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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/18 in all areas

  1. NEW ORDER ¡Hola!, Bienvenido seas al muro de nuestra GUILD aquí podrás encontrar todo lo que ofrece la misma y porque debes elegirla. ¿Tenemos requisitos? No, absolutamente no tenemos requisitos para entrar en nuestra GUILD, lo que si tenemos o pedimos son ganas de jugar. Nosotros contamos con muy buenos jugadores de PvP y de historia, con esto mismo, usted va a poder avanzar más rápido lo que necesite según sea el caso. Contamos con : - Ayuda general en PvP - Ayuda en el modo historia - Eventos (Torneos, Concursos, etc.) - Logo propio - Una comunidad - Una economía propia - Ranking mensual de GUILDS (25% más de experiencia toda la temporada) ¿Qué somos? Somos una comunidad que se planteo tener la idea de hacer una GUILD de habla Hispana donde todos sean bienvenidos. ¿Cuál es nuestro objetivo? Lo único que queremos es formar una comunidad con personas activas donde el apoyo en la comunidad hispana se vea reflejado. Por otra parte, nuestro objetivo es alcanzar la meta de ser la mejor GUILD Hispanohablante del juego llegando al top 3 del Ranking Mensual. Nuestros actuales officers y leader serian estos: [spoiler=Leader y Officers] Destro16 (Leader) Astro (Officer) Agresivity (Officer) Mari (Officer) Crisx1 (Officer) CarlosV7 (Officer) Serozz (Officer) DarsOrtiz (Officer) Reydin (Officer) ErickLysander (Officer) Emvo999 (Officer) [spoiler=Logros] #Rank Guild Leader Rating [31/08/18] 6. NewOrder Destro16 6165 [30/09/18] 4. NewOrder Destro16 8237 Si estas interesado en crecer en el juego, rellena el siguiente formulario: Nombre de Usuario: Discord(Opcional): Horas Jugadas: ¿Juegas PvP o te interesaría aprender?: ¿Por qué te gustaría entrar?:
    3 points
  2. Hello everyone! This is the topic where you can request a Name Change or Account Reset. We will reply with a like to your Post once the change/reset has been done. Please take note of our requirements down below and further info listed here. __________________________________ Minimum 150h 300k Pokedollars payment Registered more than 3 months ago Clean infraction history (small PvP infractions may not count) - Includes ALL PRO scope chats You may purchase this for a friend in case s/he hasn't done any infraction, and just 1 change per 6 months Have to choose FREE NAMES (as in, not already taken) in case of a name change The topic will close on Monday the 3rd of September
    3 points
  3. Hey guys, I'm happy to release a new content update. This time, Johto got some love with a new area accessible from Mt. Mortar. With this new area, you'll be able to farm the three Kalos starters outside of any events. (You have to be Johto Champion to earn access) Also, with something more content related, I'm happy to introduce you to this guy: I'm not going to give you any details about him and will let you discover what surprises he and his machine have for you. I'll be lurking on this thread for some feedback, so feel free to share your thoughts! Enjoy :]
    2 points
  4. Name change request ( silver ) Current name : Thunderfus Change to : Sufrednuht
    2 points
  5. Silver Server Gold Server How to enter? Username: Server: Why is there less to win on Gold than on Silver? Rules
    1 point
  6. name change (gold) current username: Lilithprincess change into: Merida
    1 point
  7. name change current username: sekoloko change into : kr4tos
    1 point
  8. The IVs are not bad. 800-1,5m i guess. Look at the shiny topics, ona ada nice IVs full trained was sold last week for 2m.
    1 point
  9. [MEDIA=imgur2]SIdHxRi[/MEDIA] nevermind actually,turns out it does not matter
    1 point
  10. name change current username: jonasfarias change into: jonasoliveira
    1 point
  11. Change Name (Silver) Current Username: lilbeejackson Change To: Bibok
    1 point
  12. Hello editigre, I'm sorry about any issues that this may have caused you. Can you please describe with more detail what you think the bug is? Also, it would be extremely helpful if you provided a recording and/or screenshots of the bug. Thank you for your cooperation and patience. I hope you have a great day.
