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Everything posted by Toshikikai

  1. Username: ToshikiKai Server: Gold Country/ Timezone: Ind, GMT +5:30
  2. I know its so much frustrating but what is done cannot be change. Im fine with my lose and rating no need to worry about it but guess what Im also really sorry for being mad but as you know. This is so much tilting when you lose something for no reason. I just hope Devs will fix it soon. However i don't want to carry this on. Already forgot about it so please lock the thread. Thank you for giving valuable time and being kind Take care.
  3. I had 3 lose. I went in a game then got disconnection somehow when i logged in again i saw myself have 6 loses and -40 in rating though my oppo was under 200 rating even i was 166 i don't know how you will handle but who is gonna take responsibility for those 2 extra lose and i demand to reverse my lose back to 4. Already saw many people complaining about this bug better disable pvp until the bug fully fixed.
  4. Player Name: ToshikiKai Showdown name: HyperT22 Server: Gold Rank on ladder: 13 Timezone: GMT +5:30
  5. Hello There I'm looking for evolution service on gold. Exactly at 150 right now and Want to have 150 more PM here or Discord Toshiki Kai#1723
  6. BUMP. Currently we're recruiting PvP player
  7. -1, All i want to say. Let it be RNG base
  8. Player name: ToshikiKai Showdown name: HyperT22 Server: Gold Timezone: GMT +5:30 Rank on ladder: 16
  9. +1 and completely agree with what Ghabra's said.
  10. Congratulations Everyone . #Legacy fought hard this season for 3rd position Congratulations Renaissance and VNBoostingStar.
  11. Player name: Toshikikai Showdown name:HyperT22 Server: Gold Timezone: +5:30 Rank on ladder: 20th
  12. Congratulations to everyone and GG Legacy
  13. congratulations to every ladder player and guild and what a good work Legacy keep it up.
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