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Everything posted by Starlight

  1. Trying zooming out (if I'm not wrong, it's press F2 then type /staffview 1) I'm not a mod, but I think you're gonna have to beat Nikola boss.
  2. Yeah, being able to search regardless of upper/lower case would be nice too.
  3. Yeah, I STILL recall originally a content creator staff (Thor? Or maybe someone else) wanted to make a quest for it that's themed after the second movie, and that was during the first year of PRO. I'm curious what happened to that project?
  4. It is indeed kinda weird, Sinnoh teleport is listed alphabetically when all the other regions have their train/teleport area listed based on the order you first visited them.
  5. It's already available ;)
  6. Hope staffs can focus on upgrading the PC box system soon.
  7. You can catch one of the Regi Trio, as well as a place to hunt Solosis and Sigilyph, both are only obtainable as boss reward before this update.
  8. Hello, I just want to report that Psyduck Hat still has a graphical glitch where it will become invisible when riding a mount. People have reported this bug some time ago, but it is still not fixed yet when I checked mine yesterday. I'm just wondering if the staffs kinda forgot about it XD
  9. The name "dark" is what tripped me off in my previous post, so yeah, change it XD
  10. Considering none of the types of the trees matches regular Rotom's type, my guess is that any of the trees can yield Rotom instead of the usual normal/dark/bug/grass, perhaps if the chain number is high enough.
  11. There is no wild Gastly whose level is that low, I think, so your only choice is to bring your best Gastly to the move relearner.
  12. That would affect the economy as badly as if shiny can be rerolled lol. Being shiny is literally the only way those Pokemon with bad stats bad nature can have any value.
  13. Yes, bike is 60,000.
  14. So you want them to be even worse to the point where nobody bother to fight them?
  15. +1 We do need a way to distinguish Pinks from regular ones, particularly for things like the Male Nidoran, Krabby, Exeggcute, and Rattata, whose Pink coloration isn't that much different compared to their regular coloration.
  16. We do need better way to sort our Pokemon. I'd like to see the PC box being upgraded into something more like the core series games, where we can move and put Pokemon anywhere in a 3 x 5 grid (even better, 6 x 5) within a box, and can "drag and drop" to move them between boxes. With each player having 100 boxes to use, not just 60. But what would be even better, at least for me, is a system that auto-sort everything in our PC based on the option we choose, that would be great. Options would be: - Sort based on Pokedex number - Sort alphabetically - Sort all Shiny first then non-Shiny - Sort based on level, for Pokemon with the same level, they are listed alphabetically And I said PC, not just a single box. The search system also needs a change, as right now we can't search for some stuff that has symbol in their name, biggest example would be the two Nidorans.
  17. You actually don't need to bring a lv100 team - you just need a team strong enough to take down a single lv120 Manaphy. I brought a team that has 4 lv100 and 2 lv99 (hoping to level up from all the trainers around, but didn't get enough exp to go to lv100), and was still able to fight the Manaphy.
  18. Your team must be all lv100, and you have at least 201 hours playtime.
  19. Yeah, we're just fine so far with not owning all the legendaries. A new region would be better as it would give us a lot more to do, and I also agree with Unova.
  20. Just behind Floaroma Town. Go to the top left of the town and you should see an opening that leads to the meadow. There's a house in the meadow, go inside.
  21. That is something usually found during Halloween event, dunno why it's there lol
  22. So there are two new sites (Wondrous and Briny) now?
  23. I see, thanks for the answer. And oh, poke time 03:48, I got Cryogonal in Glacial Site.
  24. Same thing happened to me in Glacial Site, despite having 8k+ discovery. There's supposed to be no more fossil breaking at that point.......
  25. Wow, looks like you now need to be Champion first. Shaui posted about it in the stickied Ingame Update Log thread. I'm guessing it has something to do with entering from a non-Kanto region, as Vulcan Island pokes are treated as Kanto pokes, iirc. May cause issue in trading, perhaps. That, and the level of the NPC trainers' Pokemon are very high, they're more like endgame material, not something someone with 3-7 badges can take on easily.
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