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Everything posted by Starlight

  1. Female Unfezant don't have higher speed than male ones, they just fly better according to the pokedex data.
  2. You only need to give the Electabuzz & Scyther once, after that you only need to pay pokedollars to enter the forest area. You won't be able to evolve them, since they are given to the NPC, you won't keep them or get them back XD So use trash ones for that, not epic ones.
  3. 23h 40min? Why not just 23h? Also the mirage island lottery, even though the npc said 23 hours, I'm sure it is actually 23 hours 59 minutes. The delay is 24 hours. Should be really 23 hours, or even better, make it 12 hours so we can have 2 tries per day.
  4. At least Fly is a good move in battle. Seriously, we have things like Bide and Psywave as TM! Major waste of space that could have been better moves like Rock Tomb and Shock Wave.
  5. Besides, one of the main argument for banning Softboiled + Unaware was that it was an illegal combination in official games. Moonlight + Unaware is never an illegal combination, since Clefairy learned the move via level-up regardless of what ability it has. Softboiled + Unaware is illegal, because in official games Softboiled on Clefable is only possible via Gen 3 tutor, when H.A. doesn't exist yet. Heck, even the Unaware ability itself doesn't exist back then during Gen 3 era.
  6. 1. You really should fix those random EVs. 2. Sadly, that Magnezone is not useful for bossing. For bossing you'll want Sturdy, not Magnet Pull. 3. Don't expect a single team of 6 to be able to get through all bosses, their teams are so varied you'll gonna have to use a couple different teams. I have three different teams just for the Beast Guardian Boss Trio alone. A few things good to get: - Timid/Modest Seaking with Lightningrod ability, and the move Agility, Scald, Ice Beam, and Signal Beam/Mud Shot. - Adamant/Impish/Careful/Brave/Relaxed/Sassy Snorlax, preferably with Thick Fat ability. - Adamant Scizor with Technician ability. - Bold/Calm Clefable with Magic Guard ability. - Adamant Talonflame with Gale Wings ability. I've seen people claiming to use Blissey, Togekiss, and Gliscor for bossing, so I guess they're good too. Jolly Jirachi is also good for a few bosses, thanks to its ability allowing it to do flinch hax with Iron Head. Hasty/Naive Greninja is also a good one due to its high offense stats and speed stat, along with wide movepool. And then there are niche things like Houndoom, Azumarill, Heliolisk, Torterra, Celebi, and Venusaur, which also have their uses, although more rare. Gengar should have Toxic, Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, and Giga Drain/Thunderbolt. Toxic is a powerful move against some bosses.
  7. Aeroblast Smeargle is legal :Grin: In fact, almost every single move is legal on Smeargle, that's the entire point of Sketch. My Smeargle in official game has Sacred Fire (a move otherwise exclusive to Entei and Ho-Oh) along with Shift Gear, which I actually Sketched not from Klinklang, but from my Shift Gear event Genesect. And in Gen 6 metagame, the most popular Smeargle set runs Dark Void and King's Shield, both are the signature moves of Darkrai and Aegislash respectively. In fact, it was the only way to use Dark Void in VGC, since Darkrai is banned in VGC. Only Chatter was un-Sketch-able in Gen 6, a leftover from the sound recording gimmick that Chatter had during Gen 4 & 5, which is programmed to only works with Chatot. Haven't test it in Gen 7, but I'm very sure in Gen 6 Chatter was literally the only move Smeargle cannot get. And Struggle, but eh, we all know the design of Struggle itself makes it un-copy-able in any way by default, since it's not an actually selectable move.
  8. There are a few ones out there like staffs and tournament winners that can be both Shiny and Rash. We must account for all necessary outcomes here. .......that's a good point, actually.
  9. Just to add, since we want everything to be exactly the same as in official games, the event moves should be banned on all beast trio in PVP, not just the ones with incorrect nature. Even a Rash Raikou cannot run Aura Sphere in PVP, because in PRO, beast trio can't be shiny, and only a Shiny Rash Raikou can run Aura Sphere.
  10. That's my question, as far as I know Aeroblast Smeargle has always been legal, so why it should be banned alongside the illegal combinations?
