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Everything posted by Amiin

  1. hello , i dont know if it is proper to ask here as i didn't find any prticular forum for this. i use to play a lot back in 2017-2018 with some of my rl friends then took a break . one of my friend asked some items from my pro account and i gave him my account details and he took a good amount of stuff. now i wanna play again and its very hard to transfer many items as it requires too much time (idk how he manage to transfer that much pokemon/items without getting bored). so my question is can any mod help transfer items from his account to mine? i have access to both accounts and have his concent on this. again i am sorry if this is not the right place or the right thing to ask. hope i will get answer soon. thank you
  2. Name Change Exc4Drill change into: Amiin Server: Silver
  3. Current name: Exc4drill Change to : Amiin server:Silver
  4. I totally agree with this. Even thou kygore mount can be bought via pve coins ( yes its there) Many people like me bought it with pvp coins and 500 coins isnt a small thing....the nerf took place just one day after i bought it with 500 pvp coins and it was a huge disappointment for me. as purple mention i am also ok with jetskii mount being nerfed as its price is same as other shiny surf mounts.. But for kygore it isnt fair +1
  5. Its not a bug..i am happy they implemented it if you want day-night option just tick the deatiled lighting option like this yes i am android
  6. Yes its fixed..thanks
  7. Missing Volcarona wings...And there is no game zoom option in android client which is essential for me Thanks
  8. Tell me when you can come online
  9. start slaking
  10. Was very sleepy...
  11. Amiin


  12. Oh RIP... Sorry my mistake thanks for pointing it out
  13. As shown in the video mandibuzz isnt sleeping it happend again before this battle but couldnt record it was smeargle vs mandibuzz in this battle i also used spore in previous turn and it showed same messege. his other poke was tyranitar whicg was wake even if it was sleep it should messege of sleep clause not sleep failed to have effect. tested outside rank mandibuzz does gets to sleep in non rank https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvcBzcYf7K4
  14. Please add option to kick the pokes anytime we like.
  15. +1 there should be an option to choose between swipe or controller
  16. Simple Dont play Learn piano and stuff..there are people likes the game as is and the devs makes most of the contents by asking the community. So if people didnt liked it as is the game would have died long ago
  17. Nice idea +1
  18. i can buy now for 150k if thtas ok for you
  19. Can you negotiate the vullaby? careful one
  20. i insta the 2nd amoongus if you still have and want to sell it
  21. you still have amoongus?
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