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Everything posted by Pinklax

  1. hp ice tomtom tell me your price if you are interested
  2. achivement with titles as reward is something really great in all mmo games and it would be awesome to see that in pro others exemple Master of pinkan forest (catch all pink at pinkan forest) master of pinkan cliff master of pinkan meadow Pink hunter (catch x tier rare pink) Master Of pinkan island (catch all pinks avaible in the 3 area at pinkan) same for event poke there is so much achievement we could add to the game (like league of legends just added at the last patch) (catch a pink with a love ball, catch 100 pokemon with luxury ball etc..) there are so many possibilities that are all better than each other that would give a real purpose to the game other than farming boss /money and could really keep the players in the game by given to them something / objectif to do
  3. is possible to add wild tier RARE poke encountered ? also why not how much shiny lost/killed in battle (take down explosion or missplay run etc) i realy like the idea we actually need more stats for players like these one (and why not achievement with these stats in future)
  4. 751k
  5. 651k
  6. Hi opirata won with 800 k but he is not online since the 09/05 is possible to force the trade or i have to wait he came back ?
  7. +1
  8. 800 k for opirata 1 days left
  9. Hello, Today, an auction for this beautiful Semi Epic Pawniard S.O. (Start Offer) : 600k pokedollars Insta : No insta Minimum Bid : 100k Duration : 3 Days after the start (72 hours) Available Payements : Pokedollars ; Reroll Ticket (700k), Coin Capsule (400k) B.O. (best offer) : 800k by Opirata Ending Time : 10/05 at 18H02
  10. i asked in almost all walross stream some time he said "walross is the winner" "next question" or just read the question without aswer so I think we will maybe have a winner in same time than astrella or pvp tokens so probably never edit: we can add the merge soon to this list
  11. Hello, Today, an auction for this beautiful Epic Greninja S.O. (Start Offer) : 500k pokedollars Insta : 3M Minimum Bid : 100k Duration : 3 Days after the start (72 hours) Available Payements : Pokedollars ; Reroll Ticket (700k), Coin Capsule (400k) B.O. (best offer) : Ending Time :
  12. I agree with gdarch I talked with 15-20 differents peoples and they dont like these skin to not be rude I feel like there are some things wrong with these skins , there was so much better to do in production (the idea are realy great) I dont said its easy to make a skin but for starter 4G skins that has been expected for years I think there is some huge problem that he should not have because the expectation was higher for these skins the ideas of infernape and empoleon are great but i cant understand this : infernape legs (it cant be like that) it can't be 1 pixel for the legs It does not respect the drawing plan at all pixel missing ?? they both are in three-quarter view so as you can see the legs cant be 1 pixel how I think it should be with real proportion (I know he probably wanted to put the legs on the carrot but the proportion are not accurate here )
  13. Hi @Eaty is it conceivaible ? I know it's probably low priority but I think it doesn't take much time and could attract some people to pinkan with a new goal to hunt
  14. I thought about this suggestion this morning while passing in front of the boss jessy and james. To follow this suggestion the boss could have a low % to drop the team rocket cosmetic (white version) and why not their hair style (dont forget the medals of meowth) we already have the black version in the shop so the white version would be a good idea for this boss. The white version The black version (wich we already have in game)
  15. is it possible to think about this one ? there is already pink chickorita in game and pink Totodile yes it should be pink but why not it's still unlucky that it's only possible to have 2 starter 2g pink on 3 and im pretty sure is not hard to do a simple recolor for artist cyndaquil deserve its chance
  16. +1 This would be a great quality of life improvement even if im not doing my evs myself since a while but im pretty sure my slave daycarer (fafouney) would love this change
  17. +1 I like the idea to obtain something exclusiv from boss with a low % of obtainability it would make a sence to do it and not only for money but there is already to much boss in the game, maybe we have to keep few of them (20) with a new cd (7days) or reset one day specially in the week and rework these 20 bosses with "ultimate" exclusive reward with low % (it could be event poke exclusif of this boss or cosmetic or mount or exclusive item)
  18. Event form: Halloween Graphic: Joker x Conkeldurr
  19. I loved some aspect of the event but I felt a lot of frustration for my part in this event on certain point only based on the rng and on other points on errors action of the staff team which are strongly regrettable. 1 : Spawns I farmed 3 high tier poke with an event skin during this event intensively riolu mawile and smeargle, unfortunately after testing the different spawns it is still quite unfortunate that for these 3 pokemons the best spawns were by far spawns out of the event zone and this is the case for many high tier pokemons at this event (houndour ferroseed litwick for example). A lot of frustration on rng 1404 riolu not a single riolu xmas we dont know the rate so i dont event know how much unlucky i am or if im really unlucky what frustrates me more. some randoms spawns on pokemon which I could not understand why such pokemon in such spawn big up to sandile and trapinch hitmontop and family also good mention to dewdong spawn in a tree on the ground without water. Last point about the spawn but also about the staff communication, in the first day of the event on 2 or 3 spawns there was a question mark spawn which created a big hype for most of the players but after 1 day 2 days 3 days 1 weeks when nobody on the server succeed to see the pokemon ,without any information during this time from the staff team to finaly said at the end 1 week later there had never been a pokemon. I find this strongly regrettable and disrespectfull towards the players who spent hours of farming for something that never existed it could have been hype if there was really a new pokemon even with a very low % there could have been the hype of who will get the pokemon first but no just another bug without any communication from the staff for way too long time. 2 : the management of the event the waiting time between each part of the event was for me much too long especially the last part which arrives on January 25th 6 days before the end of the event what makes that people having however played a lot during