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Everything posted by Theakalli

  1. I'm looking forward your next ideas for the game.
  2. I agree
  3. remove the rule
  4. Sorry for not doing it yesterday,I was just lazy. I removed people who tried signing up on 2 accs.At least you tried. Removed banned users. I won't check this forum anymore so there's no point in trying to pm me in order to get your rewards.Please ADD me on discord Akalli#9999 if you won,it will be also easier to schedule a place and time for me to give the rewards... [MEDIA=imgur2]fiU1kbX[/MEDIA] Congrats,and one more time,add me on discord Akalli#9999 so I can give you the rewards... @PopInSmoke @Undeadstorm Oh yeah,no need to send me requests and pretend you won,you'll just be banned from future giveaways. :)
  5. will choose the winners wednesday,u can still sign up till then
  6. here we go again..................... there will be more than one winner and then again it's silver server only,i'm sorry for gold but nothing I can do there. 1st Prize Pool : 1 Choice Band,1 Choice Specs,50 focus sash,2 life orb,200k,Epic Crawdaunt ( [MEDIA=imgur2]E7tiFoB[/MEDIA] ) 2nd Pool : 1 Choice Specs,1 Life Orb,[MEDIA=imgur2]drXsIhz[/MEDIA] epic mawile Third Prize Pool : 1 Choice Specs, [MEDIA=imgur2]fdFjOKY[/MEDIA] good spdef skarm (this skarm never played one game without getting critted so use it at ur own risks) dont really have anything else to give so theres that,just trying to get my account empty. Reply to participate,winners will be picked whenever i'm not lazy. pretty sure discord mods from pro discord are gonna see this so well if u can post it in that channel please,trying to get the most people for one last giveaway. On another note,i'd like to mention @Dakivid for giving me the lists of participants in my previous giveaway,it's really annoying to do so thanks for that. One last thing,I'd just like to thanks everyone for making my pro experience literally amazing,shoutouts to all my friends (would love to to individuals but that'd be too long and this is probably not the place). Goodluck everyone! May the luckier win,as always. bop @Buzzn @TR3Y @xrevolutionx94
  7. decided to do it earlier than planned because why not. [uSER=42983]@serobrine1[/uSER] i was in a good mood so i included you in it. Excluded banned users because I can't see a reason of why I would put you in. [MEDIA=imgur2]Sph0Jy7[/MEDIA] Congrats @Judgement send me a message on discord #Akalli9999 ( u should have that already anyways) bop
  8. Yo sign up are closed so any post after this will not count and the winner will be elected on Sunday!
  9. [MEDIA=imgur2]rKRJUkW[/MEDIA] giving away,has to be on silver silver,all u have to do is reply,winner will be randomly selected in few days. goodluck
  10. Very nice Idea.+1
  11. Indeed amazing idea,i'm curious to hear what other idea you have for the game.
  12. Congrats to all my bros
  13. aye op
  14. +1.
  15. Welcome to PRO fren :)
  16. Goodluck friends.:3
  17. Yeah,big facts.Big +1,no downside,can only be helpful.
  18. Cool idea,get that +1.:)
  19. Welcome to the forums.:p
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