  11. .......wait, someone please tell me since when Aeroblast cannot be Sketched by Smeargle in official games
  12. Route 39 in Johto, the trainers with Bouffalant/Tauros/Miltank STILL walk to me and challenged me.
  13. you must wait for 2 hours 20 minutes before you can battle them again.
  14. Found a few others. Raymon in Route 229 walked to me and challenged me when all the other rebattle-able NPCs in the route don't. Nathan and Cute Boy Brad in Route 217 also walked to me and challenged me when all the other rebattle-able NPCs in the route don't.
  15. As hahahaka reported, it seems some NPCs are "broken" in that they walked to us and challenged us again just like before this change. The first NPC in Route 6 that you battled when you walk from Saffron, a bug catcher iirc, walked to me and challenged me today, I'm very sure he isn't supposed to do that, very sure I already battled him after the LOS update. EDIT: the name is Bug Catcher Keigo. On the other hand, seems like there's an error with NPCs on Route 226, one of them even implies they should be rebattle-able, but even until today, if I talk to them, they still act like they're still within the 1 week delay, when it has been more than 2 weeks since the last time I battled them. So I can't rebattle them.
  16. I bet 99% of the people in this thread, including those who were happy about this update, will never get into the island. I've been at it for more than 2 weeks and the old man still hasn't see it, I suspect he's actually blind lmao The low chance to get into the island makes people want to just buy a Zorua instead, but nobody is selling any because almost no one can get into the island. So all of us are forced to repeat the trip to Pacifidlog every day just to get another "please reroll again tomorrow" :Crazy: Good luck everyone, this sounds like a fun thing to do everyday XD
  17. Genesect also has Extremespeed and Blaze Kick as event move alongside Shift Gear.
  18. There were Banettite and the Kanto Starter Trio stones as well. All of them have been removed from the game though.
  19. Re: ► Boss Guide - updated 18/09/17 - All bosses/rewards/requirements ◄ <r>A small note, Thor's section doesn't mention that you get Lugia seen data if you don't have it yet.<br/> <br/> Other than that, nice guide <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  20. Spritzee and Swirlix currently cannot evolve, hence why we have wild Aromatisse and Slurpuff. Their evolution method is not implemented yet.
  21. Yeah, 100 is its base Attack stat in Gen 5. Should be 110 if PRO is based on Gen 6. https://www.serebii.net/pokedex-xy/508.shtml
  22. You can go back to eterna and use the other way, through floaroma and then go down to jubilife
  23. Hello :) In this game there's a tab below map name that will show you the Pokemon you can encounter in that map. Although, you need to already encounter them first at least once. Which isn't a big deal, really. In fact, it actually helps you since you can immediately know in the map there's something new you don't have yet.
  24. Re: ► Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon spawns [upToDate ~ 9/8/2017] ◄ <t>Yeah, the additional kanto starter spawns are part of the clone event XD<br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> As for the rarity thing, I think the misunderstanding came from the use of repel trick in official games.<br/> <br/> In official games, people mostly only use it to hunt roaming legends. The thing is, the encounter for roaming legends is set to be a common one, hence why not long after you use repel trick, the roaming legend shows up.<br/> <br/> Maybe due to that, people then thought that repel trick makes encounter more common.</t>
  25. Re: ► Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon spawns [upToDate ~ 9/8/2017] ◄ <r>Maybe it should be mentioned in the guide itself that Repel Trick doesn't and never change spawn rarity, it merely makes it so that your next encounter always be the Pokemon you want (or most likely be the Pokemon you want in the case of dual spawn). It doesn't make it so that you'll get one encounter every minute.<br/> <br/> I've seen quite a number of people being disappointed that they encountered almost no spawn after spending many repels, as if they are expecting the spawn to be more common when using repel trick. That's not how it works.<br/> <br/> Repel trick just skips the unnecessary battle, and only gives you the right battle you want to see, but it doesn't change how common that right battle will show up, since repels don't and never affect rarity.<br/> <br/> <br/> <QUOTE author="jannythegreat" post_id="440216" time="1504932197" user_id="1543196"><s> </e></QUOTE> .....because he's not a staff? He can make a guide that tells you what's in the game, but he can't add something into the game.</r>
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