    1 point
  13. name change current username : victoriaxyza change to : music
    1 point
  14. Name changing request (Silver) Current name: AlphaDany Change to: Alkana
    1 point
  15. Alright. I'll leave this thread open then for further questions! Hope you have a great day.
    1 point
  16. Name change request gold server Current name : Lebimbas Change to: Viserion
    1 point
  17. Name change please. Current username: Txnguyen3o Change into: EricChole
    1 point
  18. Resolved in-game. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. With that said, will now be locking this thread. Good luck and have a great day!
    1 point
  19. Nice! :) Have fun in Johto then. ^^ I will lock this topic now as the problem is solved. Regards Xylos
    1 point
  20. You managed to solve the problem because now they are all in box and i was able to move totodile to the party to stare the story. Thank you so much
    1 point
  21. L Meet in Saffron City now
    1 point
  22. Name change please (gold server) Current username : manishbawa96 Change to : Louiss (if some one have this name then : Louis96 )
    1 point
  23. Name change please ( Server Silver) Current Username : loke0203 Change to : Louis
    1 point
  24. Name change please ( Server Silver) Current Username : Vhnv23111999 Change to : Jack
    1 point
  25. Name change request silver Current Username:minamyoung Change to : Shurikenzykah
    1 point
  26. Name change (silver) Current name: Tommy5687 Change into: Yuukii
    1 point
  27. Name change request ( Silver ) Current username: Anubias Change to : Mayterr
    1 point
  28. Name change request (silver) Change to: EXC4DRILL (all caps if possible) Thanks you <3
    1 point
  29. Sorry I am very late I guess ... But please I wish u get this request on time ... Name change request (gold). Current user name = cnnblt. Change to = Matsushi (if still not available then Matsu) Meet all requirements clear record . Take money from cnnblt account ~thanks
    1 point
  30. Name change request ( Silver ) Current username: Dvviet1997 Change to : Tungsmart
    1 point
  31. I would like to change my name from georgepaul7 to RealGeorge And btw I have 2k + hours in goldand the money in silver , hope that's not a problem.
    1 point
  32. Name change request ( Silver ) Current username: Change to : Squad
    1 point
  33. Name change request ( Silver ) Current username : Leafeon000 Change to : Niell
    1 point
  34. Change name req (Silver) Current name:ilovekillhunter Change to : Od4Nobunaga
    1 point
  35. Name change request ( Silver ) Current username: przsiczny change to: anbu
    1 point
  36. Name Chance Request (Silver) Current username: Change to : Katnis
    1 point
  37. Name Change (Silver server) Current name: Brigid New name: Sushi I would like to delete account with the name ''Sushi'' to transfert this nickname in my account "Brigid"
    1 point
  38. name change from aminnation to burninghunter thanks
    1 point
  39. price heracross sir?
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Bump. Bump. Bump ^_^
    1 point
  42. So: 3,5m sir. You can start with pokedollar and cc or epic poke
    1 point
  43. Hi there and welcome to the Guilds Guide! This guide is designed to inform you on how to join, create, and manage a guild. This guide will also include the benefits of being in a guild. ❋ 2.5% Experience Bonus for a guild with 50+ members. ❋ 5% Experience Bonus for a guild with 75+ members. ❋ 7.5% Experience Bonus for a guild with 95+ members. ❋ 25% Experience Bonus if the guild is ranked in the Top 10 Guilds Monthly Each guild has their own requirements and recruitment methods. Please check out our Guild Sub-forum for more information on each Guild an their requirements. You will have to receive and invite from a the Guild's Leader or Officer. To accept the invite, you will have to do /gjoin or click accept on the pop up. You must not be in a guild to join a guild. ❋ 400,000 Pokedollars. ❋ 100+ hours of playtime. ❋ All 8 Kanto Badges. ❋ You cannot be in a guild. ❋ Guild Name must be 4-15 characters long. *Guild Name must not contain any numerical or special characters Step 1: Check if you meet the Requirements. You can do so in your Trainer Card. Step 2: Type in /gcreate <Guild Name> and accept the confirmation. Region: Kanto Access Point: Saffron City Guild Master: Teaches you how to create a Guild. Logo Master: Allows you to edit and set your Guild Logo. *You must be the Guild's Leader to set the Guild's Logo. Step 1: Talk to the Logo Master in the Guild House Step 2: Edit your logo. *Take note that the grid is 16x16 Pixels. *For Transparent Pixels, click the gray box in the lower left corner. Step 3: Click Okay