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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/24 in all areas

  1. 6 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Milotic and Feebas deserve some love, and with Valentines event coming up why not Edit: fixed feebas a bit or
    1 point
  4. s.o 10k each min bid 10k no insta ACCEPT CC 380K/ RR 500K 48 hour auction after first bid
    1 point
  5. Start 25m. Min raise 500k. 5 days after first bid. Accept CC 390k, RR 480k. Thanks.
    1 point
  6. Auction Details: Start Price: 500k End Point: 72 hours (after start price is met) Insta Price: N/A Minimum Raise: 100k Accepted Payments: Pokedollars, Coin Capsules (400k), IV Rerolls (500k) Important Reminders: The auction will conclude in 72 hours (after start price is met), and bids must adhere to the minimum raise. If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Cross Serve
    1 point
  7. Start 1.5m Min raise 100 k Accept cc 400 k Rr 500 k 48 hours after first bid..
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Congrats sirluffy on the win!
    1 point
  10. @Blackwolf59 You won the auction for Larvitar with the bid of 100k
    1 point
  11. @Souleater84 You've overbumped your auction quite a few times. Before creating your next trade thread, please read the Forum Rules in order to respect the following: Everyone has a clock to know the end point and are aware of the extensions demanded by the rules. You are adding nothing with reminders. Locked as the thread has served its purpose. Take care.
    1 point
  12. START OFFER. 4.5 MILLION Auction ends on 01/22 at 3.30 PM GMT +0 Min bid 100k Accepted pokedollar or coin capsule in 400k No insta
    1 point
  13. Ong hahaha tough battle XD
    1 point
  14. Heya can u please specify the exact end point in gmt +5:30 ?
    1 point
  15. I'm on the silver server I can buy it 2m insta? It's possible? Can you transfer it to Silver?
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    1 point
  19. lowerd the start offer
    1 point
  20. 26.9M Gold Server
    1 point
  21. 1. In-game Information: - Character Name: Mandrept // Leneverza - How many Regions unlocked: all - Favourite Pokemon: Azumarill 2. Gaming Experience: - How long have you been playing this game: since 2016 stop for a while , return this week - Previous guilds (if any) and reasons for leaving: Calamity ( i stop play ) - Experience with dungeons, boss runs, hunting, events and PvP: Still looking for the new bosses , somethings change xD but i get used to it , i love hunt ( still no shiny Azumarill ) . PvP is my weak spot , dont have great experience , looking to learn. 3. Availability: - Country & Time Zone: Portugal - Typical play schedule(days and hours): i play everyday 4/5 hours normally, when dayoff i play almost all day - Any specific days or times of the year you cannot play at all: Saturday is when i work most so less time for me to play. 4. Communication: - Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use voice chat? I have micro , i dont use to much but when need you will hear my lovely voice XD Do you have Discord? If not, would you download it to interact with your Guild? yes i have discord. - Discord name: mistermainevent 5. Gaming Goals: - What are your short-term and long-term goals in the game? Hunt my favourite epic mons and be fighting for the top in pvp - What do you enjoy most about the game? I really love hunting xD 6. Guild Interaction: - Are you applying for Nemesis or Nemesis Babes? Nemesis - What motivated you to apply to our guild specifically? reading your guild post seems really good for me , i think we gonna do it good together. - How do you envision contributing to the guild's goals and atmosphere? The game is more fun with ppl around and we can always learn things with each other , and when 2, 3 or 4 help no matter what its more fun and easy 7. Additional Information: - Any other gaming-related skills or interests (e.g., streaming, content creation): never stream or content im nub at those xD - Anything else you would like us to know about you: ahm i dont think so , im 33 years old xD - Favourite Colour: Red 8. Code of Conduct Agreement: - Confirm that you have read and agreed to abide the guild's code of conduct and rules. Yes , i have read.
