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Everything posted by Starlight

  1. I'm very sure whoever was doing Mega Manectric sprite, used the wrong color for Shiny Mega Manectric. The color is supposed to be yellow and black, not yellow and slightly darker blue.
  2. +1 it's not filled, considering XDzin was able to fit the pokeball in his edit. And it would eventually matter for linking in trade channel, I guess. Once we have more kinds of balls being easily accessible, there's probably going to be a market for "Pokemon in specific ball" just like in official games, especially if those balls also get their specific send out animations.
  3. +1
  4. Have you tried the TM Tutor NPC in Ecruteak City? Although......what's the point in it having Dark Pulse when it can learn Shadow Ball? Shadow Ball has similar super effective and neutral coverage + it has STAB on regular form Rotom.
  5. I'm very sure the image for Shiny Bouffalant mount and Bouffalant mount should be switched. Shiny Bouffalant is the one with darker color. The mount itself is properly colored on the display, the issue is just the image on the coin shop, the one with the price. Also, Shiny Togekiss mount, both the picture and the model, are slightly wrong, the different tint is correct, but the red and blue spots should have been switched on Shiny Togekiss, compared to regular Togekiss.
  6. Starlight


    If it's just the adding the NPCs I think they should be able to do it effortlessly, so +1
  7. +1 Also if Pineco doesn't get removed (since BCC is in Johto and Pineco is a Bug-type from Johto, meaning it's natural for it to be in BCC), at least change its level to 28-30. Yes, it's a high level for BCC, but that's the only way to avoid it having Take Down and Selfdestruct.
  8. A little problem I can see with this is that people can essentially reroll their starter choice. You pick one, see its IVs and nature are terrible, then reset to pick it again or another starter, hoping it has better IVs and nature. This could be a problem since you can sell the good starter, which means it can affect the market. So either the reset has to be one time only (meaning if you get something even worse, this time you're stuck with it), or those specific starters received at the start of the region have to be made untradable, and I don't know how feasible that is for the developers. But well, a reset button probably would be denied because as already said, you can catch the starters in the wild anyway. Also, I'm curious, how can you "accidentally" pick Pikachu? You have to do a specific action to even be able to pick Pikachu.....
  9. +1 all gender-specific clothing should be permanently tradable, in my opinion.
  10. @Bhimoso: Yeah, on second thought, probably not guaranteed shiny XD I also added a bit about changing the level of the wild Pokemon - you can't really expect a new player with 5 hours playtime to tackle a lv80 spawn. Lv30 would make more sense for them. Otherwise it would circle back to the "no reward" issue for them. Even a non-legend holding valuable item is not good if they can't have a reasonable chance to catch the Pokemon.
  11. +1 But if I might add, another good change someone else mentioned in another thread, would be to add valuable item as hold item to the non-legendaries found in the island. Things like Master Ball or Reroll Ticket, I feel those would be a great incentive, especially for players who already have all the legendaries. Or, make them guaranteed Shiny, at least. I believe one of the main reasons why people are discouraged from doing WQ, is those non-legendaries. Nobody wants a bad lv80 Tyranitar for example, it's hard to level up and no one will buy a Tyranitar with terrible stats. You'll just ends up trashing it. It's essentially the same thing as having no reward at all, after all those effort in getting the minimum quota for the ticket. So something has to be done to make them an actual consolation prize. As it is right now, they're not even a consolation prize, they're just trash. A player with 5 hours play time wouldn't have a legend from WQ anyway, because he/she need to already finish the respective legend's quest first. The incentive to do WQ will have to be something else, like a shiny or a really good item to sell for pokedollar for example. New players would love having more pokedollars, and all they have to do is catch a few of certain Pokemon. Although, the level of the wild Pokemon to catch probably also should be altered to lv30 maybe. Something the new players can take on without the level being too low or too high for them. Tier 9 non-repelable spawn is not an outbreak, it's hell nobody wants to touch. Outbreaks should be tier 7 at the highest in my opinion, otherwise it can't be called an outbreak anymore.
  12. Yeah it's totally my fault if my connection is completely fine, but just happens to crap out for one second right when I'm battling a legendary before I can toss my master ball or battling a superboss, and be fine again for the rest of the year. Totally my fault.
  13. +1
  14. If the BCC NPCs' Pokemon are only set right AFTER you submit your Pokemon, then there should be no such issue, I think.
  15. +1 In fact, you know what, PRO might as well add a tutor for ALL the purify-exclusive moves.
  16. I guess I'll help bumping this thread for more awareness. WQ's system indeed could use a revamp. I also like the ripped ticket idea for failed WQs.
  17. +1, but if the staffs want to mess with it, be more professional with the announcement, please. Putting lv1 magikarp spawn then remove it AND THE ANNOUNCEMENT just a few hours later, and proceed to say NOTHING as if it never happen, only brings annoyance to players.
  18. eh, 2-3 megas would be too little. I think they'll give us probably somewhere around 5-8 megas at first. Anyway when I read the thread title at first I thought this will be a rant topic from someone who thinks PRO is dying XD Kinda glad that's not the case, because yeah, PRO isn't dying at all right now. We're still getting lots of updates, even though none of the update is PC storage box update haha
  19. +1 Regularly releasing new cosmetics exclusive to excavation likely would make me want to do excavation again. Right now it's just a pointless money-wasting chore to me....... And oh, make the cosmetics TRADE-ABLE WITH OTHER PLAYERS, please :)
  20. This won't just break the economy, this would probably outright kill it. Honestly I'm surprised this topic came from someone who has been playing since december 2015. You should have understand at this point that rerolling for regular Pokemon is not a good idea for this game.
  21. +1
  22. +1 also +1 for improving rewards in digspots anywhere like Bhimoso said, in particular I'm questioning why Maniac Tunnel in Sinnoh lost its Big Nugget reward when it's the most suitable place for it? Ruin Maniac who digs tunnels in various games usually do it for the nuggets.....
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