once you're finished. You will receive the confirmation below afterwards. Guild Leader Permissions: Invite, Kick, Demote, Promote to Member/Officer Guild Officer Permissions: Invite, Kick Initiates/Members, Demote to Initiate, Promote to Member Guild Member Permissions: No significant permissions Guild Initiate Permissions: No significant permissions Info: Motto of the Day, Guild Leader, Guild Name, Member Count Roster: List of Members and their Positions Manage: To be added! Step 1: Click Social in the lower left corner of your screen Step 2: Click the Guild Tab /gdisband <GuildName> Function: Disbands the guild. Rank Requirement: Guild Leader /gmotd <Text> Function: Sets the Guild's Motto Of The Day (MOTD) Rank Requirement: Guild Leader /ginvite <Username> Function: Invites a player to the guild. Rank Requirement: Guild Officer /gpromote <Username> Function: Promotes a player to a higher position. Rank Requirement: Guild Officer /gdemote <Username> Function: Demotes a player to a lower position. Rank Requirement: Guild Officer /gkick <Username> Function: Kicks a player from the guild. Rank Requirement: Guild Officer /gleave Function: Allows the user to leave his current guild. Rank Requirement: Guild Initiate /gjoin Function: Allows the user to accept a guild invite. Rank Requirement: None The Reborn Bot allows you to gain information on different guilds. You may access the Reborn Bot in the PRO Official Discord or you may invite it to your own server. ^memberlist <GuildName> <Server> Function: Gives you the list of members and thier positions of a guild. ^guildladder <Server> Function: Show the current Guild Ladder. *Guild rating is calculated by combined PvP ratings of members ^guildseasons Function: Shows the guild ladders in previous seasons.
    1 point
  44. This should never be lowered a transfer brings in a lot of money onto a new server, this would inflate the money even more. It should be raised but not lowered. It should show any type of progression, for example how far are you into the daycare tiers or cooldowns for every aspect of the game. This still should have a limit to a certain extend (e.g 10000 pokemon and 999999999$) This should be limited to a certain amount e.g You can only recover 25 pokemon per account It should be only possible to the level 98, you will never need 3 levels to evolve something to the final stage. I personally don't like this, the value of a pokemon is heavily depending on various factors. This will only lead to absurd disagreements for sellers and buyers. Let the free market decide the price, a price suggestion from PRO staff or statistics is not the best idea. This should be a an opt-in feature, some guilds will probably get spammed with invite requests due to their status. Leaders and Officers should both have this feature. This should be a non refundable transaction, so if someone decides to donate it should be a donation to the guild and unrecoverable. Guild leaders and opt-in for Officers, I trust my officers to not do anything stupid with those things. This should be lowered to a reasonable amount given that quite a lot of stuff was added to drain money of the servers, somewhere around 10-15mil would be fine with me. There should be one special spawn that you can freely choose from (the Pokemon has to be available) This should be decided very carefully, I really don't wanna see a spawn like Pal Park again. :P Tutors, TM Teacher, Pre-Evo Tutor, Event move Tutors, Smeargle Tutor I feel like they all should be available to choose from. I think the fee is fine but it should have a cooldown for example just once a month. This should not matter unless it is tied to server issues, if someone has the 20$mil they should be allowed to buy the island even if it just for himself. A guild island could be a deciding factor to join a guild. This will highly discourage newer players, it should be lowered to 100 hours in my opinion. There is virtually no reason to even have an hour requirement Why? It should be like the Vulcan Island that you can only enter the Guild Island if you are the champion for the region.
    1 point
  45. Hello. My name is Max and I'm from Costa Rica. I studied professional English translation at the National Learning Institute of Costa Rica (INA). I would like to translate the whole game. But I could start only with the content that you consider necessary. Of course all this would be totally free. I don't ask for anything in return. I just want to be able to play what I like in my native language. Thanks, I hope your answer.
    1 point
  46. We have tried it after ur suggestion, but it still didn't work. T_T
    1 point
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