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Everything posted by Rj2222

  1. Wts 15m /wtt If anyone interested can dm me on discord Rj 22 22#1533
  2. Dude idk if you are a hunter in pro but thats how it should work
  3. SOLD
  4. -1 Hunting will become super easy no
  5. Ty
  6. +1
  7. .
  8. .
  9. +1 Pro is super boring when events are not on pve players should also get some fun in between xd
  10. +1 Pink>all
  11. Nvm i got one
  12. Really nice light stone quest was fun to do with friends idk about guild party but it was little weird in random party when 5 friends try to join in a single party lol But ye nice event hope we get more quest like this in future.
  13. +1 i m bored seeing accessories in xmas calender everyday;-;
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