    1 point
  22. - Character Name: blamedane - How many Regions unlocked: all - Favourite Pokemon: dragonite - How long have you been playing this game: almost 3k hours - Previous guilds (if any) and reasons for leaving: dominion/they all went to silver - Experience with dungeons, boss runs, hunting, events and PvP: I have experience with all except dungeons - Country & Time Zone: US EST - Typical play schedule(days and hours): varies - Any specific days or times of the year you cannot play at all: none - Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use voice chat? yas Do you have Discord? If not, would you download it to interact with your Guild? yass - Discord name: wfh3 - What are your short-term and long-term goals in the game? get more pvp pokes/get better at pvp - What do you enjoy most about the game? pvp - Are you applying for Nemesis or Nemesis Babes? nemesis - What motivated you to apply to our guild specifically? jinzo - How do you envision contributing to the guild's goals and atmosphere? pvpp - Any other gaming-related skills or interests (e.g., streaming, content creation): i stream pro sometimes, but mostly apex legends - Anything else you would like us to know about you: I'm a nurse for an emergency department, I compete in apex, and I make music c: - Favourite Colour: black c:< - Confirm that you have read and agreed to abide the guild's code of conduct and rules. conf conf
    1 point
  23. Hello @Pumpkinl Backing off from a bid is not allowed. In case the reason behind what you did is the fact that you have placed a bid on an auction from a different server, please keep in mind that the right way to fix that issue is by editing your post to specify you will transfer if you win. Considering seller did not end up being hurt by your action, there will only be a warning, but be aware that repeating such mistakes in the future will lead to harsher punishments. I kindly advise you to read Auction Rules. @Zairosspro Discrepancy between timestamps from the in-game bid and your forums' timestamps is a result of different time zones. The time you see on forums in based on your GMT, while what we can see in the screenshot provided by @Eetaachee is based on seller's GMT. All in all, please remember that Forums' Timestamps is what we take into account. @Eetaachee please meet up with @Idreetzz in-game to complete the trade and don't forget to attach a screenshot once it has been finalized. Kind regards
    1 point
  24. The outcome of this auction has been forced due to the winner inactivity. The Charmander has been transferred to @Ivangr, from whom 400k were removed and added to @H3h3h3. Will be locking the thread as it's served its purpose. Take care.
    1 point
  25. Hello there @Darksoul56 Given the reason mentioned in the alert that I sent you, the original thread had to be splitted in order to be moved in a private area. First of all, let me explain that two players from the same house can compete for the Top 25, as long as they follow the PVP rules and subsequently it can be proved, if necessary for possible rule violation, that they are not the same person. It's important to be able to prove (either thanks to our tools or through the players themselves) that it's two different people, because otherwise anyone could ladder with 3x accounts (obtaining 3x rewards) and claim they are their 2 brothers, while it might not be true. We have several people playing from the same house, including couples, brothers, university roommates, and so on, and it is not our intention to restrict/limit them by allowing only one of them to enjoy the game. Does this clarify the topic for you?
    1 point
  26. If he comes online i post the bid... Ty for understanding. Gl
    1 point
  27. Sorry forgot to scrrenshot. But its a legit bid swer 442 Sorry first auction. Gl
    1 point
  28. @Lacomus This auction is not valid because you are not in possession of the Pokemon. If you have an agreement with another player to sell/auction in their place, the Pokemon must be transferred to you and kept until it's traded to the winner/buyer. Screenshot evidence of the agreement must be saved and made available at Staff's request. @GoldenP1kachu Apologies for the inconvenience - this auction is void. Locked as there's no further action to take. Take care.
    1 point
  29. @Thuonghuyen0 You were punished for a Poorly Handled Auction. Quite a few severe mistakes were made: Added Reroll Ticket as an Accepted Payment after the auction had started. Failed to acknowledge several bids on the final stage of the auction. Failed to respect the End Point. The winning bid is 4m by @Ireena. Seeing as you've traded the Pawniard to Ireena but made them pay 4m and 4 Reroll Tickets, 2m have been reimbursed to the winner. Please familiarise yourself with the Auction Rules before creating your next one. Locked as the thread has served its purpose and there's no further action to take. Take care.
    1 point
  30. S.o 100k Min bid 20k Accept CC 400k, IVREROLL 500k 24 Hours After First Bid
    1 point
  31. Hi @Purtoxrevo, Reporting back on this, I found a solution to get it running. Right mouse click the executable > Properties > Compatibility > *tick* Run this program as an administrator. > OK. Now it launches properly via the steam library. Thx for the hint on the admin rights!
    1 point
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