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Everything posted by Latias

  1. Are you asking for the price (50k-100k roughly on Blue Server), how the prices vary per hat color (not much variance atm), or what a party hat is (just a customization/accessory item)?
  2. how do i do ev training umbreon hp and def / s.def and hp / atk and hp vaporeon def and hp / s.def and hp ? ty for help <3 For Umbreon, do DEF and SPDEF; for Vaporeon, do DEF and HP.
  3. Updated for Shieon Boss. Let me know the rewards you receive! :Sing:
  4. Very responsible choice! Good luck on your exams and I hope you get into your dream school! :heart:
  5. I'd say make the first one Umbreon, and the second one Vaporeon.
  6. I believe, unfortunately, staff cannot help you evolve a Pokemon that requires a special area to have been leveled up in. You can find out more in the Evolution Request Megathread.
  7. You should be able to check on your PRO Dashboard.
  8. Pretty sure you can get more than 3-5k out of someone who wants to collect all the Christmas Pokemon. I haven't seen one being sold so I'm not sure what the market value would be, but probably a little more than what an Xmas Sentret is going for.
  9. Welcome new commer! Enjoy your stay~ :Sing:
  10. Latias


    It's not something to be 'fixed'; the game is purposely run on Set mode. You can find staff reasoning about it here.
  11. Are your PC Boxes full? You'll need to make some room in order to catch more Pokemon if so. :Angel:
  12. Re: ❄ Christmas Event 2017 Walkthrough | Main Quest & Master Ball | Guardian Kaguya & Reroll Ticket ❆ <r><QUOTE author="randel00" post_id="483854" time="1513895617" user_id="302387"><s> </e></QUOTE><COLOR color="pink"><s></s><SIZE size="85"><s></s>Thanks again! Added the locations to the main post~ <E>:Angel:</E><e></e></SIZE><e></e></COLOR><br/> <QUOTE author="President" post_id="483942" time="1513903652" user_id="267381"><s> </e></QUOTE><COLOR color="pink"><s></s><SIZE size="85"><s></s>Unfortunately, you cannot and it seems like that won't be changed. However, I recall a staff in the Discord saying there may be a 'second chance' at the Master Ball for those who did not pick it up the first time.<e></e></SIZE><e></e></COLOR></r>
  13. I'm fairly sure you need to be a Kanto champion.
  14. Fairly sure PRO will never be allowed in the Play Store due to intellectual property and copyright issues.
  15. Welcome! :heart:
  16. Welcome back! I basically did the same thing; played a bit in 2016 and came back in 2017, hehe :heart:
  17. Welcome, uh... what was your name again? :Crazy:
  18. Re: ❄ Christmas Event 2017 Walkthrough | Main Quest & Master Ball | Guardian Kaguya & Reroll Ticket ❆ <r><QUOTE author="ReKaioh" post_id="482795" time="1513707200" user_id="1429787"><s> </e></QUOTE><COLOR color="pink"><s></s><SIZE size="85"><s></s>You can still get the Big Nugget (updated the Guide with the location), but you cannot get the Master Ball. I'm sorry!<e></e></SIZE><e></e></COLOR><br/> <QUOTE author="ItsLeqs" post_id="482526" time="1513679139" user_id="1467204"><s> </e></QUOTE><COLOR color="pink"><s></s><SIZE size="85"><s></s>Thanks for the info and I can confirm you are correct! Will update shortly.<e></e></SIZE><e></e></COLOR><br/> <QUOTE author="randel00" post_id="482862" time="1513714737" user_id="302387"><s> </e></QUOTE><COLOR color="pink"><s></s><SIZE size="85"><s></s>Thanks Randel! Updated the guide with the location. You the best.<e></e></SIZE><e></e></COLOR><br/> <QUOTE author="xDastan" post_id="482864" time="1513715763" user_id="1779854"><s> </e></QUOTE><COLOR color="pink"><s></s><SIZE size="85"><s></s>Thanks for the info! Will update the range. <EMOJI seq="2764">:heart:</EMOJI><e></e></SIZE><e></e></COLOR></r>
  19. Welcome! :heart:
  20. You've put so much work into this, and the Luxray is super adorable! I used to do pixelart way back around in 2007; maybe I'll get back into it sometime and use this as a reference. :Shy: Good work!
  21. Farewell Akalli. I always liked your name because I used to one-trick the LoL character Akali. :Crazy: May the future be bright for you! :heart:
  22. Re: ❄ Christmas Event 2017 Walkthrough! ❆ <r><QUOTE author="elyaskhan" post_id="481964" time="1513597626" user_id="1405418"><s> </e></QUOTE><COLOR color="pink"><s></s><SIZE size="85"><s></s>What step were you on? After defeating the evil grinches in that area, you should be able to enter. You are not able to re-enter the interior after completing the quest.<e></e></SIZE><e></e></COLOR></r>
  23. Re: ❄ Christmas Event 2017 Walkthrough! ❆ <r><QUOTE author="DhraK4" post_id="481925" time="1513591247" user_id="1581114"><s> </e></QUOTE><COLOR color="pink"><s></s><SIZE size="85"><s></s>Unfortunately, you're currently unable to re-enter the lair after completing the quest. A few staff members have been notified of this via Discord as a few players have the same predicament. I'm unsure if any of the content scripters are planning on removing the police guard.<e></e></SIZE><e></e></COLOR></r>
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