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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/22 in all areas

  1. S.O : 20m Min bid : 500k Insta : 30m (The auction will end 3 days after the first bid) hello, this is my first auction I want to sell this crazy shiny chespin very collectible thanks so much to all
    7 points
  2. Sold to Zzkhanhzz in 5.555m
    2 points
  3. Hello there i have this beautiful valentine roserade for auction C.O : 400k By Andres7991 Insta : 1.5m Minimum Bid : 50k Duration : 3 Days after the start (72 hours) Available Payements : Pokedollars ; Reroll Ticket (660k), Coin Capsule (370k)
    1 point
  4. Start Bid : 1m Minimum raise : 200k no Insta Time : 48 hours after start. start when first bid Accepted Payments : 1) Coin Capsule - 350k 2) Pokedollars 3) IV Reroll - 600k
    1 point
  5. SO 350k no insta min raise 50k Accept pokedollar, 380k cc, nature rr 380k, 680k iv rr ticket 72hr auction after start offer
    1 point
  6. im in game Panda talk to me when you come online
    1 point
  7. spheal is waving to you
    1 point
  8. Hello There, Please be aware about this rule. Be sure to bid with the account holding the means to honour the deal. I will force the trade, where 1m will be deposited in Edoardotomei account, and the Haunter will be deposited in WorldsKing account. Thank you, Zoruami
    1 point
  9. Players always should make their best efforts contacting each other to arrange the trade accordingly. A Trade moderator is not here to force the trade when an auction just ended and both parties still have not figured it out with each other. @Lavkush If you can't contact the buyer in the next few days, feel free to click on the report button under the post to let us know, a Trade Moderator will come assisting when he has the time. Until then, take care. Kind regards, Irushia
    1 point
  10. Kill your golbat and lvl it again holding soothe bell. It should help
    0 points
  11. 0 points
  12. Hello. Server: Gold. Ot: trolao. Id:
    0 points
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