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Posts posted by Exotyc

  1. 10 hours ago, Tobden said:

    Is there no way i can play this game without using my mouse, I prefer plugging in the controller and laying back before grinding the game. The controller options aren't that good and every time something pops in the game, I cant interact with the controller, leading me having to close in on the PC and use the mouse to redirect these in game pop-ups. 

    Admin please show me the way.



    Hey there!

    I'm really sorry for the inconvenience.
    It is possible to play with a controller, however you first need to syncronize the controller binds with your keyboard binds.
    In order to do that, you need a software, for example "JoyToKey" which emulates the keyboard and mouse input, so that applications like PRO can be controlled with the controller.
    I hope this helps.

    Kind regards,

  2. 2 minutes ago, NergleFergle said:

    Hello Exotyc, thank you for responding. I bought the 4 rerolls and 1 nature reroll on my gold account not my silver account. My silver account is the one where I lost the coins in question. 

    I've deleted the message from before as I noticed I was checking the wrong server.
    Please be patient, we're still looking into your issue.
    Could it also be possible that you looked wrong or had a visual bug? Please restart your client, and let me know.

  3. 12 hours ago, IshanOMG said:

    Pls Solve This Bug Manytimes this happened pls try to refund my money or give me a safari pass


    12 hours ago, loc018 said:

    I’m same situation too

    Hey there!

    I'm really sorry for the inconvenience that was caused.
    Recently the servers have been unstable due to proxy server issues. There is nothing we can do about it because the issue is on the server providers end. We’re always trying to improve the server stability but crashes are unpredictable and can happen anytime. The developers are already aware of this and are trying to look for a new proxy server to reduce the crashes.

    Unfortunately, you won’t be given anything you lost in a crash. 
    We recommend to not do any pvp battles, bosses as well as safari during these times. 

    Again, we are sorry for your case, however, further action can not be taken as it would be unfair to other players who had a similar situation with their losses in the past where we didn't refund their money.

    I hope you understand.

    Kind regards,

    • Haha 1
  4. 33 minutes ago, LeoFlo24 said:

    Hi guys, i was catching kyurem (lvl 50), while unfortunally i lost the connection and now i cant catch him anymore.

    I have lost kyurem forever or there is a solution?


    Server: Gold

    IGN: LeoFlo24



    Hey there!


    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

    After failing to catch a legendary Pokemon, you can restore it in the originally located place by defeating the Nikola Boss.
    Nikola is located in Unknown Place, which is Trainers Valley. Here's a guide how to access specific areas and what requirements are needed.
    Furthermore, Nikola is not easy to beat as his lineup consist of 6 legendary Pokemon, so be prepared. More information about Nikola, which legendary Pokemon can be restored by him and his lineup can be found here.
    I hope I could clarify everything.

    Kind regards,

  5. On 1/30/2021 at 6:17 AM, TheRealDarkSoul said:

    I was fighting Lt. Surge when the server had a proxy crash and I was sent here though the discord server to request a cooldown reset.

    Hey there!

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    We have resetted the cooldown for you since it was a proxy crash.
    Have a nice day!

    Kind regards

  6. 2 hours ago, Gheko said:

    Dear Support Team:


    I am traying to update the Client Game and it gives me an Error; I am sending you the error file so you can see it;

    I really Hope you can guide me with this.

    Thanks for your Time.


    Have a Nice Day.

    Hey there!

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    There seem to be a bug in the old clients where you can't autopatch. In order to fix this issue, please delete the current PRO files and then redownload the game from here.
    I'll be waiting for a reply if that worked.

    Kind regards

  7. 15 hours ago, konichi24 said:

    I just recently win a game and my rating should be on 50, when i entered queue  server suddenly crashed, and when I open again my rating was turn back to 32, I'm not even on battle yet when server crashed, I'm working too hard to get rating and then this happens, please give me back my rating.


    Hey there!

    I'm really sorry for the inconvenience.
    Unfortunately, we cannot help you in this case. Those kind of requests have been denied in the past, so if we refund your rating now and not theirs, it would be unfair towards the players who had a similar situation. The developers are already aware of this issue, and hopefully it will be fixed in the future.

    I'm once again sorry, I hope you understand.
    Since we cannot help further, I'll lock this thread.
    Kind regards


  8. 6 hours ago, ALEXANDRIAN said:

    Hi, the server keeps crashing every 10 minutes or so, crashed 3 time in about 30 minutes, during bug contest and trades, please do something to fix the crashes cause it's impossible to play like this, thanks.

    Hey there!

    I'm really sorry for the inconvenience that was caused.

    The server crashes that happened was not on our but the server providers end.

    These kind of proxy crashes might happen at any time because they are unpredictable and we are not able to control it. However we're always trying to improve the server stability from the game code perspective.

    I hope you understand.
    Have a nice day.

    Kind regards


  9. 13 hours ago, Nerorn said:

    I was just about to finish morty to get my mega benette stone, on giratina the server crashed, i think you guys should be able to see that the moment i "lost" to the boss was the exact instant the server crashed, having to wait more 12 days to do it sounds unfair, is there no way to reset my cooldown?

    Hey there!

    I'm really sorry for the inconvenience.
    We have resetted the cooldown for you as the server crashed due to proxy issues. Normally, players are able to rebattle the boss again once the server crashes (game code wise). However, if proxy crashes happen the server will think that you disconnected, so you can't rebattle the NPC again.

    Have a nice day!
    Kind regards

  10. 4 hours ago, Jenexine said:

    Hello, is there any way I can get this tag in a guild's forums?

    This is the forum link -> https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/168869-neverland-now-recruiting-silver-server/?do=getNewComment


    Hey there!

