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Posts posted by Exotyc

  1. Hey there!

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    The EV system is working fine. Each time you get 4 EV points on a stat, your stat will raise by 1. This doesn't always go up since it only applies for level 100 Pokemon.
    Let me know if this clarified your concerns.

    Kind regards

  2. 5 hours ago, CubiOwi said:

     its one of this ids:





    If can be checked is the one with 3x30 ivs

    Pls i want to recover i was releasing useless catches

    Hey there!

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience
    I've restored the Marrep for you and it should be in the last slot of your PC.

    Kind regards

  3. 23 hours ago, UncleParuwaV2 said:

    After 3rd part of quest i stucked(nidoqueen need to follow me). Nidoqueen followed me (until to driffloom) and then script doesnt work, after relog i stucked at the same moment, but i havnt seem Driffloon 😕  I cant do anythging- the quest was bugged ( i aslo didnt see next location of the quest). Pls help guys, is there anything to restart this quest? 

    Hey there!

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    I've forwarded the issue to the corresponding staff team.
    I'll reply as soon as I have an answer.

    Kind regards

  4. On 2/28/2021 at 11:23 AM, Maxano said:

    There were 2 times where I spoke to the old PNJ who is at the pokecenter after each change of region.
    The one who gives pokedollars as well as potions and pokeballs
    And then the one that hurt the most in my wallet this week is when I fought the Mt. Silver NPC karate, I won the fight.
    The crash appeared and I reconnected, I was teleported to the pokecenter of my silver with a loss of pokedollars ....

    It seems like you were always in battle when the proxy server crashed. This means the battle you had against the trainers counted as a lose, which resulted in losing 5% of your money.
    Unfortunately, we are not able to refund the money as it would be unfair towards others players who had a similar situation in the past where we didn't refund anything.
    I know this is very frustatrating, however I would like to show you some ways on how to get money effectively. You can try to make your money back through dig spots, which will require a 150+ happiness Pokemon (3 day cooldown), rebattling trainers (7 day cooldown) & bosses (12 day cooldown), and hunting Pokemon that people may pay a lot for it.
    If you’re unsure to attempt the ideas listed above, you can also check this 
    money guide out.
    With that being said, I hope you understand it and once again I'm sorry that we cannot refund any of your loses.

    Have a nice day!

  5. 22 hours ago, Tofir said:

    If i remeber correctly it was timid lvl 30 or something like that and the ability i don't remember if it was hustle or rivalry

    After checking your account, we only found that you have 2 nidoran forms, one Bold and the other Sassy and both are Poison Point. None of them were released.
    It could be possible that the server crashed and rollbacked.
    Unfortunately, we are not able to recover this.
    I'll lock this thread now since we can't do nothing anything about it, have a nice day!

  6. On 2/25/2021 at 7:13 PM, Maxano said:

    It is certainly forbidden but considering the money I give you
    I would like to have answers
    And no and no then no that's not all you said
    I would like you to take a closer look because I am desperate and the cause is really server crashes because it's always there when it happens and I'm at 150K ....

    Since there are no proofs that you lost your money.
    Can you tell me what you did specifically before each crash when you lost money?
    Without much information what you did, we can't help much.
    I'll be waiting for a reply.

  7. 1 hour ago, Risingking34 said:

    Sir every evening it happens that connection lost when encounter a wild poke and then it shows "connection lost" and when i try to log in "user already logged in"

    And this happens only when encounter a wild poke!!!please solve this issue as soon as possible because of this i am unable to hunt shiny charmander😭🤩

    Hey there!

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    First of all, the servers have been unstable lately and server crashes may happen. We're sorry about it.
    To clarify, the issue "User already logged in" appears only if you're trying to connect too fast after a connection lost or leaving from the server.

    Kind regards


  8. 2 hours ago, Tofir said:

    I was switching my pokemons in team to sell them and a nidoran male valentine form vanished form my box, can we do something about it ?

    Hey there!

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    Could this issue be caused because you had the Nidoran in your party already?
    Since the last update the Pokemon from your party slot won't be shown in your box anymore.
    I'll be waiting for a reply.

    Kind regards

  9. On 2/24/2021 at 8:00 AM, Yue said:

    Hi, it looks like my elvolution data hasn't been restored yet. Please take a look at my account, original data was 301 and now its 280.

    Here's the proof : (Already caught Latios)


    Hey there!

    I've forwarded the issue to the corresponding staff team.
    Please wait in the meantime.

    Kind regards

  10. On 2/25/2021 at 7:45 PM, kyleq8 said:



    no, i have 2 more account from my friend who the left the game anyway i did the completed the first part and catched Clefable in another 2 accounts and i trade my self 

    We couldn't restore the Clefable since the variables were set to true.
    I'm sorry about that. But, I'm glad to see you were able to kind of solve the problem by yourself and caught the Clefable on another account.
    Have a nice day!

  11. On 12/2/2020 at 10:28 AM, Jrs177 said:

    When ever i try to surf my character gets stuck at one place i cant move but i can still move my  mouse and access to my backpack  and etc i hope u guys fix this bug cause this has slowed down my story progress and really stressed my put and i can't upload a video proof  for some reason it dose not render 

    I'm really sorry for the delay and the inconvenience.

    It's possible that posts are getting lost, so it's recommended to bump your thread every 24 hours.
    Regarding the issue: If your characters gets stuck in a place while surfing, open the console by pressing F2, then type clean reg and enter.

    It will sync your character to the server again and removes any caches. Be aware that your settings will be resetted too.

