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Everything posted by Thor

  1. its part of the orange islands, which is a long term MS only area we are working on. It wont be released for at least a year or 2, so dont expect to be able to go there anytime soon.
  2. they would also need rescripting.
  3. wouldnt work without rescripting all dig spots. i'm going to say no for now.
  4. thats Red's hat. Ash's hat is nowhere. when it is available, it will only be available for people who started with pikachu when i add it in. i start with pika and i think i know where can i find it now :D thanks for clue Arnie-sensei it's not even obtainable. so how would you know where to get it to?
  5. thats Red's hat. Ash's hat is nowhere. when it is available, it will only be available for people who started with pikachu when i add it in.
  6. Welcome mati :) Either Red or blue will do, although Red is much older, blue has been up for a month or 2, so go there if u dont want to start too far behind
  7. Thor

    Mt. Battle

    I liked Pokemon XD gale of darkness. great 3D pokemon game. I would like to create this sometime, would take a while to make, and i could make it more difficult.
  8. wont be released until tomorrow at least.
  9. did u not go to pokemon tower? also, you missed saffron gym.
  10. either from the scientist. or get lucky against jessie/james boss (one of the possible rewards)
  11. Thor


    ok now, bye bye then :)
  12. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS JESSIE AND JAMES !!] <t>Both, if you picked pikachu as a starter, u can use any team (dont have to have pikachu in team), otherwise you must have pikachu lvl 100 (if u started with any of the others).<br/> <br/> oh the exclusive battles will be kanto starter pikachu only.</t>
  13. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS JESSIE AND JAMES !!] <t>You need a pikachu UNLESS you started kanto with one. it was also a spoiler for the pikachu exclusive battles i will soon be adding.</t>
  14. the ability lists were incomplete before. Congratulations, that's what abilities those pokemon were supposed to have!
  15. Welcome :) Ill be sure to have run running circles around you on a mount that doesn't exist in the client yet :p
  16. Thor


    it has already been decided that kalos wont be added. whether this changes on the future, we don't know. but as of right now, we have no plans to include kalos.
  17. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS JESSIE AND JAMES !!] <t>yeah, they should reappear every 2 weeks</t>
  18. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS JESSIE AND JAMES !!] <t>FYI, jessie and james teams are listed the wrong way round on the topic. also. You are supposed to require a Pikachu. (if you didnt start with one u need to have a level 100 one in your party)<br/> <br/> if the above doesnt work, then i need to rescript it lol.</t>
  19. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS JESSIE AND JAMES !!] <t>well more is better most of the time :) Waiting for hoenn mainly so prizes can be a bit broader. but for now, we have quite a few bosses. I'm waiting on my new processor before i attempt scripting a boss challenge (will be multiple boss teams), there will be nice prizes from there ;)</t>
  20. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS CHUCK, ELM !!] <r><QUOTE author="Klixzzz"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> Some other bosses in the game u "accidentally" blocked to troll us? :P<e> </e></QUOTE> nah, not right now :) but i will be adding more soon. and at least 6 more when hoenn is out</r>
  21. This whole system was discussed for weeks and weeks right at the start (late 2014). this was the best way forward. Legendaries were never intended for solely pvp use. mainly for showing off how far youve progressed. if you got a bad one, shit happens. Both of mine are terrible, but you dont see me changing anything anytime soon, because that is how it needs to work. some people say it isn't fair, but life isnt fair.
  22. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS CHUCK, ELM !!] <t>the choosing pokemon thing was just for asthetics :p<br/> <br/> also, depending on which NPC you choose, you get a different team to battle.</t>
  23. Tr1ckz, thank you. you've literally saved me hours of work to go through and catalog their spawn locations
  24. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS CHUCK, ELM !!] <t>bosses are supposed to be difficult. i think most of the complainers fail to see the point of why i added them in fhe first place, i didnt add them to be easy and gift you with near-legendary pokemon every 5 minutes. They're meant to be difficult, and only sometimes rewarding. I havent spent a pokedollar on potions and revives and other things on my player account, yet most of the time i win. its all about setting teams up to beat them. if you cant win without 73638738464747 revives, then that was the point. Its your fault for spending money that didnt need to be spent. Clearly some of you havent played many MMOs, battling bosses and having them only drop good items sometimes is a part of the general RPG culture. If you don't like that, you're playing the wrong genre of game.</t>
  25. Most of these suggestions assume things about the scripting that in reality isnt possible. Boss cooldowns are done per NPC, we also cant determine the day of something specifically. So, when we say it can't be done, it can't be done lol. Also, I don't really want to either. This was why i added cooldowns to each individual NPC also reduced the subway prices, so players could get to places better. we will soon find a way to remove the locked rebattle effect aswell. So, this as a whole isnt necessary, or needed.
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