this event if they was not available or made unavailable (big up to cosa) during this period saw them deprived of the main reward of the event the 2 new legendaries. I understand that taking care of an event of a community game with all the possibility of delay or problem that we can meet I understand perfectly that it happens not to be able to do otherwise 3 : Dungeon the dungeon I personally loved the concept the cooperation on PRO in order to advance in a dungeon in team is just incredible it is really a content pve that I would like to see again because really it is what for me saved my event. I personally only did groups in guilds which made the experience really amazing and fun but I heard that in random groups the experience was often not the same, as for the groups, I just thought it was a big problem that I couldn't make groups with friends and only with guild members. I would have liked to be able to invite a friend directly without being in the same guild, but I don't know if it's really possible but it would have been a big plus. I really liked the point system with a leaderboard on the dungeon that gives a competitive aspect that personally hype me, unfortunately I didn't like how the points were calculated especially if we listen to what the npc tells us the npc tells us to go as fast as possible and avoid as few pokemons as possible in fact the time was too much put aside because in the real case the dungeon was easily doable in 22-23mn by avoiding any pokemon but yet this will bring back much less point than a run where we spend our time to kill again pokemon that we already killed in loop by losing voluntarily time on the timer since it is much too little impacting out I remind that the npc specifies us well to go as fast as possible they also tell us to avoid the least pokemon I think I dont have the same definition of the word avoid. to make the dungeon more competitive. I would have personally cap the number of points on the pokemons for example (the numbers given are random and don't reflect the reality of the dungeon). say there are 48 spawns of pokemon in the dungeon we consider 1 pokemon = 10 points so there are 480 points on the pokemon and the score on the pokemon remains caped at 480 and the rest of the points spread over the time of the run the items used? It would have been more competitive and more fun to tryhard but in the current case I lost the desire to do the dungeon because I found the point system ilogical especially on the fact of killing pokemon that we have already killed to get more points because the timer is too little impacting unfortunately for me each minute or 30seconds more should have been much more penalizing on the score and for example to prevent people to rush by avoiding all the pokemon put a malus on each dodged pokemon = x Seconds more on the timer once again this is only my opinion and my point of view and I thank once again the people who participated in the creation of this dungeon because it remains an incredible feature that I greatly appreciated and I would like to see this type of feature in the future. 4: Quest the grinch quest is a quest from 2017 i personally didn't do it in 2017 i wasn't playing at that time so it didn't bother me to do it this year while waiting for the next one but for the people who already did the quest in 2017 the beginning of the event must have seemed very long because there was nothing new for them until the dungeon appeared which didn't happen right away either. as for the last quest with the mini tournaments and the dragospire tower i really liked each part very fun and different from usual i would have liked each part to be a bit harder but overall the race with the pansage and the passage with the electrical barrier. I really found the concept fun, too easy for my taste but very fun the negative point would be the people who use the disconection and reconection to avoid the barriers i find it a shame to have a novelty that people can avoid via this way (like the ice slide puzzle that most players avoid by pressing escape) i find it a shame because it nerf the possibility of CS in quest design to do some really cool stuff and a bit more breainteaser but i don't think it's possible for you to change that. I understand that the rng on the room with the last npc for lucarionite was quite frustrating I think its a problem to put the last npc in a rng room just like the light orb some people put too much try to get it, a fair drop would have been appreciated for those players with 100% drop after x attempts or x more % at every attempts. Regarding the lore I find that the lore is unfortunately not present enough I did not feel the same message as in the movie dedicated to zekrom reshiram not enough focused on the ideals that the 2 pokemons and heroes associated with them I would have liked a story much closer to the movie than what we had here with a small reminder to kyurem reshi zek etc... 5 : Effort and reward ratio I found the reward of reshiram and zekrom very cool i think the players also expected to have kyurem black and white which could have added some spice in pvp ( for kyurem black white is obviously banned) I found the ivs lock a bit too easy to get 1500 points was way too easy to get, I think that the ivs lock is a very good reward but I would have seen it more around 1800-2000 points. regarding the rewards of the dungeon leaderboard ranking as much I find that the access to guild island thanks a pve content is a very good thing which misses in the game but on the other hand I find the reward excessively weak for a top 3 in the ranking of the dungeon especially if the guild has already access to guild island thanks the pvp. Overall in conclusion the event could have been incredible on all the points if there was not these big problem related to the spawns (misunderstanding of certain spawns and bad quality of too many spawns lower than the spawn out of the event zone) and problems of comunication of certain information between the staff and the players (the question mark spawn the time of waiting between each part of event) The best point of the event is the dungeon and quest by far and if we could focus more and more certain quest and event on cooperation and well insisted on other idea of enigma based on cooperation between friends / guild / server / community that brings out the aspect mmo much too often put aside. Again thank you to the pro staff to continue to provide us with regular events that I think requires a huge amount of work thanks again to you to keep the community of the game active and provided in content!
  20. if im not wrong the boss "prehax" is not counted as a real boss and is therefore not subject to the 20 bosses limit
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