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    We have added the prefix for you. Due to the website plugin being broken, you can't always add a prefix. We're currently waiting for the developers of the plugin fixing it.

    However, we have added a temporary fix where players are forced to pick either gold or silver prefix when creating a post.

    Kind regards,

  11. On 1/22/2021 at 2:18 AM, SanKairu said:

    Hi, so I've made this account couple years back and I've thought of playing again after several years. The thing is I think I stopped playing around the time when a seasonal area was up and left my character there. I've tried logging in some time in the past but it wouldn't work, I didn't pay much attention to it and thought that it would sort itself out sooner or later but today I downloaded the latest client and tried logging in but I still have the same issue. Does the fact that I left my character on a seasonal area cause this problem? Any thoughts? Thank you and Cheers


    After attempting to log in, this appears for a while then reverts back to the login screen.


    Hey there!

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience and the delay.
    Could you delete all the old PRO files and folders that you have on your device, including the temporary files and the trashbin, and then redownload the latest client from here.
    I'll be waiting for a reply if that worked.

    Kind regards

  12. On 1/21/2021 at 4:21 PM, Dappy said:

    I created a second alternate account who has a female sprite. The problem is the same as my first account which will then be bald after i design my character. I tried many times to redesign my character but it still remains bald.



    Hey there!

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    As Norex mentioned above, the issue has been fixed on the new client. You need to delete your old PRO files and then redownload the game again here

    Kind regards,

  13. 6 hours ago, StorMAnqeL said:

    Whenever i type my name and password, it says ''Failed to connect to server'' Is there something wrong with server or my account has some issues?

    Hey there!

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    First of all, your account has no issues at all. The issue that causes you fail to connect is due to the old servers (Red, Blue) have been merged together in one server (Silver).
    've checked your account and it seems like you haven't merged your old account from the red server yet.
    In order to merge, you need to login on the Dashboard and you will get a notification to merge. 
    Please make sure to choose the Red server, as you have 200 play hours there, in order to get your progress on Silver back.

    After the merge, you still may be unable to log into Silver server. You have to reset your password on the Dashboard to fix it. Your password should contain only alphanumeric letters (Letters from A to Z and from 0 to 9), because sometimes different/special characters in your password might block you from login.

    For more information about the merge and about the errors that might occur with it, please take a look on Everything About The Merge.

    With that being said, I hope this clarified everything.

    Kind regards,

  14. 9 hours ago, DocLeo said:

    Sorry I will have to decline, I have to wait 24 hrs ingame time to rebattle Cynthia and I don't want to do the same strategy just to show you the battle log using destiny bond if I know it's gonna fail me once more due to the move malfunctioning, it's not fair... If I didn't have a 24 hr waiting period I would definitely show you the battle log. 


    All I ask is if you can please look into this case. Im sure I'm not the only one experiencing this issue. 

    We can't look into this case if we don't have any information about the battle log.
    But I think that you were using destiny bond 2 times in a row or have missclicked because you didn't pay attention.


  15. 13 minutes ago, DocLeo said:

    Hello, so I'm trying to complete the garchompite mega stone quest by batteling superboss Cynthia. I used my Sharpedo to do destiny bond on my opponent's togekiss, once my Sharpedo fainted destiny bond didn't work, it didn't take its foe down with it. 


    Is this a bug?

    Hey there!

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    It would be helpful if you can send the battle log. So we can help you to find a solution or investigate for bugs.
    I'll be waiting for a reply.

    Kind regards,


  16. 8 hours ago, zootrap786 said:

    So this means that I have to be punished for now a total of 3 weeks even though I did nothing wrong ? How is this even a remotely reasonable way to handle this situation. There has to be a way to actually note that this was a server issue and not a personal issue and just punish players for a lack of stability in servers right? I don't think just saying sorry and hope you understand will take away the frustration of players who spend time and money as well. Its extremely disappointing. I've never had an issue of anything like this in the past and its sad to see the one time I do there is no help that can even be had. 

    I have some good news for you. 

    I checked and have found out that it was a proxy disconnect and not a server crash. Usually if there is a server crash, bosses can be rebattled after the server is online again which I forgot. However if we have a proxy disconnect, bosses think you had a disconnect.
    Nikola boss cooldown has been resetted for you now.
    I'm also sorry that I made a mistake here.

    Have a nice day.

    • Like 1
  17. 6 hours ago, zootrap786 said:

    I was doing my Nikola after a 21 day cooldown and in the middle of winning the server crashes. I figured that bosses are reset if its a server crash in mid battle, but its making me wait the entire 21 days AGAIN. I find this immensely unfair since this is not even a problem on my end. The crash occurred around 8pm EST. I am sure you can see this is the time that it happened from other reports. I would appreciate any help. Thank you for your time and consideration. 

    Hey there!

    I'm really sorry for the inconvenience.
    We unfortunately can't help you with this case. Server crashes might happen at any time, they can be unpredictable, however we're always trying to improve the server stability.
    Additionally, boss resets have been requested in the past due to crashes/disconnects but they have been denied. So it would be unfair now to restore your boss cooldown, and not theirs in the past.
    I'm once again sorry what occured, but I hope you understand.

    Kind regards,

  18. 30 minutes ago, AbraBot said:

    My friend Joqo leveled this Gyarados with accident to level 61 and was going to do the heatran quest with it. I would really appericiate if you could delevel it to level 60!


    Hey there!

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    We unfortunately don't provide delevel services anymore, especially for cases where you accidently leveled a Pokemon too high for certain quests.
    Additionally, it would be unfair towards other people who had a similar situtation in the past where we couldn't help either.
    I'm sorry once again. You will need to train another Gyarados to level 60.
    I hope you understand this.
    Let me know if you have any further questions.

    Kind regards

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