. Once a deal is agreed upon, you cannot back out of it. A deal is done in one of these two scenarios: - In-game: Both parties have agreed to a price and location. - Forum & Auction: An Insta or Fixed Price has been met, or auction won. 4. Scamming, Misleading or Deceiving players is prohibited. 5. Reserves (buy now, pay later agreements) are prohibited. Players must have the means to make full payment from the time of committing to a trade agreement (making an offer, bid, or agreeing to a deal) until completion of the trade or outbid. 6. Offers received outside of an auction cannot be: - Claimed or used as current or best offer. - Used as a starting bid without the buyer's permission. 7. Trades outside of official PRO platforms (Forum, In-game, Discord) are not supported, or enforced by PRO Staff. - Reports or evidence regarding trade agreements made on Discord may not be accepted. 8. All goods gained or traded as a result of an Account Hack or Scam will be forcefully corrected, any trade agreements made in such circumstances will be considered void. - In the event that a trade agreement has been made, or a trade has taken place with any third party involving goods gained via an Account Hack, this will be forcefully reversed where possible, regardless of known or direct involvement. 9. When making a service agreement (Level-Up, EV-Training, Lending, PokeDex Data, Story / Quest, etc), players must take full responsibility to ensure that the service is completed as agreed. Any actions not approved by the agreement are prohibited. - This includes: unapproved trades to or from own accounts or third parties, irreversible damage (evolving), payment is made, etc. › Evidence of these agreements must be made and kept, and made available upon Staff request. This is the responsibility of both parties. › Services that involve account sharing (Story, Quest, etc) are permitted, but not recommended. See Rule No.3 of the Game Rules for further details. CROSS SERVER RULES 1. Cross Server sales and auctions must be posted in the Trades - Cross Server sub-forum. 2. When moving an existing Selling thread from Silver or Gold forums to Cross Server, the current thread must first be marked as closed. - Auction: Once started, an auction thread cannot be moved. 3. When a trade agreement is made concerning players from different servers, the responsibility of transferring lies with the thread creator. - This rule does not apply when there is an explicit written agreement between the buyer and seller about who will transfer to honour the deal. Evidence of this agreement must be made and kept, and made available upon Staff request. › When posting in Selling Pokemon - Cross Server, the seller must be prepared to transfer, should the buyer be from the opposite server. › When posting in Buying Pokemon - Cross Server, the buyer must be prepared to transfer, should the seller be from the opposite server. TRADE TERMINOLOGY • WTS, WTB & WTT. - WTS (Want To Sell), WTB (Want To Buy), and WTT (Want to Trade) indicates the user's intention when making their trade post or thread. • LFM. - LFM (Looking For More) is used by a seller to indicate that they are looking for a higher offer. • SO, BO & CO. - SO (Starting Offer) indicates the minimum offer required to begin an auction. BO (Best Offer) & CO (Current Offer) are both used to indicate the current highest offer in an auction. › Auction use only. › Evidence of all offers must be made and kept to be made available upon Staff request. Timestamps are preferred. • Fixed Price. - A set price, specified by seller, that once met will result in an immediate sale, ignoring all other offers. › Applies to standard sales (non-auction sales e.g. In-game & Forum Sales, Forum Shops, etc), and must be treated as Insta. • Instant Price / Insta. - An instant price, specified by the seller, that once met will immediately end the auction, ignoring all other offers and bids. › Auction use only. • Trade Agreement / Deal. - A deal is done one of these two scenarios: › In-game: Both parties have agreed to a price and location. › Forum & Auction: An Insta or Fixed Price has been met. • False Buying / Selling. - Agreeing to buy or sell, but going back on the deal before the trade has taken place. • False Offering / Bidding. - Making an offer or bid with no intent or means to follow through. This also includes retracted or cancelled bids. • Misleading / Deceiving. - Intentionally giving another user false information, hiding or manipulating information before or after the trade has taken place. • Scamming. - Breaking a trade agreement once the trade has taken place. › e.g. Not returning a lend, breaking a Service agreement etc. TYPES OF TRADE FORUMS • Selling Pokemon. - Use this forum to sell non-variant Pokemon only. This includes both standard sales and auctions. › Do not sell Shiny or Special Pokemon, Shop Coins, Items or Services here. - You may sell up to 5 Pokemon per thread. › To sell 6 or more Pokemon in a single thread, use the Pokemon Shops sub-forum. • Buying Pokemon. - Use this forum to advertise that you are looking to buy a Pokemon. › Be specific to help others identify your posts. • Shiny & Special Pokemon. - Use this forum to sell Shiny & Special Pokemon only. This includes both standard sales and auctions. You may also create your own personalised Shiny / Special Shop here. › Do not sell non-variant Pokemon, Shop Coins, Items or Services here. • Pokemon Shops. - Use this forum when selling 6 or more non-variant Pokemon. › Do not sell Shiny or Special Pokemon, Coins, Items or Services here. • Service Shops. - Use this forum to sell a service, or advertise that you are looking for a service provider. This includes Daycare, Lending, PokeDex Data services, etc. You may also create your own personalised Service Shop here. › Do not sell or buy Pokemon, Shop Coins or Items here. • Coins & Items. - Use this forum to sell, or advertise that you are looking to buy Shop Coins or Items. You may also create your own personalised Coin / Item shop here. › Do not sell or buy Pokemon or Services here. • Rate / Price Checks. - Use this forum to request Ratings or Price Checks from other users. This applies to Pokemon, Items and Services. › Do not sell or buy Pokemon, Shop Coins, Items or Services here. CONTACTING A TRADE MODERATOR Before contacting a Trade Moderator for support, please ensure that you have read the Important Information & How To Report Guide. - If you would like to close your thread for any reason, please edit the topic title to make Trade Moderators aware. › This can include "Sold", "Close", "Can be Closed", "Please Lock", etc. › If you would like to re-open a locked shop for any reason, please report the thread using the Report button, or, contact a Trade Moderator via PM with a request to unlock the topic. Please include a direct link to the topic you would like to unlock. - If you do require the support from a Trade Moderator to resolve a trade issue, please do one of the following: › Make a report in the Report Center with the name of the user(s) you are reporting, a brief description of the infraction, and evidence. › To report a specific post or thread, use the "Report" button. This can be located at the bottom of each post here: CREDITS TO: Flik & Rekkuza: Established first Trade Rules thread. Khlover & Arkos: Held threads and updated them while active Moderators. Letrix: Revamped the trade forums, along with Trade Rules & Important Information. Logan, Tigerous, Salt & Hercules: Made several additions, changes and clarifications to Trade Rules. Logan: Created Auction Rules & Guide. Hawluchaa & Ehkoe: Revamped Trade & Auction Rules.
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