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Everything posted by G3n3r4l
-1 Yep great way to try and scam the sailors comity of the 5k they want for you to travel from one port to the next. They've got to make a living somehow, you can't just not pay them by having this guy transport you for free. The only way i'd say +1 to this, is if it cost 5k to go to the easter island.
-1 I think one chance for all is good, attempting to balance it out like this would ruin the economy's style Common pokes should remain common, and their event forms as such, it's the same with shinies. And rare pokemon with the same event form, would naturally be worth more, as they're both rarer. Overall just attempting to balance it out would mean that the common pokes with event forms would be worth about the same as the rare pokes with and event form, because the chances make it that way. So yea just -1 from me.
you just have to hover over the spot, and it tells you where it is. some places don't work jsut because of their spots, but most do.
Mawilite - Metagrossite - Sablenite - Greninja Ban Envelope
G3n3r4l replied to Mythicallegend's topic in PvP
now =/= a couple months ago. there has not been a rift in the time space continuum to cause now to be the same as a month ago. by NOW, i mean now that walross has appointed Jorogumo to be council leader. and please, don't get upset over someone disagreeing with you. We're here for a debate, and just talking about it. nobody has to get mad at anyone for having different ideologies. Yes greninja could give lower rating players more fun, but at the same time, there are people who actually know how to properly use greninja, and can use and abuse it on anyone that stands in their way, and just climb ladder more. Greninja was basically a necessity on many teams. If you didn't have one, it was a problem for you. Landorus' great movepool is mostly only ran with Lnado-Incarnate, with it's sheer force ability, which as a matter of fact, is banned. As the great Ghabra already said, mega medicham has never once been banned, simply because there are already so many ways to counter it. And that it's movepool, in comparison to greninja's, is about the size of 5 moves. (HJK, Zen Headbutt, a punch move, bullet punch, fake out) -
Mawilite - Metagrossite - Sablenite - Greninja Ban Envelope
G3n3r4l replied to Mythicallegend's topic in PvP
If a poke is released now, we have a pvp council to decide on it, which means it shouldn't take 2 years for them to decide a ban or not. Yes it took some time for these 3, and gren, who took longer, but we didn't have a proper council until now to talk about it. And under new ownership now it should do better than before as well. And another example you can look at is Mega Metagross. gen 6, he was fine, not banned and perfectly allowed. Gen 7, he was banned. now if PRO had come out originally way back when gen 6 was out, and released it all, mega metagross would probably have been allowed then too, but then as we move to gen 7, and it gets banned, you would make this same argument. Getting pokemon is all part of this MMO. It's hunt, train, pvp, boss, etc. and then repeat. You spend a lot of money on something for it to get banned? congratulations, your loss. In gren's case, i really think having had many years already to use it in pvp should credit your money somehow, and if you bought it in recent months, you're at a loss because the council was talking about banning it for months as well. oh yea and thanks for repeating it, i just forgot about it then ignored it completely, so the refresher was good. -
Mawile is basically a singular mega pokemon that can directly wall sableye. Even while burned, Mawile's damage is still near fatal to sableye. Mega sableye basically forced every team to have a fairy type on it, otherwise you simply couldn't kill it. Mawile, could not only beat sableye, but it could also cripple every other team in existance. Many offensive teams would just die to mawile's sucker punch if it were to get to +2, and the rest of it's coverage just made it very dangerous to some of the most common pvp pokes we have, so overall mawile needed a ban. Sableye's ban was basically dependant on that. once mawile was banned, sableye was too. or vice versa. Sableye could also be destructive TO stall teams, with it's magic bounce ability it could just prevent status conditions to ever be put onto your pokemon, as you just bounce them back with it's ability. Removing BB gren's item is just overly complicated. Because BB gren runs sets for hydro vortex (water z move), which is useless until, and after, you use it to all other moves you have. Just making it a mega, in the nicest way to put this, sounds stupid. Yes it is basically a mega, but the requirement to get to ash gren is to kill a pokemon, making it a mega removes that. and then it's op from turn 1. Overall -1 to the whole thing about gren
Mawilite - Metagrossite - Sablenite - Greninja Ban Envelope
G3n3r4l replied to Mythicallegend's topic in PvP
setting up for mawile is one turn, that turn, can be when zapdos switches in. You don't switch in mawile on a zapdos. however you're saying you switch a zapdos on a mawile. during that turn you spend switching, mawile is clicking swords dance. and when mawile clicked swords dance, zapdos can't live. And please look at these things logically. if you have a chansey on your team, you go into it right away if a volcarona switches in, that way there are no turns spent setting up for it, you basically just force it to switch out right away. -
Mawilite - Metagrossite - Sablenite - Greninja Ban Envelope
G3n3r4l replied to Mythicallegend's topic in PvP
Yea i love when zapdos can tank a +0 mawile, just wait till it gets to +2 though. 0 SpA Zapdos Heat Wave vs. 92 HP / 0 SpD Mawile-Mega: 172-204 (65.1 - 77.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO 252+ Atk Huge Power Mawile-Mega Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 184+ Def Zapdos: 237-280 (61.7 - 72.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery 252+ Atk Huge Power Mawile-Mega Sucker Punch vs. 252 HP / 184+ Def Zapdos: 123-145 (32 - 37.7%) -- 0.2% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery -
