I feel like the best way to actually communicate with the staff team about the game is the Suggestions Subforum (or at least it should be) but Suggestions almost never get answered or only get a 1 sentence answer. I know the staff team and esspecially the developers are insanly busy but some Suggestions still deserve a proper answer. We are told to always voice our opinions and make suggestions but if they never get answered in a proper way it just does not feel right. I have been told multiple times that all suggestions are being read but there is no time to give proper answers most of the time. While I can understand that to a certain extend I think there needs to be a better solution for that.
For example there could be a monthly stream where suggestions are being looked into and discussed. If that is not possible because of some reasons maybe it would be possible to discuss about some suggetions within the staff team and then give a decent answer to the Suggestion Thread.
If there are other reasons why suggestions rarely get answered please share these reasons with us so we can understand it.