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Everything posted by Starlight

  1. Nice guide :) I guess this means Shaymin is gonna be obtainable soon, since Gracidea's only use in the official games is to change Shaymin's form.
  2. Critical Hit does ignore stat modifiers even in the official games.
  3. This particular old man NPC trainer with a Corsola, in Route 32 (Johto), still notice me, walk up to me, and force me into a battle, even though I battled him already before, more than one week ago. Usually NPC trainers only needs to be battled once, after that they won't notice us anymore.......but this one seems to not have that setting. In the picture you can see the man not standing in front of the cliff, but 1 cell further, a proof that he walks up to me. Normally he stands right in front of the cliff.
  4. Agree, I already have both of them but it would be nice to make them available again for other players. Darkrai too. Maybe Giratina Wings + Darkrai for this year's Halloween event?
  5. Honestly, I think Birth Island shouldn't even have any pseudo-legendary in it. It should have been strictly just legendaries. Would you really be happy if, after all that effort to get there, you get a pseudo-legend which you can hunt outside Birth Island anyway?
  6. For owned, I have 683, only missing the "you have to choose" legends (the other Lati, the last Regi, and the two not chosen Pixies), I assume you got their owned data via borrowing from those who choose them. For seen, I have only 710, all of ones I haven't seen are the legends and Megas used by harder bosses. For evolved, that's what makes me wonder....how the heck you get 353? I have 348, I know I'm missing the evo star for Slurpuff, Aromatisse, Mothim, and Wormadam, so that's 4, but that only totals to 352. Any idea what's the last one?
  7. We also really need more slots in PC. Currently we only have enough slots for 900 Pokemon (60 boxes x 15 pokemon per box) Considering Gen 7 is coming, those who have a living dex would need to dedicate almost 800 slots just for the living dex. And then some people also have more than one copy of multiple Pokemon (such as shinies, other forms, syncs, different sets/builds, or because they have a few good ones and don't know which one to keep/trash/sell). Also, when people hunt for Pokemon, some of them hunt like, 50-100 before stopping to see if there's any good ones, meaning the pc needs to have that many empty slots. All that combined means we need more slots. At least add 600 more slots, increasing it to 1500. Even better, double the size we have today, to 1800 slots.
  8. Would be nice if the event move NPC can teach Genesect those moves.
  9. @PreHax The guide is missing Smoke Ball ;) And why there are both Silverpowder AND Silver Powder listed, both with different spawns? They aren't the same item? Or maybe one of them is supposed to be Metal Powder?
  10. Nuzzle's visual bug has existed for a long time, I think it was already there since the start of PRO (Nuzzle is the one Gen 6 move we already have very early in the game's life) So I really hope the staffs fixed it soon, it's kinda long overdue for a fix.
  11. Yeah, people asked for a PC revamp multiple times, I hope in 2019 the staffs dedicated some time for this.
  12. +1, especially for the change to HP & Happiness bar, making them more different from each other. One of the most common newbie problem besides Bill's book is thinking that the HP number is the Happiness number. Also, remove the HP checker NPC, it's useless now. (btw, 6x31 can only be HP Dark lol)
  13. No guide for part 2?
  14. Yeah, it's almost a year since this thread https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/pc-search-improvements.84417/ And we still see no plan to change the PC system. At this point it's honestly more important than making up another new map.
  15. There are daily quests, but yeah, a daily login you can get just by logging in, perhaps after a few minutes of just playing (without being forced to go to a specific place and do a quest first) would be great to have as well. Especially during events or when you are stuck in Mirage Island. You normally don't want to leave the map, preventing you from doing daily quests. A daily login would fix that issue. Many MMOs also have daily login without any issue.
  16. Yeah, I agree with this. Would be a big help especially for forms that only have minor difference (like Xmas Stantler only having a different colored nose or Pink Nidoran M being hard to distinguish from normal Nidoran M).
  17. Yeah, it would be nice if excavations and dig sites can yield PVE coins in a good amount. And the amount of PVE coins from existing methods should be increased. In my opinion, 1x bug catching should guarantee you 15-25 PVE coins (random amount between those numbers), 1x battle tower should give you 100 PVE coins considering the difficulty at later floors. Each excavation rocks and dig spots should be able to yield 5-15 PVE coins (random amount between those numbers) at a decent chance, but still less chance than getting Artifact Piece from excavation rocks.
  18. Pikachu alone has Sing, Refresh, Teeter Dance, Encore, Extreme Speed, and Heart Stamp as event moves, and that's only the ones I can remember. Genesect has Gear Grind, Extreme Speed, and Blaze Kick as event moves, although they were only obtainable on a Shiny Genesect event so I don't know if PRO will make it available on non-Shiny Genesect. Farfetch'd, Drowzee, Exeggcute, Lickitung, Kangaskhan, Ralts, Absol, and Bagon also have Wish as event move. Magikarp, around Gen 2 I think, has Bubble and Dragon Rage as event moves. (Two separate events, iirc). Also, Hydro Pump is available to Magikarp in a Gen 5 or Gen 6 event. Bulbasaur has Ancient Power as event move. The same event also give Crunch Charmander and Zap Cannon Squirtle. Another event for the Kanto Starter trio gives them access to False Swipe. A Charmander event gives it access to Acrobatics. Sableye has Octazooka as event move. Tauros has Quick Attack as event move. Jirachi has Draco Meteor, Meteor Mash, Moonblast, and Heart Stamp as event moves. Rotom has Disarming Voice as event move. Snivy has Aromatherapy as event move. Gen 2 babies have Dizzy Punch as event move.
  19. They really need to fix the in-game description already.
  20. Making all three catchable would be nice, it just feels so off having both Regice and Registeel, but not Regirock.
  21. I agree with this, they should move it to Old Chateau. Still in Sinnoh region, but at a far more appropriate place. But I don't know if Prehax can move it since it's more like an NPC-triggered encounter rather than wild one XD
  22. There is no reset and no difference either, you just need to set your old Red/Blue ID into Silver first. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/88616-url https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/common-merge-errors-faq-▶︎-read-before-making-a-merge-issue-thread-◀︎.90848/ Try reading those two threads for more details :) (Just click on them, it's not obvious but those are links to the threads)
  23. The biggest thing this year is the Server merge, I think. Excavation site has two new areas and Trainer Valley gets a revamp (you now can catch one of the Regi Trio), while Pinkan Island is now an endgame leveling zone as well. A few Pokemon are finally released in the wild too, such as Sigilyph and Cryogonal.
  24. http://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Pokémon_Counterparts I'd like to add that on this page, a few Pink pokemon still don't have their images. It's been like that for some time now. Furthermore, it's completely missing Pink Bellossom.
  25. I don't know how can you one hit Registeel, everyone who wants to catch a legend usually always bring a False Swiper. And False Swipe cannot one hit anything, especially when the opponent resist Normal. Anyway, good luck, hope you can beat Nikola next time :)
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