    Kind regards

  12. 19 hours ago, Maxano said:

    By cons we are the 24 is still no answer from you
    Also at 11:06 pm I lose 20,000 because of a roolback once again
    If you look at your historical server on see that I am fighting it but it is not won after the roolback of course
    It is starting to get complicated so do I have to file a complaint with TO paypal to wake you up
    I'm not interested in your world quests, I'm a new player, I want something concrete

    First of all, I'm sorry for the delay. 
    Did you maybe interact with a NPC before the server crash that could have gave you money? Item seller maniac for example.
    Furthermore, creating a paypal case to revert the money is prohibited. You will get permanently banned.
    I'll be waiting for a reply.

  13. On 2/23/2021 at 3:38 AM, XDzin said:

    the server crashed the moment I clicked to wear my champion crown when he came back, my crown and my red pvp cape were gone

    Hey there!

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    I've forwarded the issue to the corresponding staff team.
    I'll reply once I've an update.
    Also, please refrain from bumping your thread before the 24 hours. Staffs might not be available when you post a thread, so be patient next time.

    Kind regards

  14. 8 hours ago, kyleq8 said:



    i did the steps for the quest event, but when i was fighing Clefairy i get discontented! after i come again i dont see Clefairy and i get Clefairy from my friend but i want to met mayor shiro to connect the quest, mayor shoiro is not there like the picture , so what i do now ?







    Hey there!

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    I've forwarded the issue to the corresponding staff team.
    I'll reply you once I've an update.

    Kind regards

  15. 5 hours ago, HeroOfTheStreet said:



    It's been a while since I'm having this issue (at least ever since July when my activity in Gold was recorded the last time). Whenever I try to log in with my main (HeroOfTheStreet), as well as with my alt (HjkIntoProtect) to Gold, I basically get this message shown on the screen below:




    Same goes for the test server for which I heard that it is being hosted in Gold. If it helps at all, when I try to log in to Gold on my Android, the same issue occurs.

    I'm obviously playing on Silver with both of my accounts and I have no trouble to log in there.


    Hey there!

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    Are you still having this issue? It looks like you were able to login.
    I'll be waiting for a reply.

    Kind regards

  16. On 2/17/2021 at 4:37 PM, Deadlyassassin said:

    Hey staff. I just got done with the valentines quest. After that i went to battle clefable, but mid battle the server crashed. This is not acceptable. Im not the only one experiencing these things. If the game isent right then why open up the servers? fix the game then open the servers. This is not how you make a game, this is how you make people hate your game. If you dont know how to handle these kind of situations, on a game then dont make any games to begin with. Learn how to handle situations like these before hand. This is bad on you all ends. Stop making such events and stuff when you know the servers arent stable. Close the servers and make the servers and everthing else stable/good, then start opening up so players can play. How do you expect us to play the new event when we cant even play it becouse the servers crash every 5 mins. But i atleast hope yall can fix my problem and help me get the vday clefable back or so that i can battle it again. Thx! 


    (PS. i got video evidence of it, but forums wont let me upload the video dunno why)

    Hey there!

    I've checked your account and it seems like you were able to catch the Valentine Clefable and it's currently in your PC.
    Since it's resolved, I will lock this thread now.
    If you have any further questions, feel free to make another post.

    Kind regards

  17. 1 hour ago, Abbiatefede97 said:

    Good morning,

    im here to ask for a question:

    after last download I can’t find anymore in my dex, one gengar I used for boss battle.

    it was a timid gengar 31 speed and 25+ Spec atk but unfortunately I didn’t make a photo of him I never thought a situation like that. If I remember it was not OT.

    there is something I can do to get it back or is it impossible?

    maybe I have deleated him but I have always paid attention on that.

    thank you for your attention, and sorry for bothering you.

    Hey there!

    Your Gengar has been restored and it should be back in the last slot of your PC.
    Have a nice day!

  18. On 2/19/2021 at 2:48 PM, Outlaw609 said:

    I don't seem to see any other topics regarding this issue, so I'm making this new topic regarding the shiny drifloon mount. Nothing too major, it just doesn't have the accompanying sparkle animation that other shiny mounts have.  I'm assuming this is a bug, as spending 750 pve coins on a shiny mount with no sparkle doesn't seem right.  The attached screenshot shows me on the mount.


    -thank you very much for your time, 




    Hey there!

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience and the delay.
    First of all, thanks for reporting this.
    We're aware of this issue. The reason that there are no sparkles is due to the mount being above the players and not underneath. If we would add the sparkles, it would be in the wrong place.
    Once the software allows us to add sparkles in a higher layer, it will be fixed.
    I hope you understand.

    Kind regards

  19. 7 hours ago, pureheart2803 said:

    Dear " Exchange Managers ", 

         Now, I am having a cross server transaction. Time to end the auction is about 6 hours away. But a member of my association who transferred from silver to gold yesterday had an error that caused him to lose all his data (Player: Yue ).  I hope someone can make sure the transfer server is stable during this time or if an error occurs I can recover the account. 
         This is my auction's link: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/170418-selling-shiny-frillish-pvp/ 
          Hope to receive a reply soon.
    Love all.

    Hey there!

    We have fixed Yue's transfer issue.
    I'll lock this thread now.
    Have a nice day.

  20. On 2/18/2021 at 10:57 PM, Khunxpp said:

    Help me pls I can't see any chat or world chat even dm or command. I did tried to reinstall  (include clear my temp file), but still not working


    image.png.be593cae4f6d823a3583bf285ea0ead8.png          image.png.b3cf8fecbdd84bcf1c9df459895a2c06.png



    Hey there!

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience and the delay.
    Please open the console by pressing F2 and then type in clean reg.
    I'll be waiting for a reply if it worked.

    Kind regards

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