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Everything posted by Bhimoso

  1. Not having a prompt for repels could make it easier to bot (since the bot would just have to press 1 and then 1 2 3 4 to fight, since these are the shortcuts for fight -> attacking moves in battle). However, I'd understand it being automatic and helpful. I'd say +1, but I'm unsure.
  2. You have to write this where Alixx told you, in the report section. A Trade Moderator might be able to help you out :) good luck!
  3. Bhimoso

    Cristal onix

    This Would Be A Good Event Idea As A Christmas Skin For Both Onix And Maybe Steelix, I Am In Favour That This Be Just A Reskin For Christmas And That It Is Huntable Like Other Christmas Skins. +1
  4. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/discipline-appeals.37/ You have to ask here regarding your ban and ask for details and what to do.
  5. Animations would take a LONG time but I'd be in favour of it. Battle UI and PVP rework are on the way so that might come somewhere in the future :)
  6. Press F for our fallen soldier who fell to the curse of the vermillion rework, trapped eternally, had his dreams crushed Because of moppers omegaLUL and forfeited his adventure to never come back :( i mean did you just try to battle him and then having him relog while in unranked pvp battle? He should've been able to teleport out fine lol
  7. Welcome to the game! Any server is fine. Just defeat pokemon nonstop without switching and you should be fine :)
  8. What does OLD PC have to do with the guide though? The guide explains it perfectly and is still up to date. It works on all windows PC, it has nothing to do with having an old one.
  9. You can just wait until he comes up or a trade moderator could trade it back if you tell them which pokemon and to who do they have to give it back, as far as I know.
  10. There's a bug going on with lend trade where lent pokemon take more time to be sent back. You only need to wait more but you can also wait for a Staff response :)
  11. There are outbreaks that sometimes spawn alolan pokemons all over the world. You can check where they spawn in the official discord in the outbreaks channel, as alolan forms don't have a fixed spawn right now.
  12. Where did you buy this? In a NPC? Or from a player?
  13. And if you're lazy to read the link he gave you: Get HM Cut in S.S Anne, beat the third gym badge in Vermillion, get 10 pokemon caught data in dex, cross Diglett Cave from route 11 (to the east of vermillion) until you reach route 2, then go south and talk to the investigator in the house so he gives you flash. Afterwards, go back and go to Cerulean and head east, cut the trees, cross route 9, go south to routr 10, cross rock tunnel, reach lavender, head west and use the underground path in route 8 to reach route 7, then go west and reach Celadon. Good luck!
  14. Just add a rock I guess (or Waleed1301 NPC kappa just kidding) +1
  15. As Allsmell said, it's impossible to deevolve a pokemon. Your only way is to use daycare tutors.
  16. You might've picked up the item in the past and not remembered it now. I did a guide on the monetary items thingy and as far as I know, that one does not respawn (isn't it big pearls though?) Wait for a Staff member to resolve it, I guess.
  17. You can reset your password here. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forgot-password If you are experiencing issues, try to clear your browser cache or try a different web browser! If you forgot your password but have the account's name, you can try it in this link and then just resetting it in your email. If you still don't receive it, wait for a Staff member to help you out :)
  18. If you were banned, you'll have to ask here: If you do not know why you were banned, or want to check the length, check the dashboard first. https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/ If you feel like your ban is unjust, make an appeal in the Discipline Appeals sub-forum. https://tinyurl.com/PRODisciplineAppeals Mute and trade bans do not show up on the Dashboard, ask for more information in your appeal. If you have made an appeal and are not receiving a response, you can bump it once every 24 hours.
  19. I'd love an ingame guild poke bank (could be added into guild island). +1
  20. +1, I wouldn't mind an accessible place to train poison fire and more pokes instead of going to pinkan.
  21. Absolute +1, I got tired of losing top 1 several months in a row because certain guilds kept buying players the last days and bringing extra accounts in the last moments before ladder ended.
  22. It's probably because the server is having its first issues in months today. Check out the official discord, they'll update you every minute :)
  23. Gold seemed to be down, check the official Discord server for updates :)
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