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Deita last won the day on May 18 2024

Deita had the most liked content!

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Deita's Achievements

Experienced Trainer

Experienced Trainer (6/12)



  1. I'd like to buy this Gastly please.
  2. @Takuta @Osean02 Hey the Pokemon are available, I'll be around today for the next 3 hours or so, feel free to message me on discord or in game.
  3. Hi, the sassy Torkoal is sold. The Greninja and bold Torkoal are available.
  4. Hey I'll be online on Battlefactory today, sorry for the late reply. Let me know when you're free
  5. Hey I'll be online on Battlefactory today, sorry for the late reply. Let me know when you're free
  6. Added 115 new Pokemon! 105 Trained Pokemon sold: Audino, Aggron, Alakazam x2, Amoonguss x2, Anihilape x2, Blacephalon, Breloom x2, Chansey x4, Eevee, Excadrill x3, Garchomp x12, Musharna, Goodra, Greninja x5, Gyarados, Heracross x3, Magnezone, Hippowdon x4, Infernape, Jolteon x2, Kabutops, Kingdra, Krookodile, Lucario, Lycanroc, Manectric x2, Medicham, Mimikyu, Pangoro x4, Pinsir, Reuniclus x3, Ribombee, Rotom x5, Salamence x2, Sceptile x3, Scizor x5, Scrafty, Scyther, Slowbro, Starmie, Sylveon, Tangrowth x2, Torkoal, Tyranitar x6, Umbreon x3, Volcarona x6.
  7. Added Pokemon: Shiny Amoonguss, Shiny Tangrowth, Valentines Ludicolo, Halloween Parasect, Halloween Lunatone, Pink Vulpix, Pink Plusle, Halloween Numel x3, Xmas Marill x2 Pink Pidgey and Pink Psyduck. Sold Pokemon: Pink Victreebel, Valentines Clefable, Summer GIble x2, Shiny Cacnea, Shiny Gyarados, Pink Hawlucha, Pink Totodile, Pink Onix, Easter Tangrowth, Halloween Lunatone, Halloween Gliscor, Easter Exuggutor, Easter Lickitung and Clone HP Fire Venusaur.
  8. I will transfer to silver after the server maintenance
  9. 2.9m ribombee
  10. 2.7m ribombee
  11. 21m
  12. 4m Start Min Raise: 100k 7m Insta Auction Duration: 3 days from first bid
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