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Everything posted by Thor

  1. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS JESSIE AND JAMES !!] <r><QUOTE author="harden21"><s> </e></QUOTE> not a boss.<br/> <br/> rather the beginning of a quest.</r>
  2. None of u have got it right. New dig spots were added to mt moon. To which his map hasnt updated. Whwt he needs to do is press F2, then type clearmaps in the console window. Then close the client completely.
  3. Thor

    Dig Spots

    I will do them when i get home. I forgot to change hiker quaids movement patterns
  4. Just use /ignore. E.g. /Ignore jbdcr1 would ignore your messages, and chat comments
  5. Thor

    Dig Spots

    That means maps werent updated properly. Wait under after 10pm GMT+1
  6. Re: Updated Dig Spots! *Informations, treasures and more" <t>There are now 8 in mt moon 1f</t>
  7. Its too bad its not just an idea then :p We have had multiple colours of bikes from the start, just never added. I will ask shane to add them in and add ways to swap the original for one.
  8. if someone wants to make forum guide translations, thats cool as long as you credit the original author
  9. That wont happen for at least a few years :) so dont worry.
  10. Re: Updated Dig Spots! *Informations, treasures and more" <t>This thread is looking pretty spot on so far :) keep it up as i add more. Good work.</t>
  11. This is actually a good suggestion. Carel would probably love to do these, as she has done most of the games spriting. I will pass this on to her, and ask for her feedback.
  12. U do realise that non-active playing is against the rules, right? Epecially AFK timing just to gain hours. Your behaviour is exsctly the type of thing this rule prevents, and the reason we have queues.
  13. there is already unranked battles. just ask someone to battle u level 50s
  14. Re: Updated Dig Spots! *Informations, treasures and more" <t>Actually, dig spots will be slightly different, they will have different prizes per cluster. Those 2 spots on route 3, have different things in.</t>
  15. How is that a bug? HM moves are forgettable. Just relearn cut
  16. Also, PRO isnt built using flash.
  17. I wouldnt say useless. Far from it in fact. My Lugia can sweep whole teams. We have already decided how we want to distribute legendaries. Ones above 600 base stats will not be distributed unless in extreme circumstances, and only then 1 in the entire server. For example, there is a Lugia, Giratina and a Mewtwo in Red server, and im pretty sure a Lugia in Blue too. You have to be incredibly skilled to get one, or win a major tornament with one being a prize. We allow the <600 ones to be caught, because it gives players something to strive for. Furthermore, legends arent tradeable anyway. So they have 0 value And for fuck sake why do people keep asking to nerf stuff. We arent PWO, if you like nerf mechanics, go there.
  18. Thor

    Dig Spots

    Yes, in some later areas, some pokemon will be new ones. Pokemon that appear will share at least one type with rock/ground/steel. That opens up a lot of possibility for what i can add. Route 3 has no really rare pokemon in there, but somewhere like victory road, could have trapinch or roggenrola, or pokemon not even ingame, such as Aron (however saving that for hoenn most likely) for example.
  19. Thor

    Dig Spots

    trees can contain shinies, it's a false rumor that they can not. EDIT: woops nevermind after some research I found that they don't, my bad :p. Trees cant contain shinies, and neither can dig spots, and its not possible for them to be either
  20. levels that are ?? mean theyre hidden. its supposed to pose as a challenge, so you cant guess the level. train wartortle until level 36, evolve it Onix is a pokemon with high defence, ur using a physical attacking move against
  21. u cant. naero uses a variable cooldown, not using the original function the others use. so its not possible
  22. Thor

    Dig Spots

    Many of you guys have asked that I give the old Dig Spots a shake up, just like I did with Headbutt Trees. Well, over the next few days/weeks, you will start to see more and more of the original spots updated. Here is what's changed: - Dialogue updates similar to Headbutt Trees - Can now find Pokemon, although there is less of them then there is potential items. - It is now impossible to get nothing from spots (although this may change in the future). - Super Rare items, such as fossils, and rare evo stones will now be slightly easier to get from them. - Cooldown has been reduced from 4 days to 3. - Now requires Thunder Badge to use them (due to being able to get potentially rock/ground/steel types for surge) as of 16/5/16 (basically, when we have the next set of map updates), dig spots will have been updated until Mt. Moon 1F. They take a lot longer than trees to update, as there is so much more info to add. So the progress will b a little slower. Also, for new dig spots planned for Ice Path, i will need to wait for a client update
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