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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/23 in all areas

  1. About Us We started as a guild just for my partner and I. Overtime through making friendships with our fellow trainers, we found a want for a guild that is for everyone. We saw new players struggling and seeking help, but receiving very little help. So we have opened our arms and are here for everyone. This is a fun-loving place where we love to goof around while also being kind to each other. So, if you are looking for nice, fun and an amazing community please feel free to leave an application! Requirements Fun loving! Polite! Respectful! Application Format IGN: Age: Favorite thing about PRO: Favorite Pokemon: Server:
    2 points
  2. HLW DURANT S.O 1.5m 200k min bid NO INSTA 72 hours AUCTION ACCEPT PAYMENTS Pokedollar Coin capsule - 400k IV reroll - 500k Rare candy - 6k
    2 points
  3. Hello, My ferroseed is for sale, Start bid = 500k No insta 100k min raise 4 days auction after start gl bidding
    2 points
  4. Hi , I am auctioning my cute mawile ^^ Start - 1m Min bid - 10k No insta Time - 48 hrs from 1st bid Accept pokedollar, cc - 360k, rr - 500k , rc - 6k
    2 points
  5. Start 500k Min bid 100k Auction ends in 48hrs after the first bid. Accept: cc 400k
    2 points
  6. FRESH CAUGHT DEVIL GRASS BOI AUCTION! ign: alanunbound discord: Ka$h#0035 payment methods: cash cc=400k nat rr = 250k ivs rr = 550k start time: 8:05 PM Tuesday, November 7, 2023 (GMT+2) End time: 8:05 PM Friday, November 10, 2023 (GMT+2) START bid : 1.5m MINIMUM raise : 200k INSTANT price : 15m
    2 points
  7. Love it! Good luck @Crashritter
    2 points
  8. Greetings, @Sadrianvl I have asked you to put every image of the pokemons being sold, and keep them, until the trade was finished. You have posted only two of them. You should not delete the auction, until it has ended! I will be using GMT+0 onwards: Minun: Auction time: 12hours after start Start Point: 3/11 10:41AM End Point: 3/11 10:41PM Winner: @Marksman1303 with a 75k bid made at 3/11 9:39PM Poochyena(jolly runaway): Auction time: 12hours after start Start Point: 3/11 4:06PM End Point: 4/11 4:06AM Winner: @Imtcracka with a bid of 25k made at 3/11 9:12PM Poochyena(quick feet): Auction time: 12hours after start Start Point: 3/11 6:49PM End Point: 4/11 6:49AM Winner: @Imtcracka with a bid of 25k made at 3/11 9:12PM Chingling & All others: Auction time: 12hours after start Start Point: 3/11 6:49PM End Point: 4/11 6:49AM Winner: @Suncity with the starting bid of 5k All other bids were made out of time, therefore invalid. Please make sure all of the winner contact and reach the seller to finish this deal. Kind Regards, * Zoruami *
    2 points
  9. 1 point
  10. Greetings, I will be using GMT+0 onwards: Auction Time: 72hrs after first bid Start point: 4/11 9:50PM End Point: 7/11 9:50PM Winner: @Bloodylaw with a 160k bid made at 7/11 9:08PM @Niakuni bid of 180k was made at 7/11 10:39PM [INVALID] Please make sure to meet with the player to finish this deal, and make sure to take evidence of the trading window, and post it in this thread. Kind Regards, * Zoruami *
    1 point
  11. Hello, @Sinnnn As per your request, I have moved your thread to the correct sub-forum. Kind Regards, Innerfocus
    1 point
  12. @Lacomustell me when u can be online to do the trade
    1 point
  13. Greetings, @Masskiller In the future please read the Trade rules when it comes to posting Variant-themed pokemon in the Selling Pokemon sub-forum I have moved this topic to the correct sub-forum Best Regards, Innerfocus
    1 point
  14. Start hw gible
    1 point
  15. I could swing both ways on this. Does it really matter if it isn’t your OT? And are people usually dishonest about it? For a stamp to be put here. The two core questions. I don’t think players are that insecure in general to say “no it isn’t my OT”. The truth comes out in the end, regardless. IMO
    1 point
  16. Sure lmk when you want to do the trade
    1 point
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