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Everything posted by Thor

  1. This is most definitely not the worst idea ive seen. Has some good grounds to it.
  2. Windows RT isnt that popular an OS, Windows mobile isnt currently possible without modifying the networking code of the client.
  3. Looking at it now guys :)
  4. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS JESSIE AND JAMES !!] <r><QUOTE author="Vaati"><s> </e></QUOTE> A place at trainer valley protected by a guard, i think i saw it<e> </e></QUOTE> Its in lavender town.</r>
  5. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS JESSIE AND JAMES !!] <t>Very shortly, hall of fame will have battleable statues based on tornament winners, and ranked PvP winners. Rewards wont be as good as bosses, but will be battleable every 7 days.</t>
  6. Thor

    Cooldown command

    Possible, but difficult. Considering each NPC ID would havebto be mapped to the command every time a new one is added. Just a hassle really. As someone mentioned, each NPC has their own cooldown, and each one actually shows you (in hours might i add, but still valid)
  7. This is exactly what i meant about staff members consider amdroid players not equal to pc players and as you see this kind of attitude moves on to the pc playerbase as well. When you decide to port a game to a platform you have to deliver the same kind of service you do to the other platforms. It doesnt matter if that platform has 100,500 or 1000 players(idk how many players are on android maybe we could see that seeing how many downloads last android client had)so if your argument here is we made a new client cause we have to rush hoenn and we left a part of the community without game you already know it doesnt sound right.. And if your argument here is that there is no point for android to have their client half finished but it is better to have them wait 15 days to even play you can check the bug report of android players complaining.your valid argument about shane being the only one coding and suddenly leaving without releasing is valid but still doesnt answer to why shane is not doing simultaneously releases.if you guys stressed him to finish android before releasing both everyone would be happy This is the worst kind of person, someone who takes bits out of context, and then uses it for the basis of a counter argument. I literally said in the next sentence that we are working on improving android to make it more comparable to the PC version, something which takes time due to android not supporting unity asset files properly.
  8. Considering we needed a client update to test some Pre-release hoenn stuff, android wasnt needed. The upcoming bunch of updates and features are actually aimed at improving playability for both PC and android users. So it really pisses me off when people say we don't care about android users. Android version was due to be released but shane had to take a family trip, something he wont be back from until 2morro. And with some of the new features nearing 90% coded, there is no point in compiling and releasing a half baked android port. Shane is the only client coder. And things take time to finish. Things won't be done within 2.3 seconds.
  9. Lul, epic typo fail. Thats what i get for being on a mobile.
  10. I mean, when we shut down the servers and update the map files.
  11. Ive just fixed it, when we have a map upload, it will be available
  12. I knew it would always be in development just not as "beta" forever. It will be beta forever. You realise Nintendo owns Pokenon right?, we cannot simply release this as full because nintendo would slap us back into 2014 with a lawsuit. We keep it in beta because it means then we can continue to work on the game, without outside people saying it is full.
  13. You do realise that this version of the client is illegally distributed and therefore you will be banned for using it, right? We have no official release of the android client yet.
  14. I would advise reading the ToS, specifically the part about 3rd party clients and modified clients :) Android version hasnt been released on purpose.
  15. Im going to have to say no to this. Its too open to abuse, and we will never have money winning in PvP.
  16. This game is a lot harder than the handhelds. A pokemon with 35 base attack and 55 base spatk is going to get blown away. They are weak pokemon, ledian makes an average spdef wall, that is about it.
  17. Ledyba has always been bad. The only reason it was useful was because ledian could learn the elemental punches (if i remembe right).
  18. Nope, not possible. The function used is the same function for legendary encounters, and shiny chance has been disabled on purpose for that reason
  19. why make something more difficult than it needs to be?
  20. guess you missed the point then. sometimes you get dud drops. that is part and parcel of playing a MMO, Deathwings prizes arent bad, just because you dont like them doesnt mean theyre bad. the nothing prize is because sometimes deathwing is just like that
  21. i see you fail to see the point of what gym leaders and the elite four are actually for. theyre supposed to be hard.
  22. Thor

    Mt. Battle

    that was what i was going to go for.
  23. Thor

    NB: Hoenn

    this would mean nothing. Players with Mew can run through hoenn anyway. Mew is in Faraway island (hoenn). Players should be allowed to trade and buy pokemon as they please.
  24. some of these suggestions are already in the works (PvP shop mainly). the legendary idea will never happen. simply because we are already working on adding some legends to the game. some require areas that arent even mapped, so adding them into routes as huntable wont happen either. basically means they will be farmable, which wont be possible, at all.
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