I know i could've mentioned those, but as you later stated, a lot of players wouldn't be able to see the differences between those and other styles, so while yes, i could've and should've put those, putting stuff like semi stall would've probably gotten a lot of backlash saying "stall is stall and its bad". And yea as you also said, any team with a chansey equivalates to stall in PRO. yea i know, don't mind it, the players that do can use it, don't really care if they do or don't. for the ones that vote, we can see. simple as that. i've also started spreading it around and posting it places. to spread the word a bit more we can see already that it's starting to take some shape, low weather teams, high balance, lower h.o, but could climb, etc. i predicted something similar, i just expexcted more rain than what i got
Mawilite - Metagrossite - Sablenite - Greninja Ban Envelope
G3n3r4l replied to Mythicallegend's topic in PvP
i mean right now, all the pokes currently in the game have been around for a long time. currently as we can see from the pvp council discord, there are no active debates going on, so nothing is at risk. volc and char are basically at no rosk of being banned though, so you're fine with them -
Mawilite - Metagrossite - Sablenite - Greninja Ban Envelope
G3n3r4l replied to Mythicallegend's topic in PvP
i mean if they bought it years ago that's on them, as back then there wasn't even much confirmation that those megas were going to be out. I don't think that they'll all stay banned, so eventually they'll be reinstated. If you wasted your money for an ability change from the summer tournament that's on you. -
*VOTES ARE PRIVATE* It has peaked my interest after the recent announcement of the four new bans, of the amount of people who say that stall is everywhere in PRO. I simply made this poll to find out how much of this is true. While discussing in the PvP channel in PRO discord i have also been called a stall player with no grounds of evidence, really hurt because i love using my trick room mega ampharos. Votes are private, so if you are in fact a stall player you can vote for stall and not be roasted into oblivion by the hundreds upon hundreds of stall haters that exist. I made this just for general knowledge, as we don't have team info listed on the PvP results, so that data can be skewed for seeing rotom-wash as number 1, it could be a timid set.
Mawilite - Metagrossite - Sablenite - Greninja Ban Envelope
G3n3r4l replied to Mythicallegend's topic in PvP
Well the current council wasn't actually made a thing until a few months ago, since about november 2020 was when it properly kicked off, and at the time, I don't think there was a plan with how to proceed. Also, one of the main factors for being staff, is that you are not allowed to leak any information. So telling anyone, even the council, about what pokemon are coming up, is not allowed, which i do think is a big flaw in the system. they can't judge a pokemon if they don't know what the pokemon is. However all this being said, i do agree with the fact that something of it needs to change. Perhaps like a discussion somewhere private where the council members can be informed of a new pokemon, and talk about it there, before releasing what was said, when the poke is released. Understandably though, the people that spent millions on a mawile, like you said, somewhat had it handed to them. There was discussion happening about a potential mawile, sableye, and greninja suspect test, which could easily lead in to a ban, for a couple months already. So overall i do think it is somewhat their fault for it. Which is also why i refused to buy one, and rather borrowed one from a guildmate. -
its on the dev to do list, just needs a rework
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Just because stall games are the only ones you remember doesn't mean they're used all the time. Look at teh most used pokemon list, very few stall pokemon are there. And please, don't tell me i need a new team, mawile has not been a struggle for me. i can abuse it in trick room until the cows come home, so it's not a problem whatsoever. Why would you need to use sucker punch, if knock off does more and mawile is faster. also what the heck are you calcing, how do you get 25% chance to OHKO, when it does at most 56.
you peaked my curiosity with alomomola. A common wish protect poke, and on common protect turns, mawile will most likely SD. especially so if you're running soak toxic lol. Allow me to demonstrate what happens with your set in battle (with low rolls): Turn 1: soak vs knock off 252+ Atk Huge Power Mawile-Mega Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Alomomola: 166-196 (31 - 36.7%) -- 72.5% chance to 3HKO Alomomola Soak vs. 92 HP Mawile-Mega: 0-0 (0 - 0%) -- possibly the worst move ever Turn 2: wish vs play rough 252+ Atk Huge Power Mawile-Mega Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Alomomola: 154-182 (28.8 - 34%) -- 2.1% chance to 3HKO Alomomola Wish vs. 92 HP Mawile-Mega: 0-0 (0 - 0%) -- possibly the worst move ever Turn 3: obvious protect vs SD Mawile-Mega Swords Dance vs. 252 HP Alomomola: 0-0 (0 - 0%) -- possibly the worst move ever Alomomola Protect vs. 92 HP Mawile-Mega: 0-0 (0 - 0%) -- possibly the worst move ever Turn 4: play rough vs wish again +2 252+ Atk Huge Power Mawile-Mega Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Alomomola: 307-362 (57.4 - 67.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Alomomola Wish vs. 92 HP Mawile-Mega: 0-0 (0 - 0%) -- possibly the worst move ever Turn 5: SD on another protect bla bla bla Turn 6: death to the rest of your team, starting with alomomola +4 252+ Atk Huge Power Mawile-Mega Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Alomomola: 461-543 (86.3 - 101.6%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO 31%+28%-50%+57%-50+86=102% As a result, alomomola is dead, and now you have a +4 mawile with sucker punch looming on the rest of your team. Please rebut this Do not counter by saying "click scald" because Soak + Wish + Toxic + Protect is already 4 moves. And scald, does like 20% tops, and all you do is pray for the burn, with nothing else.
yep choice kills with no hp investments, but if you pump hp, it's only a 50% chance to kill and otherwise, mawile kills it through multiscale. Try again though. And just so you know, i've never once played stall on PRO. as i mentioned, i'm a trick room player. But yes i do understand, you hate stall and want this to remain beacuse its the easiest no skill way to beat stall. ok yea you go play your PvE team in PvP, we'll watch, you can play.
Could you just name me one mega from wave 3 that counters Mega Sableye that doesn't start with "M" and end in "Awile"? Let me help you: Tyranitar: gets Will-O-Wisped and does no damage against recover Pinsir: gets Will-O-Wisped and does no damage against recover Aerodactyl: gets Will-O-Wisped and does no damage against recover Sharpedo: gets Will-O-Wisped and does no damage against recover Medicham: gets Will-O-Wisped and does no damage against recover Metagross: gets Will-O-Wisped and does no damage against recover Now onto the special attackers: Slowbro: 0 SpA Slowbro-Mega Scald vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Sableye-Mega: 72-85 (23.7 - 28%) -- 89.9% chance to 4HKO (can't toxic spam because magic bounce) Alakazam (if runs dazzle): 252 SpA Alakazam-Mega Dazzling Gleam vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Sableye-Mega: 144-170 (47.5 - 56.1%) -- 79.3% chance to 2HKO Manectric: 252 SpA Manectric-Mega Thunderbolt vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Sableye-Mega: 100-118 (33 - 38.9%) -- 99.5% chance to 3HKO Camerupt: 252+ SpA Sheer Force Camerupt-Mega Fire Blast vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Sableye-Mega: 183-216 (60.3 - 71.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (problem is nobody runs camerupt) Pidgeot: 252 SpA Pidgeot-Mega Hurricane vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Sableye-Mega: 121-144 (39.9 - 47.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO also yea, diancie, a singular pokemon that will be forced to run on everyone's team because it isn't affected by burn, and still super effectives sableye 252 SpA Diancie-Mega Moonblast vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Sableye-Mega: 236-282 (77.8 - 93%) -- guaranteed 2HKO can't even one shot the careful set, sad
i think its a good idea, but how about having the tournament cycle styles so like first its OU, then UU, then RU, then NU, ETC. and then it keeps rotating
1 week tops, gives everyone the weekend to figure out games. and the week as cushion space or vice versa. matches are assigned friday night, or sunday night. if sunday night then you get monday through friday to work towards playing, and if you can't, you have the cushion space of the weekend to finalize the matches
Relearning new moves according to the latest Generations
G3n3r4l replied to Shrutayk18's topic in Suggestions
-1 gen 7 game = gen 7 mechanics = gen 7 moves adding gen 8 moves but nothing else of gen 8 just wouldn't work out imo. -
[Improvement] Newbie-Friendly Starting Out Suggestions
G3n3r4l replied to Daedalus007's topic in Suggestions
would make it too easy, -1 again, too easy, it's a fun game of chance to hope you get a good starter. and besides, you can hunt them later, does nothing. Also the perfect nature would have to be chosen, because for each of the starters, they all have a couple natures that can work well with them. so -1 you can't even grind that much money at the start, and the pokemarts aren't that stocked either early on, this would just do nothing imo. -1 you only fight like 5 trainers anyways, i don't see why it's necessary. +1 would be useful to differentiate, but i guess it's part of the challenge somewhat. it's a maze for a reason. that means going in AND coming out. and besides, there are already ways to cheese the system, like battling someone and logging out. It's an MMO, you're SUPPOSED to grind. making it easy early on, then making it hard would make players want to play less, because they'd think it's that easy all the way along, when in reality it's much more difficult. -
well written, well said, i think the dependent ban will be mawile, while sableye is very strong, i don't think it'll be banned alone. Magic bounce alone means it can't have it's hp dwindled by toxic unless the switch in is predicted, however i think most teams would just use it as a lead, to block hazards. so it becomes mega on turn 1. Typing wise 3 immunities, one super effective type, and as you specified, not many. he's also got will-o-wisp, which basically means any physical attacker that doesn't go by the name mega mawile will have a a hard time killing it. so you have to result to a special attacker, and then 1v1 it's move known as calm mind. and im wagering these good comments are because you're saying to ban a stall poke. not a stall breaker